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Early next morning.

“Mom and dad, I’m leaving now, you don’t need to send me.”

After breakfast, Liu Yang told the two people righteously before Father and Mother Liu said their words.

“You child really grew up.”

Hearing Liu Yang’s words, Liu Tianyi and Shan Ruyi were very happy.

At the same time, Shan Ruyi also said: “Liu Yang, you went to the Dragon Gate Martial Arts Academy, and it must be mainly based on cultivation, so you don’t have to worry about your home.”

“If it’s okay, you don’t have to come back, just work hard to cultivate.”

“Mom, don’t worry.”

Liu Yang waved with Shan Ruyi and Father Liu.

Then he left his home empty-handed and empty-hearted.

He knew that the young eagle would eventually fly alone.

From this moment on, he will be alone and soar.

But who is he?

He is Liu Yang, fearless!


“Sister, take me to Yang City Airport.”

Liu Yang, dressed in black clothed black pants, masks and a visor, got on a taxi not far from his house.

This time the driver was a female driver.

It seems to be estimated to be in his 30s, with traces of years on his face, but the 5 officials are upright and dressed up very beautifully.

“it is good!”

The female driver immediately started the taxi and took Liu Yang to Yang City Airport.

As the taxi started, Liu Yang turned his head and looked at his home.

To his comfort, Liu Tianyi and Shan Ruyi both stood at the door this time and waved at him.

“I will be back as soon as possible.”

Liu Yang said secretly in one’s heart.

He didn’t look away until a long time after the taxi left his community.

“Liu Yang, can my sister trouble you one thing?”

But at this moment, the female driver driving the taxi in front suddenly turned back and said something.

Liu Yang, who heard the woman’s words, was not scared.

I almost jumped out of the taxi and ran away.

He’s all dressed up like this, and is he recognized?

“Sister.” Liu Yang took a deep breath and said, “I don’t know what you want me to do?”

“It’s not a major event, I just want you to sign me a few names.”

The female driver who drove said with a bitter smile, “My daughter admires you now, so I want you to help me leave a few signatures on her clothes to inspire her.”

“I put the clothes on the seat next to you.”

“This way.”

Liu Yang was suddenly relaxed.

Then he even said: “Good sister, I will help you, write down your daughter’s clothes on the signature.”

To be honest, after hearing this female driver say this, Liu Yang is really sighed in relief.

During this time, he really felt the pain of the stars.

Everyone knows him wherever he goes now.

The older ones are okay.

Younger ones, especially some little girls.

After seeing him, it was like seeing that.

He was not reserved at all, and he caught him and asked him to sign.

In fact, if it is just a general signature, Liu Yang does not care.

Sign it, and it won’t take him much time.

And Liu Yang is very confident in his own words.

But these people didn’t play cards according to the routine.

You must let yourself sign the clothes they wear.

In fact, it is not a problem to sign the clothes.

Just like this female driver who drives, you take off your clothes, I will sign it for you, you can sign anywhere, ten or eight is no problem.

But the little girls are different.

They don’t wear clothes for you to sign.

And it doesn’t work behind the sign, nor on the sleeve.

Must sign in front.

And too close is not enough, too low is not enough.

Not even signing in the middle.

You said that in the face of this little girl, who can bear it?

Anyway, Liu Yang can’t stand it.

So several times during this period, he burst out the power of Straw Flying Shoes.

At the speed of the wind, escaped.

“Right, sister, where did I sign the daughter’s signature?”

Thinking like this, Liu Yang suddenly asked.

“Just sign on her chest so she can see it with her head down.”

The female driver said casually.

“This… well.”

Liu Yang can only promise to come down.


Ten minutes later, after Liu Yang put dozens of light-colored women’s tops on the back seat, they all signed their names.

The taxi dropped and stopped in front of Yang City Airport.

“Sister, how much?”

Liu Yang asked.

“No, you helped me so much, I haven’t thanked you yet.”

The female driver turned back to Liu Yang laughed.

What kind of money do you want?

How much is a taxi?

When she turns around and sells these clothes, that’s a big profit.

Then she drove Liu Yang off the taxi and drove away with a whizz.



After getting off the train, Liu Yang wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Now he is so popular.

“Liu Yang?”

It was just that Liu Yang had just stepped off the taxi and heard someone calling him in the distance.

“I go!”

Liu Yang is ignorant.

I thought I was recognized again.

But following him reacted.

Because the voice of the person calling him is familiar, it seems to be Ma Xingwang.

