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“Liu Yang.”

Before entering Hundred Trees Secret Realm, Mu Zisheng walked to Liu Yang and said to him: “This Martial Examination, how do we compare?”


Liu Yang slightly startled.

Mu Zisheng’s words were not deliberately concealed. After his words fell, the eyes of the people around them all looked at them.

Liu Yang was about to answer, then felt the gaze of the people around him, and could not help walking to Mu Zisheng, whispering:

“Since you want to compare, then there should be a bet, what do you want to bet?”

“What are you gambling?”

Mu Zisheng was shocked.

He just wanted to compare with Liu Yang, in order to smooth the tone in his heart, he didn’t think about it at all.

When Mu Zisheng froze, Liu Yang looked up and down Mu Zisheng.

Mu Zisheng didn’t say anything else, but his white clothes on top and bottom, at first glance, were made by hand, which was of great value.

Coupled with the fact that he had heard of Mu Zisheng, it is even better to know that he has taken kiwi that can be memorable.

Mu Zisheng’s home is absolutely rich with runny nose.

That’s why I heard Mu Zisheng compare with myself in this Secret Realm Examination.

Liu Yang’s heart suddenly moved, and a hint of thought was born.

“Mu Zisheng, your clothes should be expensive, you just wear them in Secret Realm, and you are not afraid of breaking them?”

Liu Yang approached Mu Zisheng and asked quietly.

“It’s not very expensive, I’m saving. This set was only 60000 5 and I bought it with pocket money.”

“It was just my Tugili, and finally gave that store 60000 6 .”

Mu Zisheng didn’t know what Liu Yang meant, but could only whisper.

But halfway through his words, his face suddenly changed: “Wouldn’t you want me to take off this dress for you?”

“Relax, I’m definitely not interested in your clothes.”

Liu Yang said with a black face, “I think, since you are so rich, let’s bet on it.”

After hearing Mu Zisheng showing off his wealth in front of him, he finally hesitated and said directly:

“If I perform better in Secret Realm than you, and I gain more than you, I don’t have to give you money.”

“I have 1.1 million external debts outside, as long as you help me pay off this external debt.”

1.1 million external debt?

Mu Zisheng was stunned, followed by a weird look: “What if I win?”

Not far away, Yang Dianfeng, Nie Chen, Huo Xingjia, and Ding Wan all raised their ears.

Others are too far away from Liu Yang and Mu Zisheng to hear what 2 people are saying.

However, because of their close distance and their own strength, they can completely take the conversation between the two people into their ears.

Liu Yang heard Mu Zisheng’s inquiry and immediately said: “If you win, I will call you Big Brother, and I will call you Big Brother when I see you in the future.”

“If you want to get on the bus, I will open the door for you. If you want to stay in the hotel, I will carry your luggage.”

“You can rest assured that Liu Yang has always spoken and counted, not sloppy.”

Money and that thing Liu Yang himself will never bet.

I can only bet on something that doesn’t hurt him.

I really lost, and at the most, I was trying to find a way not to meet Mu Zisheng.

“This won’t work, 1.1 million, too much.”

Mu Zisheng shook his head, although he didn’t care much about money, but also not blame him.

After refusing, he said again: “I will help you return thousand at most.”

“Hundred thousand won’t work.” Liu Yang was unhappy immediately, “hundred thousand wanted me to call your brother, it was too bad, at least 300,000.”

“200,000 !”

Mu Zisheng bargained.

“250,000 !”

Liu Yang raised the price.

“OK, then 250,000, deal!”

Mu Zisheng showed a smile on his face, feeling that he was taking advantage of it.

For him, money is nothing.

In fact, for a powerful martial artist on Blue Star, money is nothing.

In order to prevent the collapse of prices, under the deliberate regulation, many things of Blue Star, especially those dedicated to martial artists, are restricted to purchase with money.

These things are more based on things.

Or use something that can only be obtained in New World, in order to buy it.

“This guy……”

Not far away, Yang Dianfeng, Nie Chen, Huo Xingjia, and Ding Wan who raised their ears and listened to the conversation of two people, all heard strange agreements from Liu Yang and Mu Zisheng.

