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“Cloud Water City candidate Yang Dianfeng, age, ten years old, cultivation base, Mortal Deity Stage.”

“Hundred Trees City candidate Mu Zisheng, age, ten 5…”

“Huajiancheng Candidate Ding Wan……”

In the blink of an eye, the Cultivation Base Test instrument in front of the candidates who boarded the test bench quickly reported their respective information.

In these ten testers, basic information including the age, image, and city of all students has already been entered.

Among them, Yang Dianfeng, who was cultivated to Mortal Deity Stage at the age of ten, was supposed to be this time Martial Arts College Entrance Examination. They were most noticeable in the examination of the ten cities in the north.


With ten instruments, all the cultivation bases of ten candidates were broadcast.

In an instant, Hundred Trees City City Lord Mu Wenbo, various Supervisors in various cities, and on and off stage, all candidates.

But all of them went to the examination table, Liu Yang, unkempt, like beggar, looked over.

But in this 1000 100 line of sight, in this brief moment, the thoughts contained in it are extremely unified.


After the tester brought out Liu Yang’s Cultivation Base Test, whether it’s people who didn’t put Liu Yang in their eyes, or a matter of no concern to oneself who hung high, or those who were in private before, People who taunt Liu Yang.

In this brief moment, they all showed a terrified look!

“Overlord Stage?”

“This Liu Yang, locked himself in the dormitory for 3 days, without eating or drinking, actually broke through to the Overlord Stage?”

It was the two assessment teachers, and at this moment, it was a bit stunned.

The name Liu Yang has been widely circulated not only among candidates these days.

They are all heard about Liu Yang several times.

Therefore, as soon as Liu Yang came to power, they saw Liu Yang’s appearance, and they had a guess in their minds and recognized Liu Yang.

But they never imagined that Liu Yang had locked himself in the dormitory for 3 days, which actually broke the ground.

From Diamond Stage, breakthrough to Overlord Stage.

To know Overlord Stage and Diamond Stage, there are 2 completely different concepts.

The top ten martial art schools in Cloud Prefecture give the treatment of Overlord Stage martial artist, generally the treatment of second-class talented students.

2 Waiting for the treatment of talented students may sound low, but the benefits it brings are far more than ordinary students.

“Breakthrough, really breakthrough!”

Below, Ma Xingwang Xu Wenjie and Zhou Bing 3 people, after seeing Liu Yang actually break through the Overlord Stage, they also showed their excitement.

In the past few days, several of them were also implicated because of their good relationship with Liu Yang, and they got a lot of white eyes.

At this moment, as Liu Yang revealed the cultivation base of the Overlord Stage, they all immediately felt a sense of exhilaration.

“This guy……”

Qi Feng, who is in the front, murmured to himself and reached out to touch his hair.

But he found that his original long hair had been cut shortly before.

“I have nothing to do with my hair.”

“If I don’t cut my hair, I can spare a little time for cultivation.”

“I changed to eating only one meal every day, instead of eating one meal every 2 days. It was convenient once a day, and it was convenient every 2 days. Maybe now, I have also broken through to Overlord Stage…


Qi Feng exhaled softly, his face showing perseverance.

Then he closed his eyes, no matter what people around him looked at, directly in the examination room, posing a weird posture and cultivated it.

“Liu Yang can do it, and I…can do it too!”

“This guy…how is it possible…”

It’s just different from others, just surprised, surprised, and ashamed and envious.

Bai Mei from the Golden Sun Martial Arts Academy, who was standing far away from the examination room, after seeing Liu Yang actually break through the Overlord Stage, a beautiful face was full of gloomy and uncertain.

Liu Yang in Overlord Stage has completely different from Liu Yang in Diamond Stage.


She clearly remembers Liu Yang’s information.

Knowing Liu Yang, it took less than a month from Diamond Stage to break through to Overlord Stage!

Such a breakthrough speed, even if it is supported by a large number of resources, is absolutely impossible.

You have to own yourself, and you can have an incomparable talent!

Liu Yang, is there such a talent?