Thinking about it, he lifted his peaked cap and carefully looked away.

Then he discovered that not only Ma Xingwang, Xu Wenjie but also Zhou Bing were also here.

“What are you guys doing here?”

He sorted out the cap and walked past calmly.

“Come and see you, at this time, I really don’t know when I will see you again.”

Ma Xingwang patted Liu Yang’s shoulder.

“Tsk tsk, look so sad as you said.”

Liu Yang punched Ma Xingwang back: “The farthest distance in the world is the distance between birds and fish.”

“What is the distance between Yang City and Dragon Gate?”

“Wait for about a year, you want to find me for dinner, a phone call passes, and I fly back directly to find you.”


Ma Xingwang shouted: “This cowhide makes you blow it.”

“True Energy Stage martial artists can only fly if they have a special secret technique for cultivation or Flight Treasure.”

“Otherwise, you need a martial artist above Condensing Liquid Stage to be able to fly?”

“You guy, wouldn’t you think you would be able to go to True Energy Stage at Dragon Gate cultivation or even Condensing Liquid Stage after about a year?”

“is it not OK?”

Liu Yang looked up to the sky at a 45° angle: “You are afraid that you have forgotten, I broke from awakening talent to Furious Wave Stage.”

“Breakthrough from Furious Wave Stage to Diamond Stage.”

“Break through the current stage to the Overlord Stage.”

“And then until now, only a few days in total.”

“4! Ten! Heaven!”

Liu Yang pointed out 4 fingers at several people.

“In addition, you probably don’t know yet. Even if I can’t break through to Mortal Deity Stage today, it will definitely be tomorrow.”

“What do you say?”

Ma Xingwang’s expression froze.

Xu Wenjie and Zhou Bing on the side also looked at Liu Yang instantly.

Since going through a few things, they all know that every time Liu Yang says, it is not boasting.

And this is to say…

“Are you really about to break into Mortal Deity Stage?”

3 All of them suddenly suppressed their rapid breathing, with an anxious expression, and asked Liu Yang with a longing expression.


Liu Yang smiled: “Not today, but tomorrow.”

And his sentence fell, it can be considered to completely break up the Ma Xingwang several people, because Liu Yang is about to leave, and the sad emotions born.

“Hurry up!”

“The farther you go, the better!”

Several people said to Liu Yang.

They were with Liu Yang again, afraid that they would not be able to stand Liu Yang’s ferocity.

This is simply not human!

“Haha, you guys, go back earlier.”

Liu Yang laughed.

Then he said a few words to several people, then rushed to Ma Xingwang and waved.

Life is occasionally a little sad enough.

Not much.

“You guy, goodbye!”

Several people gave Liu Yang a punch in turn.

Then he watched Liu Yang turn around, leaving them with a slow walk without looking back.

This time, Qi Feng not at all.

Because of this baby, I went to Wind God Academy quietly with his father yesterday.

Did not say goodbye to anyone.

Before the start of Martial Examination, Qi Feng told Liu Yang.

Try again at Liu Yang.

But until now, Qi Feng has not asked Liu Yang to discuss again.

Just before going to Wind God Academy, Qi Feng sent Liu Yang a message saying that he would meet Liu Yang at a future exchange meeting at Martial Arts University.

“Martial Arts University exchange meeting?”

With his own documents, he walked into a small single waiting room at the airport, Liu Yang in the waiting room 111, and the words appeared in his heart.


“Liu Yang, hello, like you, we are all from Yang City this year, admitted to Dragon Gate Martial Arts University students.”

Liu Yang just walked into the waiting room 111. In the waiting room, 5 students were about the same age as him.

After seeing him coming, they all stood up.

Several people said, “I have entered Dragon Gate University in the future, so please take care of me.”

“How are you.”

Liu Yang even said.

At the same time extend the hand, and several people shook hands in turn.

This time, he was admitted to Yang City Candidate of Dragon Gate Martial Arts University with 6 people.

6 people.

A young man with semi-long hair and a golden earring on one ear.

When shaking hands with Liu Yang, his face slightly embarrassed and said: “Liu Yang, I have long admired my name, my name is Liu Ziyuan, and I am from Yang City No. 2 High School.”

“Liu Ziyuan?” Liu Yang startled, followed by, “I heard people say you are the same as me, and they all broke through the Diamond Stage before Martial Examination.”

“Where, I can’t compare with you.”

Hearing Liu Yang’s words, Liu Ziyuan suddenly became more embarrassed.

