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“It’s tight!”

Liu Yang’s body has just reached the esophagus from the mouth of the giant snake.

He felt a squeeze force all over his body.

If you change to a general martial artist, under this powerful force of squeezing, your skeleton will probably be crushed all at once.

Fortunately, outside Liu Yang’s body, there is a full defense layer of 4-Layer Black Iron Armor.

Can make him strong under this powerful force of squeeze.

But even so, this huge squeezing force from all directions made his activities extremely restricted.

Especially at this time, the huge Azure Snake seems to have reacted.

Knowing this time, you may have swallowed a scourge into your stomach.

That is why Liu Yang can clearly feel it.

With the violent squirming of the snake’s abdomen, the giant snake’s body within the body actually gave birth to a powerful force of repulsion.

Seems to repel himself from the body of the giant snake.

Just in a flash, he felt his two feet slip out of the snake’s esophagus.

“Not good, my feet are out!”

“It won’t work like this”

“I have to go all in!”

“open for me !”

Liu Yang roared in the bottom of his heart.

The golden glow emerged from the inside of the 2 palms, and the force burst like a magic knife with two handles cut alternately.

At the same time, within the body of the huge Azure Snake, he got out.

Pu! pu!

Rank 1 High Grade Golden Scales War Saber, the sharpness of the two palms given to Liu Yang, is not the esophagus of the huge Azure Snake at all, can resist.

After two consecutive passes, the body of the huge Azure Snake was immediately shocked.

The powerful force squeezed from all directions and the force of repulsion are all loose in this brief moment.

“It’s now!”

Liu Yang seized the opportunity and his two palms were simultaneously clawed. In the 2 grooves he just cut out from the huge Azure Snake esophagus, fiercely caught.

Then next moment, his body, by this grasping force.

Suddenly, he entered Giant Azure Snake’s body.


The giant snake issued a roar like a cow and felt a strong crisis.

Its body, which is more than ten meters long, is quickly coiled together.

Then the huge snake’s head was lifted high, and when it reached 2 3 meters high, bang, like a heavy snake whip, fiercely fell down.

Whipped hard on the ground.

In an instant, the ground was dusty, the gravel splashed, and a deep snake mark appeared.

Under the body of the giant snake body, Liu Yang was also dizzy and turned, so that he could not grasp the two grooves that had just been cut out.

At the same time, the powerful repulsive force in the giant snake’s belly was born again.

The force of repulsion generated at this time is obviously more terrifying than just now.

Liu Yang estimates that as long as he releases his hands, most of his body will be rejected from the snake’s belly.

“Tummy War God, no one can do it!”

Unable to do so, he could only use one hand to grasp the groove in the snake’s esophagus.

Then separate the other hand, turn it into a chopper, cast the’Metal Breaking Blade’ secret technique, and cut it continuously.

Like a golden blade, it was destroyed in the giant snake body within the body.

“哞 roar!”

Under the destruction of Liu Yang, the roar sound of the giant snake has changed its tone.

It sees that Liu Yang is like a piece of dog skin cream Yang, sticking to his body, and can’t be excreted.

At the same time, Liu Yang continued to attack himself.

Its snake belly is contracting, and then it is on the ground, turning into a rapidly moving snake shadow.

peng ~ peng ~ peng ~ ……

As it galloped all the way, all the big and small stones it encountered were knocked out.

After it passed by, there was a deep snake road among the grass.

It is during this process that the power derived from the body of the giant snake turns to the left for a while, to the right for a while, and then turns upward again.

It makes Liu Yang in his body extremely uncomfortable.


“Where is this guy taking me?”

“Isn’t it trying to keep running so fast and suffocate me in its stomach?”

The huge Azure Snake’s body is within the body, Liu Yang feels that under such a bump, he can’t exert himself at all.

Sometimes his hand had just turned into a blade, and his arms were restricted because of this left and right bump. Once cut into the snake’s esophagus, it could only cause a little damage to it.

Only once in a while, he can let his hand knife cut out, causing huge damage to the giant snake.

But this giant snake is really intelligent.

Even if it was extremely seriously injured, it galloped all the way, without any intention of stopping.

Liu Yang, though, has become an Overlord Stage martial artist.

However, in such a necessary situation, it is estimated that at most, you can hold your breath for 20 minutes, which is the limit.


As the serpent galloped through the jungle, all the birds and beasts in the jungle suddenly dispersed as birds and beasts, daring not to stay.

This giant snake is obviously the overlord nearby.


“Tsk tsk, Liu Yang, Little Brat, bad luck.”

“It’s a little bad. As soon as I entered Secret Realm Space, I met Azure Snake of Rank 1 Peak.”

