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Liu Yang returned to his dormitory, took a good bath, and changed his clothes. The whole person suddenly felt refreshed.

But that’s not enough.

He then took a lot of food out of the storage bag, roasted pig’s trotters, roasted leg of lamb, and roasted chicken feet…like a three-day hungry tiger, and ate it.

Liu Yang doesn’t save much treasure in his storage bag.

There are only a few sets of Black Iron Armor, and a Saber Skill Stone.

The rest of the space was used by him to store clothes and food.

Anyway, if these ordinary things take up too much space, then he will throw them away at that time, and it will be done.

There is nothing to lose.

“It’s really amazing. I thought Liu Yang rejected Bai Mei of Golden Sun Martial Arts Academy overestimate one’s capabilities, but I didn’t expect that he really broke through to Overlord Stage.”

“In order to concentrate, bite the tongue cultivation, tsk tsk, from now on, Liu Yang is my role model.”

In Liu Yang’s big meal, he was still being discussed because of the talent he displayed and the cultivation success that he called Danger Land’s counterattack in the previous 3 days.

Even this matter, after fermentation, has begun to spread out farther.

No matter what happens in the future.

As some people before thought, Liu Yang’s experience will be remembered by countless people.

Even in this, his Three-Talents Body, but will be added.

He has been cultivation for 3 days in a row, in order to concentrate, bite the tongue to expel the miscellaneous thoughts with severe pain, and the valuable quality of not swearing to achieve the goal is immortality!

It is something that will be widely used as an example!

Dang dang dang ……

Liu Yang just killed 7 pig’s trotters, 8 lamb legs, and 8 chicken feet in one breath. I felt that it was not perfect. When I was about to kill another chicken foot.

Outside the door, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

“Wait, come now.”

Upon hearing the knock on the door, Liu Yang said immediately.

Then he quickly cleaned up the room, wiped his mouth clean, and came to the door of the dormitory, looking out through the door.

“is her?”

Liu Yang startled.

He found that the knocker turned out to be Bai Mei of Golden Sun Martial Arts Academy.

After thinking about it, he opened the door.

Then looking at Bai Mei wearing a white shirt, a gray black one-step skirt, and high-heeled shoes, he said, “Teacher Bai, don’t you know who you are?”

“Liu Yang, I came here to apologize to you.”

Seeing Liu Yang open the door, Bai Mei with a beautiful face immediately turned to Liu Yang as a teacher of Golden Sun Martial Arts Academy.

“I know, you must have been resentment because of my words a few days ago.”

“I also confess that I really wanted to compare you with Mu Zisheng to increase Mu Zisheng’s favor with me so that Mu Zisheng could be introduced into our Golden Sun Martial Arts Academy.”

“But I really hope you believe, apart from this, I’m really not too malicious.”

“I was also sure at the time, and wanted to give you the treatment of talented students such as Academy 2.”

“Besides, it is only my own decision to do so. It has nothing to do with our Golden Sun Martial Arts Academy.”

“So I really hope, Liu Yang, you don’t want to be mad at our Golden Sun Martial Arts Academy.”

When talking in this way, Bai Mei’s pupil light is extremely sincere, and Liu Yang’s eyes are looking straight.

At the same time, she put her ten fingers of her two hands tightly together and placed them diagonally on her belly.

Make her look faintly nervous.

In a trance, it gives a pitiful feeling.

As if she was worried, Liu Yang would not forgive herself.


Seeing this pair of Bai Mei, Liu Yang was in a trance, and the odd thoughts of each and everyone appeared in his heart:

“If Qi Feng is here, I’m afraid he is already blushing. Noon dare not speak?”

“But maybe, I taught him the last time.”

“It’s such a little elder sister… well, big sister too. With his strength, he can cry for a long time with a punch.”

“Well, I just don’t know the strength of Golden Sun Academy’s recruiter Teacher?”

At this time, Bai Mei, who was standing gracefully at the door, saw Liu Yang’s eyes flickering, and she suddenly felt a little proud:

“Sure enough, it’s still a little younger. It seems that I don’t need too much effort to eliminate his previous irritability.”

“En? What is the hell in my head?”

Suddenly, Liu Yang saw Bai Mei in front of him, and secretly reached for his thigh, and fiercely pinched it.

I thought to myself: “This is a transition of cultivation. The distracted thoughts in my brain that were previously expelled have run out again at this time?

But Liu Yang did not know that with Bai Mei’s strength, his every move could not escape Bai Mei’s perception.

After seeing his move, Bai Mei’s mouth suddenly sketched a smile.

At the same time, she was even more sure of her guess.