Their looks towards Mu Zisheng’s eyes are better.

But the looks towards Liu Yang’s eyes are really a bit different from before.

Before, they saw that Liu Yang was biting the tongue because of the pressure, but after a bit of cultivation, they felt admired for Liu Yang.

But I also felt that Liu Yang was too cruel, and was afraid of getting along well.

But at this time, they saw that Liu Yang was actually bargaining with Mu Zisheng like aunt in the vegetable market.

Only then did they know that Liu Yang, like them, was not a god.

It’s just that ordinary person that’s all talented.

Thinking about it this way, Yang Dianfeng suddenly smiled and looked at Liu Yang and said, “Liu Yang, how about the two of us?”

“Do you want to compare?” Liu Yang startled, followed by shining his eyes, and immediately said to Mu Zisheng on the side, “Also like him?”

Yang Dianfeng is very strong and is the only Mortal Deity Stage martial artist among the crowd.

But Liu Yang, consciously owning a 4-Layer Black Iron Armor protection layer, is really not afraid of this guy.


Yang Dianfeng said.

Liu Yang’s talent is very strong, plus the previous performance, with 250,000 yuan, in exchange for the opportunity for Liu Yang to call himself Big Brother for life, it is still very cost-effective.

Especially, he is only ten years old.

Although as early as a few years ago, no one regarded him as a child.

But after all, there is no one older than him, call him brother.


Liu Yang elated responded.

“Liu Yang, how about taking me one?”

Seeing Yang Dianfeng speaking, Boulder City’s Overlord Stage martial artist Nie Chen was also attracted.

“And I.”

Huo Xingjia of Ancient Times City also laughed hehe.

“No problem, all come, I took it all!”

Liu Yang did not hesitate at all.

One big brother also called, and two also called. This is really not a loss for him.

And for Heaven Zi’s Chosen Child, Mu Zisheng and Yang Dianfeng, they don’t even care about the money.

For them, even if they don’t use their homes, they will make a return to the field for a trip or two.

“One person is 250,000, 4 people is 1,000,000, which is still a thousand thousand ah…”

At this time, Liu Yang broke his finger and counted.

Suddenly found that if he could win this time, he also paid back Heavenly Saber Dojo’s money.

However, it was still a thousand dollars before the money borrowed from Qi Feng was returned.

Thinking about it, he lifts the head, separated by Yang Dianfeng and set his eyes on Ding Wan in the distance.

This Ding Wan is an Overlord Stage martial artist in Huajian City, should it be rich?

“100,000 yuan left, isn’t it?”

Seeing Liu Yang looking at him, wearing an ink green leather armor and carrying a long bow on his back, he seemed to have guessed Liu Yang’s mind.

She smiled and said: “I’m not as rich as they are. If you want to compare, it’s 100,000 yuan. If you don’t want to, then forget it.”


Liu Yang curl one’s lip.

A woman has more than one mind.

“Liu Yang, you are not right.”

Seeing this scene, Nie Chen on the side immediately coaxed:

“Why are we all 250,000, and when we arrived at Ding Wan, we changed to hundred thousand?”

“Say, do you have any bad thoughts about our Goddess?”

“Goddess? I didn’t see it. I only saw a woman with a lot of eyes…”

Liu Yang said secretly in one’s heart.

Of course, these words obviously cannot be said.

He looked at Nie Chen and said, “If you want to win by yourself, I call you Elder Sister Nie, then you can also take only a thousand thousand pieces.”

Nie Chen’s face was black, and Liu Yang was speechless.

Several other people also laughed.

“Liu Yang, this guy, still seems to get along well.”

At this time, Mu Zisheng, not far away, glanced at Liu Yang and slowly took the head.

For him, this bet against Liu Yang is also a novel experience.

It actually made him feel that in the writing test and in the martial arts Cultivation Base Test, Liu Yang’s sense of failure was even dissipated a lot twice.

“It’s good to be young.”

In the distance, Mu Wenbo and the others, seeing this scene, was also a sigh.

