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Do you want to break through?

You told me a few words, you told me that you want to break through?

Breakthrough from Overlord Stage to Mortal Deity Stage?

Situ Yue is ignorant.

But when she pressed her hand on Liu Yang’s head and felt it carefully, she suddenly found out.

Liu Yang’s current state is really what he wants, from Overlord Stage to the state of Mortal Deity Stage.


She didn’t even know what to say.

Was this brat still distracted from cultivation when he just spoke to me?

How can this be?

But if it were not so, how could Liu Yang blink in a blink of an eye, and Blood Soul Power has undergone such a dramatic change?

She isok a deep breath.

Thinking of what I said to Liu Yang before, I hope Liu Yang can forget his name in Martial Examination Cloud Prefecture No. 9 and stop words of arrogance and impatience.

There was a wry smile in her heart.

Those words of hers were all said in vain.

For Liu Yang, a person who can still be distracted while talking to her, where is the lack of perseverance?

“It’s a monster!”

Situ Yue stood next to Liu Yang, watching him flushed, his body radiating with white gas, and he felt emotion.

Three capsules of Blood Essence Pill a day, this kind of talent is really too terrifying.

Moreover, if you want to break through from Overlord Stage to Mortal Deity Stage, it’s not just one or two attempts.

Instead, you need to use your Soul Power to try for a long time.

Only quantitative changes will cause qualitative changes, which will break through to Mortal Deity Stage.

In other words.

Liu Yang didn’t talk to her at this moment, just started to try to break through.

It is very likely that Liu Yang has tried 5 6 hours before this.

Even longer, it is not impossible.

“Secretary…Tutor Situ.”

Lu Xuehong, who was sitting in front of Liu Yang, saw Liu Yang suddenly changed and couldn’t help but got up and asked, “Liu Yang, this is… breaking through to Mortal Deity Stage?”


Situ Yue nodded.

Then he said: “Everyone who sits in front of him will give way, or sit on the seat. Wait a minute, Liu Yang might…


Suddenly, before Situ Yue finished speaking, Liu Yang could no longer suppress the quirky aura with his chest full.

He didn’t even have time to see what was ahead, and opened his mouth suddenly.

Like tiger roaring at mountains and forests, thunder bursts suddenly and roared out.

In an instant, a turbulent air wave surged from Liu Yang’s mouth, turning into a violent wind and rushing forward.

In front of him is Lu Xuehong who just turned around.

Situ Yue, who thought Liu Yang had to wait for a while before it broke out, saw Liu Yang roaring out of the wind and shouted away the curtain of Lu Xuehong’s head, revealing the door of her brain.

Then he blows off one of Lu Xuehong’s false eyelashes.

Lu Xuehong’s image was instantly destroyed.

At the same time, some small objects in the cabin were shaking.

Liu Ziyuan and the others who boarded this aircraft with Liu Yang were shocked.

As for Lu Xuehong in front of Liu Yang, he stood blankly, motionless.


It didn’t take a few seconds for Lu Xuehong to react suddenly, ah, and quickly sat back in his seat.

“The trouble is big!”

“Should I… scare her to cry?”

Liu Yang roared out in a voice, feeling that everything had become extremely beautiful.

At this time finally reacted.

He looked at Lu Xuehong, who was shaking slightly in the seat in front of him, embarrassed.

What is this?

He hadn’t heard of anyone breaking through like this.

Every time there is such a riot, unbreakable bad points are uncomfortable.

And when such a thing happened, Liu Yang was obviously not able to realize what was different after his breakthrough, and before the breakthrough.

He quickly rushed to the front Lu Xuehong and asked, “Lu Xuehong, are you okay?”


Can it be all right?

Lu Xuehong felt his eyes were red.

If she didn’t bear it, she might cry.

Liu Yang just scared her and broke down.

Up to now, she was still a little ignorant.

Most importantly, she clearly felt that one of her false eyelashes had fallen off.

There is only one false eyelash left, how can this be seen?

At the same time hearing Liu Yang’s inquiry, she finally reacted and even said: “I’m fine, Liu Yang you just broke through, let’s feel some changes.”