“Teacher Bai rest assured!”

At this time, Liu Yang, who felt very wrong, took a deep breath.

Then his teeth habitually touched on the tongue of his riddled with scars.

The next moment, he felt the pain, and all the distractions in his heart subsided.

Then he expressed his right way: “I not at all blame you, as for being mad at Golden Sun Martial Arts Academy, it is even more impossible.”

“Golden Sun Martial Arts Academy is one of our top ten martial art schools in Cloud Prefecture, and it has made great contributions to Cloud Prefecture, Blue Star Alliance, and the entire Human.”

“So I have great respect for Golden Sun Martial Arts Academy.”

“Then I don’t know, Liu Yang, do you have the intention to join our Golden Sun Martial Arts Academy?”

Bai Mei hearing this, immediately hitting the railroad while it was hot: “I have asked for instructions before we come. Our Golden Sun Martial Arts Academy, in addition to giving you the treatment of second-rate talented students, can also…”

“Teacher Bai!”

Liu Yang frowned, before Bai Mei finished speaking, interrupted her and said:

“I have said that before, before the end of Martial Examination, I will not consider joining any Martial Arts Academy, I hope you can understand.”

“Liu Yang…”

“Hope you can understand!”

Liu Yang repeated what he had just said, and his tone increased slightly.

He really only admires the Golden Sun Martial Arts Academy.

But for Bai Mei, hehe.



Even if he stood closer, he felt a little sick.

A good skeleton, but a bad heart.

He is always pretending to be a gesture. Such a person really makes him like does not raise.

Therefore, don’t say that he has decided to join Dragon Gate Martial Arts University.

Even if he is not sure, he will not choose Golden Sun Martial Arts Academy because of Bai Mei’s existence.

After all, for him, the other few of the top ten martial arts schools, as long as the treatment is not bad, are actually no different.

Which one is the same?

Why have you wronged yourself so close to someone who makes you feel sick?

“Yes, sorry, I was disturbed at this time.”

Bai Mei hearing this startled, then said slightly lowered.

Then she lifted her beautiful head and looked at her, close at hand, but from beginning to end, she did not invite herself into the door…

He even put one of his hands on the door, as if guarding her from breaking into Liu Yang.

Only then did I know that I had just misunderstood something.

The young man in front of him is obviously not that kind. He is a character who can’t move as soon as he sees a beautiful woman.

“Sure enough, this kind of cruelty that constantly bites the tongue cultivation in order to get rid of the distractions in the heart, can not be simply fool…”

Seeing Liu Yang like this, Bai Mei finally gave up, the unrealistic idea in his heart.


At the same time, she felt very regretful in her heart.

With the powerful talent exhibited by Liu Yang, as well as the quality that does not stop at the goal, future achievements are bound to be limitless.

If she hadn’t done that to Liu Yang before.

If you can invite Liu Yang into the Golden Sun Martial Arts Academy and have a good relationship with Liu Yang, it will be much better than having a relationship with other who.

With a bitter smile in his heart, Bai Mei turned to Liu Yang nodded, turned around and walked back.

“This woman…”

Looking at Bai Mei who stepped on high heels and left a little embarrassed, Liu Yang shook his head.

2 people, destined to be 2 people on the road.

In the future, he probably will not deal with this woman again.

Thinking about it, he turned and walked back to the dormitory, shut the door, starved to death, and fiercely made several chicken paws.

“Now you have enough to eat and drink, it’s time to continue to participate in Martial Examination!”

After everything was over, Liu Yang was shocked and felt that the whole person was full of blood and resurrected.

He looked at the time, sorted it out, and walked out of the room to the examination room.

Combat Examination is what he really expected for a long time.

Especially at this time, he planned to open up a few Item Slots.

Thinking about it this way, Liu Yang thoughts after moving out of his room, opened the laptop in the Item Slot, found a song, and played it out:

“My future is not a dream”

“My heart is moving with hope”

“My future is not a dream”

“I take every one minute seriously…”

This singing sounded only in his heart, not spread to the outside world.

With this singing, his heart suddenly became stronger.

At the same time, he also felt that he had been closed for 3 days in a row, and the sleepless cultivation seemed to make himself more resilient.

“Work hard!”

Liu Yang encouraged himself in his heart.

If you don’t work hard, you never know…

What a huge potential you have!

“Liu Yang.”

As soon as Liu Yang came to the examination room, Ma Xingwang and several people gathered around him.

“How about you all finished the exam?”

“You guy!”

Ma Xingwang did not answer, but fiercely gave Liu Yang a fist on the spot, no matter how painful his hand was.