Blue Star Alliance, since encountering the invasion from New World monster, began to attach great importance to New Generation education.

This education, in addition to focusing on the cultivation of New Generation’s personal abilities.

Also attaches great importance to the ideological and moral education of New Generation.

Therefore, today’s Blue Star Alliance has become more and more united internally.

The whole is like a huge machine with high-speed rotation, with countless parts working together to face all external crises.

“Both speed up.”

The fat examiner at the entrance of Secret Realm urged the candidates loudly.

Each and everyone candidates were hearing this, all quickly reached him, and several other assessment teachers.

After receiving a Leaving Symbol from their hands, in front of them, conduct a blood recognition master.

Leaving Symbol is absolutely not allowed to be introduced into Secret Realm without recognizing Master.

Because if this thing is obtained by the Monster in Secret Realm, accidentally dripping the blood to recognize the Master, it may cause some trouble to Hundred Trees City.

“It’s coming to us.”

Liu Yang lifts the head, looked at the few candidates left in front of his eyes, and said.

This time the ranks of each of their cities are lined upside down.

Therefore, Liu Yang, Mu Zisheng and Yang Dianfeng and the others are located at the end of their respective teams.

However, those candidates who received the Leaving Symbol, not at all immediately entered the Secret Realm, but were queued up again.

“It’s this thing. Will it be pulled out of the Secret Realm Space as soon as the idea moves?”

A moment later, Liu Yang took a Leaving Symbol from the teacher who was in charge of their Yang City.

Then, he played with a little surprise, just in front of the teacher, the Leaving Symbol in his hand, the recognition master dripping blood.

Similar to the previous experience of recognizing Master storage bag.

Immediately after recognizing Master Leaving Symbol, Liu Yang felt a strange connection between himself and this thing.

“Okay, now you can enter Secret Realm!”

After everyone’s Leaving Symbol recognizing Master, the fat examiner said loudly: “Just before entering, I will remind you again.”

“At all times, please do your best and be responsible for your life!”

After he finished speaking, he removed his body and let the gateway to Secret Realm open.

Then Liu Yang Mu Zisheng and Yang Dianfeng and the others standing at the front of the team gestured.

“Liu Yang, see you in Secret Realm!”

Mu Zisheng said, and his body moved, turned into a white shadow, and quickly rushed into the Secret Realm channel.


Yang Dianfeng patted Liu Yang on the shoulder, patted Liu Yang in a stagger, and then the silhouette flashed, bypassing Liu Yang, and rushed into Secret Realm Space.


Like Yang Dianfeng, Nie Chen, who was more than 2 meters tall, came to Liu Yang.

His body twisted and bumped Liu Yang. He bumped him aside and followed along.

Immediately, Huo Xingjia and Ding Wan, two people, looked at Liu Yang pitifully, and rushed in beside him.

“What’s wrong?”

Liu Yang feels that these guys, each and everyone are not normal.

Do geniuses look like this?

He whispered in his heart, then expressed his expression, moved his footsteps, and quickly followed along.

At this time, he broke through to the Overlord Stage, although his physical strength surged.

But not at all, like the last time I broke into Diamond Stage, the power was completely out of control.

If you take a cup, you will crush it.

He estimates that this is most likely because of his martial skill secret technique, cultivation’Metal Breaking Blade’, which has strengthened his strength control of the body for many reasons.

In addition, he gained the awakened Celestial Soul Body talent, which may help him in this respect.


Thinking this way, Liu Yang has quickly rushed into the illusory vortex ahead.

Then he felt saw a flash, and then a sense of weightlessness came, he found himself, already appeared in another space.

He looked around his eyes and found that Yang Dianfeng and Mu Zisheng, who were more advanced than him, were not around him.

Obviously, the space channel developed by Hundred Trees City, the mode entered, is likely to be random.

In other words, it was for their Martial Examination this time that they deliberately made some adjustments.

Standing on the ground, Liu Yang lifts the head, carefully looked all around, and found that he seemed to have fallen into a valley.

Beside them are a few big trees, not far from a stream.

The stream gurgled down from the stone cliff at the end of the valley beyond 2 beyond thirty meters. It was crystal clear.