After saying this, she quickly opened her small bag and found a tool.

Her makeup, which was easily changed in the morning, was ruined by Liu Yang’s voice.

She had to make up quickly before reaching Dragon Gate Martial Arts University.

Otherwise, when the time comes, there is really no way to meet people.

“It’s okay.”

Liu Yang relaxed.

Although Lu Xuehong did not look back when she spoke, she said that she should forgive herself?

Liu Yang thought.

“Senior Sister, sorry.”

Then Liu Yang turned his head again and said to Situ Yue with embarrassment: “I didn’t expect that I actually broke through at this time.”

“And just now, I don’t know what happened. I didn’t control it for a while, so…”

“No problem.”

Situ Yue interrupted Liu Yang’s words: “This is all a trivial matter. You have just made a breakthrough now. Don’t worry about anything else. Hurry and feel the changes in your body.”

“Good, good.”

Liu Yang even said.

Following his consciousness, he summed his Blood Soul Power out of his body.

Compared to the previous Blood Soul Power, it has changed a lot.

From the original scarlet, it became black red, and there was a hint of purple.

Just a look, it can be sensed, his current Blood Soul Power is obviously much stronger than before.

Then Liu Yang split another Soul Power into his body.

Suddenly found his body, under the warmth of this newly born Blood Soul Power, quickly transformed.

Transforming into a stronger state.

From the breakthrough of Overlord Stage to Mortal Deity Stage, the strength of martial artist will once again make a leap.

However, this kind of transition was not completed in one go.

Instead, it will take a few days for the newly generated Blood Soul Power to continuously nourish the body to complete.

“My Soul Power, it feels so good now.”

Following Liu Yang’s heart, he found that he had incorporated the previous part of Soul Power into Blood Soul Power in his body.

His Soul Power has obviously weakened a lot.

But this is also normal.

After all, his part of Soul Power has been completely integrated with Blood Soul Power.

His Blood Soul Power has changed from its roots and cannot be recovered.

However, Liu Yang didn’t care much about Soul Power’s weakness.

Soul Power is different from the soul itself.

This thing is just a person’s soul, a part of special energy spilled out.

After consumption, warm up for a period of time, you can recover.

Moreover, the stronger the flesh and blood, the faster the Soul Power can be warmed up.

With Liu Yang breaking through to Mortal Deity Stage, it is presumed that the Soul Power he has just consumed will not be able to recover again in a long time.

Even more, because the body becomes stronger, his soul will become stronger under this kind of nurturing.

“But in this case, if I want to open up Item Slot again, I have to wait.”

Liu Yang then split a bit of consciousness and fell on the True Spirit of the 3 Rank 2 monsters in the Small Golden Tower.

According to his original plan, after breaking through the Mortal Deity Stage, he used the True Spirit of these three monsters to develop a new Item Slot.

But now, he has insufficient Soul Power and can only extend it for a while.

Moreover, even if he really developed the Rank 2 Item Slot now, he did not have Rank 2 items to put in.

As for taking the Monster True Spirit of Rank 2 and developing the Rank 1 Item Slot or even the Mortal Rank Item Slot, he felt too wasteful.

Thinking this way, Liu Yang slowly opened his eyes.

“Liu Yang, how is it, no problem?”

Seeing Liu Yang open his eyes, Situ Yue on the side asked with concern.

Now, her look towards Liu Yang’s eyes are different from before.

“Senior Sister, rest assured, I’m fine.”

Liu Yang even said.

Situ Yue nodded, then said: “Martial artist from Overlord Stage, break through to Mortal Deity Stage, Soul Power, will be somewhat weakened.”

“However, this kind of weakening usually recovers within one or two days, so don’t worry.”

“As for when you just broke through, the voice that shouted is normal.”

“Generally speaking, when the martial artist breaks through the realm, his body will draw from the surrounding in the sky in a short time, drawing much more than usual Spiritual Energy of Heaven and Earth.”

“Some of these Spiritual Energy of Heaven and Earth are used to help you break through the realm.”

“There is still a part that can’t be absorbed by you, so you have to vent it.”

“If you don’t vent it, you will even have a feeling of irritability.”