Outside the Secret Realm Space, Mu Wenbo and the others, gathered in a room,

They looked at the image that appeared on the screen of each and everyone in front of them and talked with a smile.

These images were taken by the invisible camera that the candidates placed in the Secret Realm Space before they entered the Secret Realm Space.

Some of these invisible cameras are fixedly installed in the position of each and everyone.

Others are able to fly and track the candidates inside.

Liu Yang, Yang Dianfeng, Mu Zisheng and the others are all key observation objects.

So a few of them, as soon as they entered the Secret Realm Space, there was already an invisible camera, flying from a height, and shooting them.

At the same time, they can use a technology to cross the space and pass these captured images.

Therefore, Liu Yang and the others’ actions in Secret Realm are almost all under their surveillance.

However, they only came here after waiting for other candidates to enter Secret Realm Space.

“This Azure Snake of Opening Meridian Stage Peak is not a Body Refining Realm martial artist and can deal with it.”

“If it’s this time, it’s catching up to Liu Yang, Liu Yang this time, I’m afraid I will use Leaving Symbol immediately.”

“Haha, when I entered Secret Realm Space before, I also heard Liu Yang, the Little Brat, and bet with several others.”

“If he uses Leaving Symbol here, I am afraid that he will recognize several big brothers in the future.”

Mu Wenbo and several Supervisors, both laughed heartily.

In their view, Liu Yang’s gambling is just a joke that’s all.

Moreover, it is Liu Yang this time, really bad luck, directly from this Giant Azure Snake, was driven out of Secret Realm Space.

This matter will not have much impact on Liu Yang.

After all, with the talent displayed by Liu Yang, the top ten martial art schools in Cloud Prefecture can really be chosen by him.

“Lying … groove!”

But at this moment, suddenly, a Supervisor stared at the screen in front of him.

Seems to want to rush in and see if this scene I saw is really the same.

At this moment, he didn’t want any Supervisor image.

“This brat…”

At the same time, several people in Mu Wenbo were also mouth opened wide.

On the screen, it is Liu Yang who is being pursued by Giant Azure Snake at this moment.

Seeing that Giant Azure Snake was about to catch him up, he suddenly turned around and twisted his body, rushing directly into a scene in Giant Azure Snake’s stomach.

“He is courting death?”

This scene allows all Supervisors to see frowned.

A little Body Refining Realm martial artist, actually dared to drill into the belly of a snake with Opening Meridian Stage Peak. This is not courting death, what is it?

“Look again, something is wrong.”

Mu Wenbo raised his eyebrows and said.

“It’s not right!” Then there was Supervisor, “Looking at the look of the azure snake, it seems to be trying to spit Liu Yang out.”

“This brat is a little weird. How strong is his defensive power?”

“Can’t the serpent of Opening Meridian Stage Peak squeeze his whole skeleton with his squeezing force in his belly?”

“Awesome, look like this, it seems that the big snake, not only can’t help him, but he is also in his own stomach, and made a ghost.”

Everyone began to discuss.

As for the safety of Liu Yang…

After seeing this scene from the video, they didn’t care.

Liu Yang has Leaving Symbol in his hand.

At the critical moment, as long as Liu Yang does not have his own head, after using Leaving Symbol, the power of Leaving Symbol will immediately take Liu Yang, the belly of the breakthrough snake, and take Liu Yang away from Secret Realm Space.

“Tsk tsk, this time is interesting.”

Then, a group of people saw the big snake, with Liu Yang in his belly, galloping all the way to the distance, and tsk tsk laughed.

Even if their odd things are more read, they have never seen anything like today.

Next, looking like this, it seems to be looking at Liu Yang and Giant Azure Snake, who insisted for a longer time.

“This brat is really too good to do things.”

Supervisor sighed.

After seeing Liu Yang’s performance in Secret Realm,’Xie Baisheng’ among all people also opened his mouth slightly.

“This Little Brat’s luck is also very good? I chose a person at random, actually have such talent?”

At this moment, he even felt himself a little bit jealous of the luck of his fellow “Little Brat”.

“Unfortunately, I have already possessed this body, and I cannot be in possession again within ten years.”

“And I and the Little Brat are of the same race, and can’t have body possession. He already has body possession.”

‘Xie Baisheng’shook the head.

“However, even if it is not my body, as long as it can be controlled by me, it is good.”

He is much stronger than Liu Yang.

Liu Yang is also a newcomer to his lineage, and the body possession he found for Liu Yang.

So as long as Liu Yang’s cultivation base does not exceed him, he has to be controlled by him and listen to him.

This is their invisible rule of this lineage.

If Liu Yang does not comply, they will be excluded from this lineage and everyone.

“哞 roar!”

Giant Azure Snake makes a huge roar in the jungle.