“I missed it, I missed it!”

Bai Mei took a deep breath: “I have inquired clearly that Mu Zisheng does indeed have a Two-Talents Body.”

“And it’s also Fire Spirit Body, and Wood Spirit Body, two special skills.”

“For our Golden Sun Academy, his value is definitely higher than Liu Yang!”

“As long as I earn him in Academy, it’s enough!”

It’s just that when Bai Mei thought about it, the other Academy’s recruiter, Teacher, looked at her weirdly.

However, they all set their sights far on Liu Yang on the examination table.

It was at this moment that a ray of sunlight fell on Liu Yang, making him look like rays of light ten thousand zhang at this moment.

Liu Yang’s tired, messy, sloppy body… no one cares anymore.

Even these things, at such moments, are all transformed into the most impressive medals for Liu Yang.

Teachers of other Academy’s a recruit students, and they are all excited.

At the same time, compared to Liu Yang’s talent.

During these 3 days, Liu Yang didn’t eat or drink, but only concentrated on the cultivation, the kind of unwillingness to show his enthusiasm for showing up, even let them feel.

Above the Blue Star, there seems to be another new star, to be gradually raised!

“Cultivation, we must have such momentum!”

A Teacher’s eyes were admired.

Then he took out his phone directly, walked to the corner, and called the Academy back.

Prepare to talk about Liu Yang and increase investment in Liu Yang.

“Liu Yang, come here and put your hand on this talent stone.”

At this time, the two appraisers on the examination table looked at each other and immediately pointed to a stone with a white halo connected to a machine with a white halo connected to a machine in front of them. with a smile:

“This talent stone can test your talent, which kind it belongs to.”

“Next, as long as you record your talent type in the file, you can go down to eat.”

“it is good.”

Liu Yang embarrassed laughed.

At this moment, besides being hungry, he actually wanted to change his clothes.

Under the guidance of Father and Mother Liu from an early age, he has never been so sloppy and has appeared in a large area.

In his view, this is not only disrespect for others, but also disrespect for himself.

So at this moment, he saw one after another, all looked at himself.

He suddenly felt a little fever in his face.

“Quickly finish the test, and then go back quickly to clean up and fill your stomach.”

Liu Yang said secretly in one’s heart.

As for…

After revealing the cultivation base of Overlord Stage, it looks like a proud cock.

Standing on the examination table with a high toe, he slapped those who had looked down upon him.

For him at this time, it was not very important.

And if he really does this, it will only disgust some people.

Youngster, with vigor and momentum, is a good thing.

But if this vitality, this impulse, turns into arrogance, then it is not necessary.

“What I want to do is actually done.”

He was thinking in his heart.

At this moment, on and off stage, countless people’s eyes are enough to make him feel dark.

Liu Yang is never proud.

He will only silently cultivate, ten years sharpening a sword.

Then when the sword came out of the sheath and exposed the chills of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, naturally all the derogations and all the contemptible sounds disappeared.

It’s that simple to pretend to hit your face.

No need to over-promote.

“This guy actually broke through to Overlord Stage…”

At this time, Mu Zisheng, who was standing on the test bench with Liu Yang, saw that when Yang Yang actually broke through the Overlord Stage, his eyes also changed shape.

Not long ago, Nie Chen of Boulder City told him that he should not be disappointed when Liu Yang was not beaten.

Speaking of prosperity and decline never last, it’s only 3 days now, what’s wrong?

But the change is too fast.

In Liu Yang, three days the river flows east, three days the river flows west.

Thinking of this, he turned his head and looked at Nie Chen.

Then I saw that Nie Chen was looking at him, and there was a hint of joking in his eyes.


Mu Zisheng exhales one breath saying gently, followed by a step, and quickly reached the talent stone not far away, and put his hand on it.

Shua! shua!

One blue and one red, two rays of light, lit up from the talent stone.

“Mu Zisheng, Awakening Two-Talents Body, Wood Spirit Body, Fire Spirit Body.”