“Of course, in this case, only the martial artist made the breakthrough from Furious Wave Stage to Diamond Stage.”

“From Diamond Stage to breakthrough to Overlord Stage, and to breakthrough realm, it will happen.”

“At the same time, generally speaking, the stronger the martial artist, the stronger the talent, the greater the movement will be when the breakthrough is made.”

Speaking of which, Situ Yue gave Liu Yang a strange look.

Just from the Overlord Stage to the Mortal Deity Stage, she made such a big move, she saw it for the first time.

And this also convinced her.

Liu Yang is really able to eat 3 tablets of Blood Essence Pill every day.

“It is like this.”

Hearing Situ Yue’s explanation, Liu Yang knew why every time he made a breakthrough, he made all kinds of moths.

It turns out that all of this is because his talent is too strong.


Liu Yang sighed in his heart.

For him, talent is too strong, and it has become a kind of trouble.

“This is Mortal Deity Stage…”

At the same time, the others in the cabin, after seeing Liu Yang in front of them, broke through to Mortal Deity Stage and began to look at each other in blank dismay.

each and everyone can’t believe their eyes.

How many days have passed since the end of Martial Examination?

At the same time, they are all a pity.

If Liu Yang broke through the Mortal Deity Stage before the start of Martial Examination, that would be great.

In that case, with the first result of Liu Yang writing test, plus his Three-Talents Body bonus, no one in the entire Cloud Prefecture will be Liu Yang’s opponent in the Martial Examination results.

It seems that because of Situ Yue’s expression, it eased a lot more than when they were seen at first.

Liu Ziyuan looked at Liu Yang and said: “Liu Yang, you guy, this breaks through to Mortal Deity Stage.”

“Is it going to be a few days, I will break from Mortal Deity Stage to Opening Meridian Stage?”

“This is also possible.”

Liu Yang has not answered yet, and Situ Yue on the side said: “Liu Yang’s Soul Power is very strong, which helps him to develop the meridians within the body.”

“After his Soul Power recovers, I’m afraid it won’t take long before it can break through to the Opening Meridian Stage.”


Liu Ziyuan, who just asked this, was dumbfounded.

You know, Liu Yang is Mortal Deity Stage martial artist.

Mortal Deity Stage martial artist, as long as it breaks through, it will open 7-8 main meridians and enter Opening Meridian Late Stage in one fell swoop.

After Liu Yang breaks through the Opening Meridian Stage, they really can’t catch up with Liu Yang anymore.

“Opening Meridian Stage…”

Liu Yang hearing this is also very much looking forward to.

No matter how strong Body Refining Realm is, it is also the stage of laying the foundation.

In this World, the martial artist joins Energy Refining.

Only stepping into the Opening Meridian Stage is a real step in the road.

Thinking about this, he turned his head and looked out the window.

Under the high-speed flying of Celestial Wings Aircraft, rivers and mountain ranges are swept away.

At the same time, Liu Yang can often see the monsters roaring in the mountain range beside the big river.

Above the Blue Star, most of the regions are monsters.

There are few areas where Human can move.

Pa pa pa ……

In the distance, a group of big white bloody white birds fluttered their wings.

I glanced at their aircraft from a distance and ignored it.

“Is that Insane Swan?”

A student who saw the big white birds seemed to recall some of the knowledge in the book and said: “I remember this thing, it’s extremely crazy. If our aircraft is slower, I am afraid that those guys will have to catch up with them. Now.”

“Yes, this is the monster.”

Liu Yang nodded.

Under the load of Celestial Wings Aircraft, a group of people flew in the direction of Dragon Gate.

“Look, that’s Dragon Gate City, right?”

About half an hour later, a student suddenly passed the aircraft and pointed to a huge city in the distance.

Liu Yang looked down, and suddenly saw that it was a huge city that stood between the mountains and the mountains, like a terrorist giant beast.

This giant city is completely different from Yang City.

Yang City is full of modern aura.

But this huge city revealed more ancient and vicissitudes.

“Dragon Gate!”

Liu Yang read these two words in his heart.

In the days to come, he is afraid that he will be active in this area for a long time.