“Say, what secret do you have to hide from us?”

“To tell a secret, there really is one.” Liu Yang hearing this, smiled suddenly, and then said, “You take out your phone, I will tell you in the group.”

“Is it really?”

Ma Xingwang stared at him.

Liu Yang didn’t answer, just took out his phone pretendingly.

Then in my heart, I controlled the laptop in Item Slot, and sent a photo made into an emoticon to a small group built by them in private.

The name of the emoticon is-

The moment when my 2 eyes were stunned!


After a moment, waiting for Liu Yang to reveal his secret Ma Xingwang, his eyes glared and his mouth opened.

He stared at his cell phone screen completely dumbfounded.

“Is this me?”

“Is this really me?”

“Liu Yang, you bastard, I want to work hard with you!”

Ma Xingwang suddenly felt like he was going crazy.

The man in the expression package sent to him by Liu Yang had his mouth open, and his two eyes looked towards one direction, which was extremely cute.

The most important thing is that the person is actually himself.

And he didn’t even know when Liu Yang took this photo.

“Haha …”


“This is good, saved, and will be used as my signature emoticon in the future.”

At this time, the mobile phone was also taken out, and Xu Wenjie, Zhou Bing, and even Qi Feng, who saw this emoticon, were unable to bear and laughed.

In the quarrel between several people, many candidates from near and far turned from time to time and looked to Liu Yang.

Liu Yang, who has changed his clothes, looks much better than before.

Coupled with the powerful talent he showed before, as well as what he did in the previous 3 days, many candidates have discussed him in private.

Only at this time, no one has despised him anymore.

“It looks like it’s coming soon.”

Amidst laughter, Liu Yang lifts the head and looks away.

I saw that at this time, candidates who had not taken the Cultivation Base Test had only a few left.

Combat Examination from Martial Examination is about to begin.

“I just don’t know what Secret Realm looks like in Hundred Trees City.”

Liu Yang thought forward.

To his knowledge, the so-called Secret Realm refers to the Blue Star universe, interlaced with New World’s space, and derived from each and everyone’s mezzanine space.

Such a space, on the entire Blue Star, the estimated number is only a few 100.

And Hundred Trees City, there is such a Secret Realm Space.

Thinking about it this way, Liu Yang looked at the examination table.

‘Xie Baisheng’ was still sitting there calmly, and he didn’t know when he could get the promise that he promised to himself.

Rank 1 Top Grade Battle Saber I won’t say it first.

As long as the Life Detector is available, he can enter Secret Realm this time, and he can be like a fish back in water.

But when he looked at him,’Xie Baisheng’ didn’t look at him as if he hadn’t seen him at all.


Liu Yang snorted in his heart.

‘Xie Baisheng’ is too strong, he ignores him first.

But after waiting, he was able to enter and leave the field freely.

Can open up a large number of Item Slots, and enhance their own strength to be extremely powerful.

He must let this guy know what kind of existence he has cultivated.

“This time Martial Examination’s Cultivation Base Test has all been completed. Now all candidates are invited to stand in the order of the city.”

Liu Yang didn’t wait long, all the candidates in the field, the test was over.

Then the fat master Martial Examination before went to the middle of the test bench and said with a microphone:

“Next, we will arrange everyone to enter Hundred Trees Secret Realm in Hundred Trees City to participate in the Combat Examination of Martial Examination.”

“The specific rules have been issued before, but this time, I have to focus on it again.”

“This time Martial Examination will be conducted in Secret Realm Space.”

“Before entering, we will provide a Leaving Symbol for all candidates.”

“This Leaving Symbol, you must recognizing Master before entering the Secret Realm Space.”

“After entering Secret Realm Space like this, as long as you thoughts move, you can be pulled out of Secret Realm Space.”

“But that’s why…I hope that in this Martial Examination’s Combat Examination, everyone can do what they can.”

“When you are in danger of life, immediately activate Leaving Symbol and leave Secret Realm Space.”

“Don’t cause yourself to die in Secret Realm Space because of your greed.”

“This is something that none of us would like to see.”

After the fat master’s voice fell, the sound of the examination room suddenly gave rise to some uproar.

Although, all candidates know this in advance.

But when I heard that this time the martial artist Combat Examination, after the death, there was still a little fear in my heart.

Of course, there are also some candidates with full confidence.

I want to show my skills in the Combat Examination of Martial Examination at this time, so as to be valued by the major Martial Arts Academy.

“I have already said what I should say, and now all candidates are invited to come to the Secret Realm entrance with me.”

After focusing on some things, the fat host put down the microphone and walked off the test bench with the assessment teacher on the test bench.