Liu Yang may have heard of him.

But he has seen Liu Yang more than once.

And the impression is far deeper than others.

The road to Hundred Trees City does not count.

When Yang City No. 3 High School and Yang City No. 2 High School held a pre-exam exchange meeting, he acted as a contestant.

Followed others from Yang City No. 2 High School and visited Yang City No. 3 High School together.

At the entrance of Yang City No. 3 High School, he met Liu Yang once.

Later, he also regretted that he had not played with Liu Yang and Qi Feng.

But later, before Hunter Union, he saw Liu Yang’s high-altitude scissors legs and directly killed an Opening Meridian Stage martial artist.

He immediately stopped thinking of studying with Liu Yang.

“This is a monster, he killing without blinking an eye.”

After shaking hands with Liu Yang, Liu Ziyuan took a few steps back.

“Liu Yang, my name is Lu Xuehong.”

Then the only woman among the 6 people also stepped forward to shake hands with Liu Yang.

Liu Yang extend the hand.

Lu Xuehong, who looked at him with a peeping eye and slightly reddened face, gently released his hand.

Liu Yang found that since he won the 9th of Cloud Prefecture in this Martial Examination.

Many of the little girls he was familiar with or unfamiliar with would see them secretly after seeing him. Of course, some of them just and honourable.

After he returned home, he often took out his own mirror and took photos.

See if you become handsome every day.

Like a famous peak, it will increase by one centimeter every year.

“Liu Yang, let’s leave a contact.”

After meeting each other, in the waiting room 111, Liu Yang greeted a few people.

Some of them suggested that everyone add their contact information.


Liu Yang nodded.

Being in a foreign country, these people will naturally have some ideas of warming up in groups.

This is normal.

The fellowship and so on was established in this situation.

Just follow the exchange.

Liu Yang felt a little emotion in his heart.

Yang City is really yang sheng yin decay.

Women don’t say cultivation to Diamond Stage, they are cultivation to Furious Wave Stage, and they are rarely seen.

At this time, in their big house, he counted a total of 6 big men, but only Lu Xuehong was a little girl.

And Lu Xuehong is also just getting into Furious Wave Stage.

It looks really pitiful.

But Liu Yang estimates that by Dragon Gate, the situation will be much better.

Dragon Gate is one of the top ten martial art schools in Cloud Prefecture, with 100 rivers in Haina.

Where must I go, those soft cute girls, soft little fairies, sweet little elder sister, can you get more?

“Not bad.”

Thinking this way, Liu Yang suddenly looked forward to it.

Of course, he didn’t want to make any crooked ideas.

But thinking, different people are good at different things.

Wait until Dragon Gate Martial Arts University, if there is an opportunity.

He and the elder sisters who are cute little elder sisters have a good exchange of ideas about martial arts.

Presumably be able to make your own understanding of martial arts, bring it up a level?

“Martial arts, it’s really addictive.”

Liu Yang leaned on the sofa.

Look up at the sky.

Different from others.

When everyone else is chatting, he is also chatting.

But while chatting, he secretly shed a trace of Soul Power and poured into his body.

Try to make these Soul Powers completely fuse with Blood Soul Power in your body.

He used to hear people say.

There are some top students who don’t seem to study much every day.

But in fact, these top students secretly learn very late every night.

What is the purpose?

Just want to install one, I can learn very well without learning.

Of course, Liu Yang is not so naive.

He just didn’t want to delay time that’s all.


Just when Liu Yang thought so, the door of the waiting room 111 was opened again.

Then a woman with a sharp face came in from the outside.

This woman seems to be about 30 years old and is not very beautiful.

She wore a black trench coat, which made her look slightly cold.

The woman took two steps to the waiting room, then stopped and did not close the door.

He glanced at the people in the waiting room, which seemed to be on Liu Yang for a moment.

Then he showed a smile, and at the same time took out a certificate, he gestured to everyone:

“Hello everyone, I am Dragon Gate Martial Arts University this time, responsible for picking up your Teacher Situ Yue, now you can follow me.”

Everyone started, and then stood up quickly.

“Tutor Situ is good!”

Situ Yue slightly nodded, and then turned around and took a group of people and walked outside.

“Situ Yue?”

Liu Yang, who followed Situ Yue, couldn’t help moving when she heard Situ Yue’s self-reported name.

“This one, wouldn’t it have anything to do with the one I haven’t met yet, as the Teacher of Dragon Gate Martial Arts University Vice Dean?”