Thoughts move, he took a panoramic photo of Dragon Gate on the aircraft.

call out!

In the sky, a black shadow with a triangle shape flashed, and then crossed the Dragon Gate city.

Fly into the mountains beyond the dozens of li in Dragon Gate.

Dragon Gate is a heavy city.

But Dragon Gate Martial Arts Academy is not located in Dragon Gate City.

It is located in a giant Great Secret Realm, 10 li away from Dragon Gate, among the mountains.

“This mountain range is called Hundred Thousand Celestials Mountain.”

When flying over the mountains in the distance, Situ Yue said to the crowd: “When New World first appeared, it fell from a huge Space Crack.”

“But this huge mountain range, when it fell, was still a dead mountain. Not only did there not be a monster, but there was no root grass above those peaks.”

“But after so many years, with this area, there are often a lot of Space Crack cracking, and here has become the land of endless monsters.”

“And our Dragon Gate Martial Arts Academy is just oversee here.”

“While cultivating countless martial artists like you, it is also responsible for confiscating this endless monster in the mountain range and not letting them grow!”

“Is this Hundred Thousand Celestials Mountain?”

Entire group hearing this, all of a sudden a wave of ups and downs.

They have long heard of the name Hundred Thousand Celestials Mountain.

But when they really saw this and couldn’t see the huge mountain range at the end, they still felt shocked.

Such a huge monster actually fell from Space Crack to Blue Star.

Just think about it, they feel incredible.


Just when they were thinking this way, they suddenly saw a sword light rise from the mountain range below.

Carrying a silhouette of white clothes lightly, chased to a bird monster.

“Her name is Qu Xuanzhu, we are Dragon Gate Martial Arts Academy Second Year, a Heaven’s Proud Daughter who will be promoted to Third Year.”

“It broke through to Condensing Liquid Stage not long ago.”

Seeing Liu Yang and the others looking at the silhouette of the flying sword and monster fighting in the mountain range, Situ Yue said lightly.

“Before entering the Third Year, it has broken through to the Condensing Liquid Stage. The little elder sister’s talent is not worse than the big brother Meng Shan?”

Hearing the words of his Senior Sister, Liu Yang’s heart suddenly moved.

“Sword flight.”

At the same time, in his heart, he was even more shocked by the quasi-brilliance of Qu Xuanzhu.

I don’t know when he will be like Qu Xuanzhu, who can rely on his own strength, spatial flight, and roaming too empty.

Liu Ziyuan and the others on the side are also yearning for life.

“Did you see that there is the entrance to our Dragon Gate Martial Arts University.”

Suddenly, Situ Yue pointed her finger forward.

The crowd looked with his eyes, and suddenly saw a large white mist appearing in the distance in front of them.

At a glance, those mists are afraid to stretch for ten severe li.

It’s like a huge white curtain.

Even in the mist, there are strange powers from time to time, rolling the white mist.

It makes countless fog, like a white dragon, rolls and rises, and a few big characters are faintly constructed:

Dragon Gate Martial Arts University!


At the next moment, everyone waited to watch this vast scene carefully, and it felt like a flash.

Carried by Celestial Wings Aircraft, from the edge of countless white mists, an aperture faintly outlined, flew in.

In an instant, the scenery changed again.


As Celestial Wings Aircraft fell, the crowd followed Situ Yue into the aircraft, and suddenly saw that they appeared on a huge square.

On the square, people coming, people going, and silhouettes are numerous.

And they looked around and saw a modern building complex here.

But this group of buildings is built between the mountains.

Around this building complex, there are countless peaks rising from the ground.

Above many peaks, there is still gurgling water, rainbows, magnificent.

At the same time, between these peaks, even above them, there is a huge white crane, flying wings.

“That is, man?”

Suddenly, Lu Xuehong, who had repainted his makeup, issued cry out in surprise.

He pointed his finger at a white crane above the sky.

The crowd looked with his fingers and suddenly saw that the white crane was sitting alone.

“This is Spirit Crane.”

Situ Yue saw everyone’s surprised expression said with a smile: “It is a kind of Spirit Beast, and unlike Monster, it can be tamed even without using contractual means.”