Following the machine connected to the talent stone, Mu Zisheng’s talent was broadcast.

Two-Talents Body?

Suddenly, those who originally thought that Mu Zisheng had only one kind of Wood Spirit Body talent, all showed a stunned look.

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~!

But at this moment, those people whose eyes were still on Liu Yang suddenly saw that when Liu Yang put his hand on the talent stone in front of him.

The talent stone in front of him suddenly turned on, and at the same time lit up 3 rays of light.

The 3 rays of light present a gold, black, and gray colors.

Under the interweaving of each other, like the same ray of air, it is extremely dazzling.

Those generals, who had just turned in the direction of Mu Zisheng, turned to half of the martial artist, and they were extremely awkward.

And many people opened their mouths.

“Liu Yang, Awakening Three-Talents Body, Metal Saber Body, Body of Steel, Soul-type Unknown Body.”

At this time, the machine connected to the talent stone in front of Liu Yang quickly broadcasted Liu Yang’s three kinds of talent after a flash.


When the sound of the machine sounded, Ma Xingwang under the test bench immediately glared.

“Liu Yang this guy, no wonder the cultivation base is up, like driving, it’s horse, he actually awakened the Three-Talents Body…”

Ma Xingwang felt his heart beating violently.

He was jealous.

Really jealous.

I haven’t even awakened a kind of talent, you actually awakened 3 at once, it’s not too much?

Xu Wenjie and Zhou Bing on the side were also dull.

“Mother, look at Immortal!”

At this moment, everyone in the field seemed to become a child who saw someone flying in the sky and hurriedly shouted mother to visit.

Although they don’t know, Liu Yang’s 3 Special Skills, how about each one.

But even if the three kinds of talents are all calculated according to bad calculations, they should be comparable to Yang Dianfeng’s Heavenly Astral Water Spirit Body, right?

As for Mu Zisheng’s Two-Talents Body, there is no way to compare with it.

“Three-Talents Body…”

At this time, Mu Zisheng, who had just tested his talent, was completely stunned.

He thought again, what he said to Nie Chen before, no matter Liu Yang’s words.

At the time, Nie Chen said, don’t be slapped by Liu Yang.

I also disdain as beneath contempt and think that it is simply impossible.

But he never thought that the face-slap came so quickly.

Liu Yang’s talent is actually stronger than him.

His Two-Talents Body was supposed to be the most dazzling in this time martial arts assessment, except for Yang Dianfeng’s Heavenly Astral Water Spirit Body.

But now, his talent is completely compared to Liu Yang’s Three-Talents Body.

“This guy……”

He turned his head slightly and set his eyes on Liu Yang.

At this moment, he was real and impressed Liu Yang’s shadow deeply in his heart.

Liu Yang impressed him, it was too deep.

“It’s a really powerful talent, but this Martial Examination, I didn’t have any chance.”

“The same Overlord Stage, his Three-Talents Body, can give him only 20 points.”

“Although I am worse than him in writing test results, it is not much worse.”

“Next, as long as I perform well in Martial Examination’s Combat Examination, it is not without hope that I will surpass him!”

“Especially, he just broke through to the Overlord Stage, and it was even more likely that he hadn’t even been in the wild before and hadn’t experienced real combat…”

Mu Zisheng had many thoughts in his heart. At this moment, he was really excited by Liu Yang.

On the writing test, he was suppressed by Liu Yang, that’s all.

If he was depressed by Liu Yang on Martial Examination, he was really unwilling.

“How can this be?”

Outside Golden Sun Academy Bai Mei, after seeing Liu Yang showing the Three-Talents Body, he was even more embarrassed.

She was still thinking before that Mu Zisheng owns Two-Talents Body. In any case, recruiting Mu Zisheng into her own Academy is better than Liu Yang.

but now……

Thinking of Liu Yang’s talent, her complexion was pale.

“This child actually has such talent…”

Even at this moment, the Hundred Trees City City Lord sitting on the seat, as well as several Supervisors, saw Liu Yang revealing the Three-Talents Body, and the color of shock appeared in his eyes.