The monster in its belly is still holding on.

From time to time it will cause great pain to it.

This pain makes it more and more powerless.

It felt that he was afraid that it would not last long.

At the same time, Liu Yang in the belly of the giant snake also suffocated his face flushed.

He felt that he couldn’t hold on for too long.

If you wait a moment, the giant snake is still not dead. He is afraid to use Leaving Symbol and leave Secret Realm Space.

“Persevere again, I feel that the power of this snake seems to be getting smaller and smaller!”

Liu Yang bit his tongue. In the pain, he expelled his thoughts and insisted.

“Tsk tsk, this Devil Ape of Opening Meridian Stage Middle Stage, is that Yang Dianfeng wants to kill alone, isn’t it easy?”

“It’s not easy, didn’t expect we encountered this thing as soon as we entered here.”

In the jungle beyond 1000 meters, on an open field, lies a dark Devil Ape over 3 meters high.

In front of the dark Devil Ape, Boulder City Nie Chen, holding a large shield, was breathing in hu hu.

Ding Wan, wearing an ink green leather armor and holding a bow and arrow, stood not far from him.

This Devil Ape is the monster of Opening Meridian Stage Middle Stage.

The two of them met one-on-one, and they only had one way to go.

Fortunately, the two of them had met by chance. Together, they tried their best and finally killed the Devil Ape here.

At this time, the two people communicated with each other, and they felt that, anyway.

This time 2 people teamed up to kill the Devil Ape of the Opening Meridian Stage Middle Stage, and the performance can be said to be good.

“Well, what is this voice?”

Suddenly, while talking, Nie Chen, frowned, lifts the head, gasping for breath, looked away.

As for Ding Wan, he turned a step faster than him.

He retired behind Nie Chen, and placed his long bow in front of his chest.


Countless birds roared and flew away.

At the same time, there is a low-level monster in the jungle, revealing the color of fear and screaming away.

“This is, come on big guy?”

Nie Chen startled, followed by expression became awe-inspiring.

He turned his head towards Ding Wan and said, “How about, do you want to join forces again?”

“Look at the situation first, if you can, you can try it.”

Ding Wan nodded, and then her body moved lightly, and she came to a big tree not far away and looked away.

Nie Chen also learned her appearance and jumped into a big tree.

“哞 roar!”

Giant Azure Snake rushed with Liu Yang in his belly.

1000 meters distance, in less time, it has already crossed.

“It’s a serpent!”

“Not good, look at this snake aura, at least the monster above Opening Meridian Late Stage!”

Ding Wan was condescending, and after seeing the Giant Azure Snake, her experienced face changed instantly.

“Huh, there seems to be something wrong. Why is there something moving in the snake’s stomach?”

Suddenly, Ding Wan’s gaze fell on the giant snake’s stomach again.


Suddenly, Nie Chen cursed: “Little Ding Wan, how do I feel that what is moving in the snake’s belly is a person?”

Ding Wan did not speak.

She also felt that the snake’s belly was alone.

But who can survive in the stomach of such a big snake?

Is this simply an impossible thing?

Between the two people talking, the azure snake has rushed past several dozen meters in front of them.

To the huge Devil Ape lying on the ground, it didn’t seem to see it.

“It’s really wrong, how do I feel that this snake is getting slower and slower?”

Nie Chen stared closely at the serpent, and said:

“Go, Little Ding Wan, let’s follow and see.”

“If we were good luck this time, killing an Opening Meridian Late Stage, or even the big snake of Opening Meridian Stage Peak, the guy Yang Dianfeng, I would be surprised, I have to call my brother!”

“As for Liu Yang’s brat, not to mention!”

“it is good!”

Ding Wan hearing this, I was also excited.

Normally, the Serpent of Opening Meridian Stage Peak, with the strength of the two of them, even if they join forces, they have to run as far as they can.

But the azure snake in front of me is obviously something wrong.

If you don’t try it, just let it leave like this, they are afraid they will have to regret dying.

Thinking about it, both of them thoughts move suddenly, jumped off the big tree, faced the azure snake from behind and chased up.

As for the Devil Ape lying on the ground, they didn’t care.

This Devil Ape, the precious things on his body, have been stripped off by them.

The rest of the parts were picked up by others, and they did not feel distressed.

“Slower, slower and slower!”

Nie Chen and Ding Wan, who followed the azure snake, ran after the azure snake for a while.

Suddenly found that the speed of this snake is really getting slower and slower.

It’s like being inside the body, with severe internal injuries.

“Sent, we will send this time!”

Nie Chen’s excited eyes shined.

Money, he doesn’t care much.

But if they can, bring back the precious material on this azure snake.

It is absolutely possible to give them this time martial artist Combat Examination and increase their score.