Standing in the valley, looking out.

You can see the trees stand in great numbers outside the valley outside of several hundred meters, from time to time there are several strange calls, and I don’t know what life is coming out.

apart from this, the whole valley was quiet, but there was not even Insect Cry sound.

“I only have one day. In this day, I must open up more Item Slots.”

“In addition, you must show yourself well and strive to win the Dragon Gate Martial Arts Academy, the treatment of first-rate talented students!”

With a move in his heart, Liu Yang immediately took out the Life Detector from the “Xie Baisheng” from his storage bag.


He put this thing on the ground and turned on the switch with a click.

Seeing the gadget’s screen, it came on quickly.

The interface of this thing is clear and clear.

At a glance, Liu Yang can understand without instructions, knowing how to operate.

Liu Yang’s eyes fell on the screen, extend the hand, and give it a try.

Then 7 or 8 seconds later, he saw the Life Detector on the screen, centered on his location, and quickly spread a circle of ripples.

Within the ripple range, each and everyone red dots appeared one after another.

These red dots have different sizes.

The larger the red dot, the stronger the life rating.

Of course, this thing can be adjusted.

Life with mosquitoes and other levels that are too low may not be shown here.

“The red dot in the middle, which covers the human-shaped mark, should represent me?”

“However, this will not work, is this the so-called Secret Realm?”

Wait until Liu Yang’s eyes fall on the red dots on the Life Detector, eyebrows slightly frowned.

At a glance, with him as the center, the red dots in the range of 1000 meters, I am afraid there are fifty-sixty.

But these fifty-sixty red dots, except for the most central position, envelope the humanoid mark, which should be the red dot representing him.

The other red dots are too small.

He extends the hand, pointing at the screen.

Then I found that most of the red dots in the distance are marked with Body Refining 3rd Stage and Body Refining 4th Stage.

“It seems I have to run away in the distance.”

Liu Yang shook his head, picked up the Life Detector, and stood up.

Before entering the Secret Realm Space, the examiners did not say how big the Secret Realm Space was, and there was not much introduction in other areas.

As for the Internet, there is obviously no message at all.

Everything needs to be explored by the candidates themselves.

“Huh, how did this big red dot on my behalf move?”

Suddenly, Liu Yang had just stood up and found that the Life Detector was covered with that humanoid sign. In his opinion, the huge red dot representing himself, slowly moved.

Seeing this scene, he extends the hand, subconsciously on the red dot a little bit.

Then I saw a Rank 1 Peak mark appeared next to the huge red dot.

“Rank 1 Peak, isn’t it Opening Meridian Stage Peak? I just broke through to Overlord Stage.”

Liu Yang startled.

But immediately, his face changed quickly.

“Not good !”

In thoughts move, he was in the Life Detector in the quick handle, and was included in the storage bag.

Then the body sank, and then it looked like a spring was compressed and suddenly ejected. With a whine, the whole person appeared 15 meters away.


Liu Yang had just left. The big tree where he was, after a flicker, a lot of branches and leaves, just a huge azure snake head, when the ferocious rushed out of the complicated branches and leaves, crash-bang fell to the ground.

“Dried pear mother!”

At this moment, Liu Yang reacted at a critical moment and rushed out to look back.

Suddenly the heart tightened, and it was estimated that the beating speed reached 500 hits in an instant.

Before he left.

A huge Azure Snake that is more than ten meters long and thick in a bucket is entrenched in a tree.

At this time, the mouth of the blood basin was wide open, shaking the snake’s head, facing him roar.

Liu Yang’s throat bursts dry.

If it hadn’t been that he had escaped just now, this thing might have swallowed him into his stomach.

“What luck is this for me, as soon as I entered Secret Realm, I encountered this thing!”

Liu Yang fiercely took a few breaths.

He was really frightened.

Rank 1 Peak’s serpent, corresponding to Opening Meridian Stage Peak martial artist, is not something he can deal with at all.

Diamond Stage martial artist, in terms of strength, is similar to the martial artist of the weakest Opening Meridian Early Stage.