At the same time, Hundred Trees City City Lord Mu Wenbo sitting behind the test bench, and Supervisors such as’Xie Baisheng’ also stood up.

Then, Liu Yang began to examine the Teacher with other candidates, and walked towards the destination.

The entrance of Secret Realm is obviously not far from the examination room where they are located.

“Liu Yang.”

When he reached the halfway point, Liu Yang suddenly lost his mind and found that unconsciously,’Xie Baisheng’ actually came to himself.

At the same time, he reached out and handed over two things.

“this is……”

Seeing these two distinct things, Liu Yang eyes immediately lit up.

“Xie Baisheng” handed over two things, one is a very cold Battle Saber.

This battle saber, the knife is more than one meter long, and the back of the knife is very thick.

Above the blade, there is a deep blood groove.

At first glance, there will be a sense of chill.

Liu Yang of Metal Saber Body was awakened. As soon as he saw this saber, he was above it, and he felt a sharp aura of gold.

Obviously this Battle Saber is also a Metal Attribute Battle Saber.

Most of them are even’Xie Baisheng’, specially selected for themselves.

“Put this knife in Item Slot, my Metal Saber Body talent, should it enhance a lot?”

Liu Yang knows that this Battle Saber is probably the Rank 1 Top Grade Battle Saber promised to him by’Xie Baisheng’.

With excitement, Liu Yang turned his head and looked at another item in the hands of’Xie Baisheng’.

This item is similar to a laptop.

But there are 2 antennas installed on it. Obviously it is his yearn for something even in dreams, worth 500,000 yuan worth of Rank 1 High Grade technology products, life detector.

“many thanks Sir.”

Liu Yang even stretched out his hands to pick up the two items, and smoothly received it in the storage bag.

“Be good.”

‘Xie Baisheng’ nodded, and then the silhouette moved, disappeared in front of Liu Yang.

During this process, Liu Yang side did not find any abnormalities.

It’s like’Xie Baisheng’, never appeared.

As for the other Supervisors in the distance, as well as Hundred Trees City City Lord Mu Wenbo, Liu Yang did not know if they had found it.

But Liu Yang wants to come, these people should still be able to detect some.

It’s just that’Xie Baisheng’ funded him something, it’s not a violation, so I just let it go.

“The next step is to find a way to open up the Item Slot!”

Two new heavy treasures were added to the storage bag, which made Liu Yang look forward to this Secret Realm trip.

Among these treasures, he is most looking forward to putting that Life Detector in his own Item Slot.

“Is the Secret Realm entrance right here?”

5 60% of the time, a group of candidates with excitement and nervousness, followed the assessment teacher, came to this army station, in front of a huge building marked forbidden land.

The building is dark and 20-30 meters high.

The whole is like a huge iron bowl made of iron, which is buckled up on the ground, giving a very heavy feeling.

It seems that even if the giant comes and kicks, he will feel a pain in the foot.

Just in one direction, there is a huge iron gate more than 4 meters high.

“Ka! Ka! Click …”

Liu Yang and the others saw this immediately before and after this huge building.

With the sound of Mu Wenbo’s control, the huge iron gate in front of them was slowly opened after the sound of the organs running.

But after the iron door opened, everyone was surprised to find that behind the iron door, there were more than ten meters away.

There are actually 2 closed doors that present the golden one.


Then, under the watch of everyone, Mu Wenbo went to the middle of the two golden portals, not knowing what he had done.

The 2 fans closed the golden portal together before slowly separating.

As the golden portal separated, everyone immediately saw it.

Appearing in front of them, it is a constantly rotating, looking like an illusory ash-gray vortex.

Through vortex, everyone can vaguely see the opposite side, there are countless trees.

At the same time, you can see a variety of monsters, flooding the space opposite.

Even there, they also saw a large number of soldiers wearing standard equipment, Hundred Trees City.

“It turns out that the soldiers in this base actually went to Secret Realm.”

At this moment, in Liu Yang’s heart, he was slightly abrupt.

“Now, candidates, in order, come to me to collect the Leaving Symbol. After dripping blood to recognize the Master, you can enter the Secret Realm Space.”

“We have placed a lot of monitoring equipment in Hundred Trees Secret Realm, and your performance and harvest in Secret Realm will be recorded.”

“Your Martial Examination results will also be judged based on your one-day gain and performance in Secret Realm.”

At this time, the fat examiner walked to the side of the entrance of the huge building, then reached out and took out a stack of faint yellow, weird talisman with strange patterns from his storage bag.

This thing is obviously the Leaving Symbol in his mouth.

PS: I put

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