2 The surname of everyone is Situ, and Liu Yang cannot really think about it.

“Celestial Wings Aircraft?”

Liu Yang and the others just followed Situ Yue out of the waiting room and came outside, and saw a black 3-corner aircraft parked at the airport.

This aircraft is exactly like the Celestial Wings Aircraft of’Xie Baisheng’ they have seen before.

“Come up.”

Situ Yue waved his hand and Celestial Wings Aircraft automatically opened the hatch.

Not daring to delay, everyone followed Situ Yue and walked into Celestial Wings Aircraft.

This Celestial Wings Aircraft, the interior seems to have been modified, with a dozen seats.

“You find a place to sit on your own.”

After entering the Celestial Wings Aircraft, Situ Yue said.

“it is good.”

Everyone was nodded quickly.

Following each and everyone, they found a place they liked and sat down.

Liu Yang chose a location by the window.

After seeing Liu Yang choose the position, Lu Xuehong hesitated, and some blushed came to Liu Yang.

But when she was about to sit down, Situ Yue came over and photographed her: “You change places, I sit here.”

“Good, good.”

Lu Xuehong startled, even.

Then she blushed and hurried to the side, and found a seat next to her.

Twisted his face out of the window.

What a shame!

“Get off.”

After everyone sat down, Situ Yue said something, and then sat down next to Liu Yang.

call out!

Then in a flash, this Celestial Wings Aircraft turns into a stream of light.

Departed from Yang City and flew in the direction of Dragon Gate.

During the whole process, only a few people from Yang City Airport came to see it.

But this is also normal.

Although Yang City has an airport, it is actually not at all aircraft.

None of them.

Normally, only some powerhouses in Yang City will park their aircraft at the airport.

In addition, only some powerhouses in other cities will throw their aircraft at the airport for a short stop when they come to Yang City.


The sky of this World is not safe.

In the wild, there are many flying monsters that dominate the sky.

Ordinary aircraft, if there is no powerhouse oversee, and dare to go to the sky in the wild, it is courting death.

“This leaves.”

Through the window of the aircraft, Liu Yang rushed down and looked down, bringing the entire Yang City into his own eyes.

At the same time, he even glared several times in the process, taking several photos as a souvenir.

“I don’t know when I will return next time.”

Liu Yang exhaled gently.

But following him, he was shocked.

I don’t know if it is affected by mood or other reasons.

Just in this brief moment.

Suddenly, he felt that the Soul Power that he had split, when he integrated into the Blood Soul Power in his body, suddenly a strange change occurred.

With this slight change, he suddenly felt that the resistance he had experienced integrating Soul Power into Blood Soul Power weakened a lot.

“This is, to be done?”

In Liu Yang’s heart, he was overjoyed.

If his Soul Power can fully integrate into his own Blood Soul Power.

That means that he will break through to Mortal Deity Stage.

“Introduce again, my name is Situ Yue, in addition to the Teacher of Dragon Gate Martial Arts Academy, I will be your Eldest Senior Sister in the future.”

At this moment, Liu Yang side Situ Yue suddenly said to Liu Yang.

“Liu Yang has seen Eldest Senior Sister!”

Liu Yang quickly turned around and respectfully said.

Situ Yue nodded lightly and said, “I will tell you that my father has 3 disciplines besides you.”

“You Eldest Senior Brother Meng Shenjun, who was once a Golden Core Stage martial artist, unfortunately died in New World ten years ago.”

“You Second Senior Brother Song Yan and Third Senior Brother Xiao Bai are Sea Transformation Stage Peak martial artists.”

“All are currently active in New World, preparing for the breakthrough to Golden Core Stage.”

“Not counting me, you are my father’s fourth disciplinary.”

Liu Yang hearing this, his heart suddenly awe-inspiring.

My Master, who has never met before, seems to be more powerful than himself.

The several disciplines taught are also very powerful.

Sea Transformation Stage Peak martial artist, that is already the same strength as Guo Hengyi.

“I have seen your performance in Hundred Trees Secret Realm.”

Situ Yue continued:

“But to be honest, in my opinion, the reason why you can get full marks in Secret Realm this time depends on your powerful talent.”

“You are still far from combat ability, vigilance, etc.”

“It’s just that your Body of Steel talent is so powerful that it will make you so eye-catching.”

“And because of this, my father wanted to accept you as a disciple.”

“But in my opinion, a powerful talent does not mean everything.”