Under the watch of Nie Chen and Ding Wan, the azure snake, after running forward for a while, finally snapped and fell completely to the ground.

It’s as if it was a Master Noodle, who accidentally flicked a noodle and landed on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Nie Chen’s fists tightened, and he quickly stopped.

Ding Wan on the side also stopped.

“Don’t pass by first.”

2 Everyone knows that the more critical moments, the less they can be taken lightly.

This monster has certain spiritual wisdom.

The stronger the monster, the more so.

Maybe this big snake just found them following, maybe it was just pretending to be dead.

“it is finally over!”

At this time, in the body of the azure snake, Liu Yang felt the squeezing force of the snake on his body and completely disappeared.

At the same time, in the Small Golden Tower in his mind, there was also a deep red azure snake True Spirit, he finally let out a long sigh of relief.

“Do not rush out first.”

“It’s all monitoring outside. I’m outside. There is no way to put the item in the Item Slot.”

“It’s better to be in the snake’s belly, open up a new Item Slot, and put in a new item.”

Thinking about it, next moment, he thoughts move, separated a ray of consciousness, and entered the Small Golden Tower.

“True Spirit in deep red color can be used to develop Rank 1 Top Grade Item Slot.”

“However, there are 1 pieces of Rank 3 Top Grade item I carry.”

“One thing is storage bag, this thing doesn’t belong to me completely.”

“One thing is the’Void-Cutting Slash’ Saber Skill Stone. In a short time, I put this thing in the Item Slot and it’s useless.”

“The last one, I just got it, I got wool from “Xie Baisheng”, the Rank 1 Top Grade Metal Attribute Battle Saber.”

Thinking of this, Liu Yang suddenly hesitated.

These things, for his present, for his future, certainly have an effect.

But at this time, he was in Secret Realm and wanted to get more benefits here, it didn’t help much.

Secret Realm, or the wild, for him, the most useful is the Life Detector used before.

Although that thing, even if it is not put in the Item Slot, he can use it.

But it is inconvenient after all if you don’t put Item Slot.

After all, he can’t always hold that thing in his hand and view the changed information above?

“Damn, I can’t bear children, I can’t hold wolves!”

“To me now, the True Spirit of Rank 1 Top Grade is difficult to obtain.”

“But waiting for me to break through to the Opening Meridian Stage and want to get the True Spirit of Rank 1 Top Grade is definitely with no difficulty.”

Liu Yang knows that with his talent, with Three Essences Body Refining Pill, he will definitely not be able to break through to Mortal Deity Stage in a long time.

And Mortal Deity Stage martial artist, advanced Opening Meridian, can immediately open 7-8 main meridians, directly to Opening Meridian Late Stage.

After advancing to the Opening Meridian Late Stage, this type of Heaven’s Chosen Child, because of its deep heritage, can skipping grades to battle.

You can compete with the martial artist of Opening Meridian Stage Peak.

Thinking about this, next moment, Liu Yang thoughts move and released the True Spirit of the azure snake from the Small Golden Tower.

call out!

The red light broke into the sky and went straight to the Small Golden Tower ten meters. A true red colored bubble rushed past.

After Liu Yang’s cultivation base reached Overlord Stage, he then controlled the True Spirit of Opening Meridian Stage Peak, which was not as difficult as before.

True Spirit, which is azure snake, has almost no offset.

Through the layers of obstacles, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, rushed into the true red color bubble he selected.


When the space shook, there was another golden scale on the Small Golden Tower.


Liu Yang’s expression was overwhelming, and he quickly took the Life Detector that was put in from the storage bag.

He agitated his Soul Power so that the blood and liquid in the belly of the snake could not reach the Life Detector.

Then thoughts move, this newly acquired Life Detector is included in the newly opened Item Slot.


After the Life Detector was included in the Item Slot, he found that it was mostly difficult to obtain talents by putting this technology product in the Item Slot.

It can only let itself develop its original ability of technological products.

“However, this is enough!”

shook the head, Liu Yang focused his consciousness on the screen of the Life Detector that appeared in his mind.


Suddenly, Liu Yang raised his eyebrows.

He found that there were 2 red dots on the screen of the detector, probably far away from his dozens of meters, approaching slowly.

These two red dots, in terms of size, are not as good as the previous Giant Azure Snake.

But the red dots are much larger than what appears on the screen.


Without thinking too much, he turned his hands into knives and fiercely stroked the snake’s belly.

At this time, without the snake, he competed with him, but in an instant, he made a huge cut in the snake’s belly.

Through the gap, a ray of rays of light shone in.

PS: I will get the chapter of the first order plus more later, and I can watch it tomorrow.

Set a small bowl without chopsticks.

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