“These Spirit Cranes are our Dragon Gate Martial Arts University, a means of taming.”

“Our Academy is very large. In many places, if you want to go by yourself, it takes too much time.”

“You can use credits to buy some “crane food” in the future.”

“As long as a standard amount of’crane food’, these Spirit Cranes can take you anywhere.”

Next, Situ Yue pointed to several yachts that traveled in the sky unhurriedly, some yachts like big ships: “apart from this, you can also choose to take a public yacht, this thing is relatively cheap .”

“of course.”

Speaking of this, Situ Yue glanced at Liu Yang: “Liu Yang, you signed for the treatment of first-rate talented students at Dragon Gate Martial Arts University.”

“When you have arranged it, you can receive your own Spirit Crane.”

“Also, have you seen the mountains?”

Immediately she pointed to the towering peaks in the distance: “There are 986 peaks in our Secret Realm at Dragon Gate Martial Arts University.”

“Spirit Gathering Array is placed on every mountain.”

“It allows martial artists to be in it for faster cultivation.”

“With your treatment, after the arrangements are made, you can go to the peaks where no one lives, and choose one as your own residence.”

Hearing the various treatments of Liu Yang spoken by Situ Yue, Liu Ziyuan and the others on the side, all envied to be crazy.

Lu Xuehong unable to bear asked: “Tutor Situ, what about us?”

“You will go with me later.”

Just then, a middle-aged man in work clothes came over, and after rushing to Situ Yue nodded, he rushed to Liu Ziyuan and the others and said, “I will take you to the collective dormitory for a while.”


Liu Ziyuan and the others’ expressions were suddenly stiff.

This treatment, the difference is too great?

“Pa pa pa …”

Suddenly, there was a violent wind erupted in the distance.

The people turned around and saw a winged white tiger, with strong power, shaking its wings from the void, and slowly landed.

At the same time, on the back of the tiger, there was a white clothed white trousers, a very handsome young man.

After the White Tiger landed on the ground, this handsome young man jumped lightly and walked down.

“Tutor Situ.”

He followed him to Liu Yang and the others. After rushing to Situ Yue nodded, Liu Yang extended the hand and said: “Liu Yang, right? My name is Bai Shenge. During this time, I will have all your names. I can hear the ears, and I’m glad to meet you.”

Bai Shenge?

Is this the Six Soul Control Race member of Contractor Lineage in the mouth of’Xie Baisheng’?

Upon hearing Bai Shenge introduce himself, Liu Yang’s heart suddenly moved.

He extended the hand and said: “Senior Brother Bai, I have heard your name for a long time, and I am very happy to meet you.”

“Haha, I just came back from New World, and I met you without thinking, it is also good luck.”

“But I still have some things to do, so I won’t stay here, we will talk to each other in the future.”

2 The hands of each person touched lightly, and then they were loosened.

Then Bai Shenge laughed and offered Liu Yang a resignation.

“Senior Brother Bai has something to do, just go.”

Liu Yang said.

The words of 2 people are ordinary and not intense.

But they know it in their hearts.

In the future, they will be opponents.

“Have you heard his name?”

After Bai Shenge left, Situ Yue asked Liu Yang.

“I heard people mention it.”

Liu Yang nodded.

Situ Yue said: “Bai Shenge’s original talent is only average, but recently, getting a fortuitous encounter in New World has become very unusual.”

“It’s very unusual.”

Liu Yang laughed.

When he first came, he met Bai Shenge. What a coincidence.

He guessed that Bai Shenge was deliberately putting pressure on him.

Not to mention anything else, just looking at the powerful power revealed by the Winged White Tiger just now, ordinary people will feel fear.

“Let’s go too, I will take you to see my father.”

After waiting for Liu Ziyuan and the others, after being taken away by the middle-aged man.

With a wave of his hand, Situ Yue took Liu Yang and took off together.

To the Dragon Gate Martial Arts University, deep inside the Secret Realm, a tall mountain flew past.

“My father this time, but I prepared a lot of treasure for you.”

On the way, Situ Yue said.

PS: Swing the bowl

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