“So I hope that you will be able to quit arrogance and discipline after joining Dragon Gate Martial Arts University, forget your ranking in Martial Examination Cloud Prefecture No. 9 and strive to improve your overall strength.

“Senior Sister said, I must remember Senior Sister’s words!”

Hearing Situ Yue’s words, Liu Yang said immediately.

Liu Yang knows his own ability.

As Situ Yue said, his combat ability is indeed much worse than other Heaven’s Chosen.

Fighting with people is still better.

But fighting monster, you really can’t.

After all, except for the last time in Hundred Trees Secret Realm, he has never gone out to practice.

The monsters I have touched are just 3 2 kittens.

“You can think so.”

Aside, Situ Yue saw Liu Yang’s eyes not at all the air flow of loneliness and arrogance, could not help slightly nodded.

There was a bit of satisfaction.

According to her understanding, Liu Yang is different from other Young Heaven Chosen.

Not born in martial arts Aristocratic Family, but just born in a common family.

What can such a family teach Liu Yang?

Countless people are rumored, Liu Yang is determined.

In order to break through to the Overlord Stage, shut himself in the house for 3 days.

Even in order to get rid of miscellaneous thoughts, he constantly bites his tongue cultivation.

But all these things seemed to her, that’s all.

In order to achieve a certain purpose, many people can insist on one day, two days, three days.

Even 5 days, 1 days and one month.

But can these people persist for a year, two years, or even a lifetime?

Although it cannot be said that it is completely impossible.

But such people are really only a few.

Situ Yue, by no means, believes that Liu Yang, who was born in an ordinary family, can do this.

So when she met, she clicked on her talented Little Junior Brother.

I hope that Liu Yang will not forget his original intentions, and avoid arrogance and impatience.

On Path of Martial Arts, come out a Kang Kang Grand Dao.

Only in this way can we be worthy of Liu Yang’s extraordinary talent.

Thinking this way, Situ Yue’s nose moved, suddenly asked:

“Are you taking Blood Essence Pill during this time?”


Liu Yang is nodded.

At the same time, he looked at Situ Yue with surprise.

Thinking that my Senior Sister’s nose is too smart, can it even smell?

“Blood Essence Pill is a good medicine pill.”

Situ Yue nodded.

“When you first entered the Overlord Stage, you probably took 30 capsules upwards to be able to touch the bottleneck of Mortal Deity Stage.”

“How about, with your talent, how long will it take to refining a Blood Essence Pill now, 2 days or 3 days?”

Different talent artists have different digestion times for medicine pill.

Situ Yue feels that with Liu Yang’s talent, there is no other condition to assist. I am afraid that it can digest a Blood Essence Pill in 2 or 3 days.


It’s just Liu Yang hearing this, but he was a little dumbfounded.

This stuff, he is on time.

One in the morning, one at noon, and one at night.

Every time I eat after a meal.

“Why, is there any problem?”

Seeing Liu Yang’s expression, Situ Yue raised her eyebrows.


Liu Yang said quickly.

“Yes, I don’t take one capsule of Blood Essence Pill every 2 to 3 days, but three capsules a day.”

3 capsules a day?

Situ Yue stayed for a while: “But what you said is true?”


Liu Yang as it should be by rights replied.

But tone barely fell, his face suddenly changed.

Feeling a fierce enthusiasm, he surged up from his body.

At this moment, the Soul Power that he dispersed to his body was completely integrated into the Blood Soul Power in his body.

With the integration of this Soul Power, his Blood Soul Power also changed instantly.

Among the blood red, a touch of black and purple was added.

“Senior Sister, no, I can’t stand it anymore, let’s stop now.”

“What are you?”

Situ Yue saw Liu Yang who was just fine, and suddenly his face turned extremely red, just like a cooked prawn, he was also taken aback.

She quickly extended the hand, pressed it on Liu Yang’s forehead, and felt it carefully.

Want to see Liu Yang, what went wrong.

“Breakthrough, Senior Sister, I am going to break through!”

Liu Yang suddenly stood up from his seat, aura, in this brief moment became very vast.

At the same time, a strong aura was born between his chest and abdomen.

When aura emerged, he suddenly felt a strong sense of suffocation, not vomiting.


When he broke into the Overlord Stage, he shattered a piece of glass in his throat.

Now it’s a breakthrough from Overlord Stage to Mortal Deity Stage. What happens if I yell again?

And at this time, he was on the aircraft.

Therefore, he said that he could not stand it.

I want my Senior Sister to stop the car.


Place the bowl.

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