Then they all looked at the calm’Xie Baisheng’ sitting at the side.

“Tsk tsk, originally awakened the soul-type talent, no wonder he was able to take off the 1st place of this Martial Arts College Entrance Examination writing test.”

“Soul-type talent has always been the best at this.”

Several Supervisors, all tsk tsk awesome.

At the same time, it also automatically fills in the brain, giving Liu Yang the first place in this writing test, and found a reason.

Hundred Trees City City Lord Mu Wenbo, it is even more’Xie Baisheng’ said with a smile: “Sir Xie, I did not expect that there are such geniuses among the candidates you brought, you can hide deep enough. “

“This Little Brat talent is really good, even surprises me.”

‘Xie Baisheng’said with a smile, and then punished: “I believe him, I will definitely surprise you in the future.”

“Haha.” Mu Wenbo laughed. “That feeling is good. If it is this brat, it can really become the backbone of our Blue Star in the future.”

‘Xie Baisheng’ has a deep gaze and smiles without saying a word.

At this moment, he consciously is one.

Looking at each and everyone chess pieces on the board, under their own arrangement, according to a specific route, the chess players attacking the city and plundering the village.


Even Liu Yang, in his eyes, is his own pawn.

After laughed, Mu Wenbo lifts the head and said to Liu Yang: “Liu Yang, people are iron, rice is steel, you can’t reach the True Energy Stage and you can’t break the valley for a long time.”

“It’s too late now. When your exam is over, go change your clothes and have some food.”

Next, there are many students who need to test.

As long as Liu Yang can rush back after the completion of these tests, and then participate in the Combat Examination of Martial Examination, it will not violate the rules.

“Thank you Sir City Lord!”

Hearing Mu Wenbo’s words, Liu Yang quickly thanked.

At this time his voice was still hoarse, as if squeezed from his throat.

No way, in the past few days, he bit his tongue more than once.

When speaking, the tongue is almost flat, and he dare not curl up and bend back.


I just heard Liu Yang’s mouth open, and Mu Wenbo’s brow was suddenly wrinkled.

Before Liu Yang had not revealed his talent, he had spoken with 2 assessment teachers.

But at that time, he naturally would not focus on Liu Yang.

But now, as soon as Liu Yang spoke, he felt something was wrong.

“Liu Yang, what’s going on with your throat?”

Thinking about it, he asked immediately.

Liu Yang hearing this, suddenly embarrassed.

It’s a bit silly to say how you bite yourself.

However, he looked at Mu Wenbo with a serious look, and it was not easy to hide. He could only blush slightly and said: “My throat is fine, but my tongue hurts a little.”

“Before cultivation, I couldn’t calm down completely.”

“Just being able to calm down for a while, after a while, there will also be distractions in my heart.”

“So I bit my tongue and cooperated with the severe pain to get rid of distractions.”

“I bit my tongue a little bit, and it may take a few days to recover, but this is a minor injury, no major event, thank you City Lord for your concern.”

But, with Liu Yang’s words falling.

It was still noisy, talking about how amazing candidates Liu Yang talent, and other people, in this brief moment, were completely quiet.

“This guy, shouldn’t that be true?”

At this moment, one after another gaze focused on Liu Yang again.

This time, these lines of sight contain more than envy, jealousy, and other similar emotions.

This time, these eyes contain shock.

Liu Yang has a powerful talent, which is really enviable.

It can make him talked about and shocked.

But that’s it.

Want to transition from shock to shock, but impossible.

This thing is born with talent.

Unless there is a precious treasure, there is almost no way to change it.

However, the quality is different!

Liu Yang’s spirit of constantly biting his tongue in order to allow himself to concentrate on cultivation.

It is a commendable quality.

This is simply a quality that can make a person a celebrity that can be passed down through the ages.

This quality is what really shocks people.

Some people can almost imagine that after the deeds about Liu Yang spread out later.

Those students in elementary and middle schools may need one more material when writing essays.