Overlord Stage martial artist is more powerful, but at most, it is comparable to the martial artist of Opening Meridian Early Stage Third Meridian.

Only Mortal Deity Stage martial artist can compare with the martial artist of Opening Meridian Stage Middle Stage 4th to 6th Meridians before breaking through.

Liu Yang feels that with his powerful defense of 4-Layer Black Iron Armor, it may also be the same as Mortal Deity Stage martial artist.

Compare with the martial artist of Opening Meridian Stage Middle Stage.

But in the face of this huge Azure Snake of Rank 1 Peak, it is obviously out of the reach.


Glancing at the huge Azure Snake, Liu Yang did not dare to hesitate, and immediately took his steps, rushing out of the mountains outside towards the mountains.

No wonder there is no bird song in this valley.

It turned out that they were driven away by this stuff.

It was only then that Liu Yang’s heart produced a clear comprehension.


There are still some inexperiences.


Behind him, the huge Azure Snake saw Liu Yang fleeing, but flew from the big tree as quickly as he could, and ran to Liu Yang quickly after him.

At the same time, his abdomen was agitated, and a roar sound like a cow was made, which made people very frightened.

“Qianli Niang, you still chase me!”

“If you really swallowed me in my stomach, whoever lived or died would not necessarily be!”

Liu Yang was angry.


It was only in the anger that Liu Yang suddenly felt that the idea he had just born seemed not unfeasible.

“Or, get into this big azure’s belly and play?”

He suddenly thought that with his own super defensive power, if he was really swallowed by this thing, when the time comes, he was really possible, just like the great mythical grand Saint Sun.

Become a belly War God and give it to life and death.

“No, you can’t take this risk!”

But in a flash, Liu Yang threw this thought away.

Once possible, he will not take the risk.

Too disgusting, too dangerous.

10000 No, he is afraid that he can only use the Leaving Symbol and leave the Secret Realm Space directly.

Although he hopes to kill this big snake, use his True Spirit to develop Item Slot.

But even if he really uses this method, he has to wait for him to put the 3 sets of Black Iron Armor in his storage bag into Item Slot.

“Escape first, you can’t escape!”

Liu Yang is running fast.

After breaking through to the Overlord Stage, his power became more powerful and exploded with all his strength. With one step, he was able to run out of sixteen-seventeen meter away.

It didn’t take long for him to run out of several hundred meters and out of the valley.

But at this time, the huge Azure Snake, who was chasing behind him, was closer to him.

So that Liu Yang was able to smell a fishy smell while running.

This snake is obviously faster than him.

“Closed, otherwise 10000 will suffer if this thing is highly toxic!”

Smelling the smell, Liu Yang sighed quickly.

After breaking through to Overlord Stage, he also became more able to hold back.

Even if it broke out with full force, holding it for ten minutes or 20 minutes would be fine.

After closing, Liu Yang released Soul Power, sensing the distance from the huge Azure Snake behind him, and his heart was fierce.

His speed is not as fast as this snake.

If this is not possible, I am afraid that I can only use this method.

“Do you have to eat me?”

“You must eat me, then I will let you eat enough today!”

As he ran, he turned halfway, and his eyes fell fiercely on the huge Azure Snake behind him.

Then he closed his eyes and slowed down slightly.


As Liu Yang slowed down, the huge Azure Snake quickly caught up.

After approaching Liu Yang, it swiftly lifted up the giant snake’s head and issued a roar like a cow.

Followed down from the top, swallowed at Liu Yang.

Its mouth is open and it is bigger than the water tank.

“It’s now!”

With Soul Power capturing this scene, Liu Yang was heartbroken.

Following him, his body twisted, and his feet exploded, and the strength penetrated.

At the next moment, he slammed up and rose.

Rotating slightly like a pile driver, it rushed into the snake mouth of a huge Azure Snake.

After entering the Snake Mouth, Liu Yang’s 2 hands immediately frantically moved.

Before making the huge Azure Snake react, he let his whole body rush into Azure Snake’s belly.

“You want to eat me, today I will give you enough!”

PS: bowl

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