Pa pa pa ……

Suddenly, at this time’s ten city Martial Arts College Entrance Examination’s examination room, someone suddenly applauded.

The applause spreads, gradually, even in one piece.

“We Human Race, there is hope!”

Even Mu Wenbo and a group of Supervisors applauded Liu Yang in this brief moment.

Looking forward, full of expectations.

“Tsk tsk is indeed the person of our Six Soul Control Race lineage.”

Only’Xie Baisheng’, while applauding, was thinking about all kinds of weird thoughts in his heart.

“This Liu Yang, we want the Big Dipper Academy!”

In the applause, the Teacher of Big Dipper Academy, who was standing outside the examination room, said directly: “Wait a minute, don’t grab it with me!”

“We at Big Dipper Academy are willing to give him a second-level talented student treatment!”

“Tsk tsk, the treatment of second-class genius students, who can’t get it out?” Bright Heart Martial Arts Academy recruiter Teacher directly responded, “On the basis of second-class genius students, we Bright Heart Martial Arts Academy , Can also give him some other benefits.”

At the time when these enrollment teachers battled each other, the enrollment of Dragon Gate Martial Arts University teacher Ding Dazhu, not at all get involved.

Instead, he walked far away, took out his mobile phone, and called the head of Dragon Gate Martial Arts University, who was responsible for enrollment.

At this time, the applause had thinned.

“These people bite their tongues for cultivation without a joke, why did they all applaud?”

Liu Yang’s eyes glanced down the stage. When he saw the countless sights of himself to disdain as beneath contempt, when he looked at himself with some worship at this time, he suddenly felt dizzy.

Of course, when he was dizzy, his heart was very dark.

However, these obviously cannot be shown.

At the same time he also felt that he was on this stage for too long.

Seemingly disturbed, Martial Arts College Entrance Examination continued.

So he hurriedly said to Mu Wenbo: “Sir City Lord, my tongue injury is really just a minor injury.”

“I’m not here, and continue to delay everyone Martial Examination.”

Mu Wenbo slightly nodded and said: “Well, you go down to tidy up and have some food.”

This is the Martial Examination site, they really shouldn’t do anything else here.

Only just now, after seeing Liu Yang’s performance, he couldn’t hold back.

In response to Mu Wenbo’s reply, Liu Yang sighed in relief hurriedly turned and walked off the test bench.

“Liu Yang, just now, sorry.”

Seeing Liu Yang step down, impatiently urged Liu Yang before, the Diamond Stage candidate of No. 1 High School who came on stage soon.

When Liu Yang walked not far from his face, his face changed slightly and he said.


Liu Yang startled, followed with a smile: “It’s okay, I just did delay everyone’s time.”

Immediately he rushed the student nodded and walked out of the examination room quickly.

“Sure enough, it is a genius who can break through to the Overlord Stage in 3 days. This temperament alone is not comparable to me.”

As Liu Yang left, the candidate’s fists tightened and tightened.


“Liu Yang, I am the Teacher of Big Dipper Martial Arts Academy, and our Academy is willing to provide you with the treatment of second-class talented students…”

“I am an enrollment of Azure Profound Martial Arts Academy, and our Academy…”

When Liu Yang first came out of the examination room, dozens of students from all major Martial Arts Universities enrolled Teacher, and they gathered in a swarm of bees.

“Liu Yang, we meet again.”

Even Bai Mei of Golden Sun Martial Arts Academy came a little awkwardly.


Seeing these people, Liu Yang raised his eyebrows, and slightly lowered his body, then said hoarsely: “I’m so sorry, I said before, I won’t consider joining any Martial Arts Academy before the end of Martial Examination.

“It’s okay, let’s just get to know everything and wait until Martial Examination is over.”

Teachers heard this, all of them said quickly.

Martial Arts Academy will not join any Martial Arts Academy until the end of Martial Examination…

Before this time, Liu Yang’s words, in the eyes of many people, were a symbol of his arrogance.

But at this moment, this sentence has become a sign of his confidence.

PS: 6400 words, one chapter is forced to complete

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