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Situ Yue took Liu Yang and left a residual image in the sky. At a fast speed, she came to a towering mountain peak rushing to the sky.


Two large characters appear on the cliff side of this mountain.

The silver hook iron painting gives a very overbearing feeling.


In the gust of wind, Liu Yang felt countless scenes beside him, all receding at a rapid speed.

Then he and Situ Yue 2 came to the top of the mountain, in the pavilion in a huge mansion.

At this time, a middle-aged person with a short black hair that looks around 40, square-faced, has a dark complexion, and is burly like Iron Pagoda.

Wearing a simple black loose practice gown, standing out of the ordinary standing in the pavilion.

This middle age person seems to have noticed their arrival long ago.

After seeing Liu Yang and Situ Yue 2 fall, he opened a pair of tiger eyes and directly passed Situ Yue and landed on Liu Yang.

Liu Yang felt a pain in his body.

It seems that just a glance, the middle-aged man in front of him, has already seen himself through.

But this middle-aged man raised his eyebrows after glancing at Liu Yang.

As if something unexpected was discovered.

“Dad, I brought Liu Yang.”

At this time, Situ Yue released Liu Yang and walked quickly to the middle-aged man.

Then she winked at Liu Yang and said: “Liu Yang, this is my father.”

“If you have no doubt about worshiping my father as a teacher, you can practice the teacher worship now.”

Liu Yang hearing this, reacted immediately.

At Blue Star, it is very important for the Master to accept the recipe.

Because after the discipline apprenticeship, many Masters will treat their own disciples as their own half children.

Therefore, when the disciples are apprentices, they generally have to perform the apprenticeship.

Of course, this is also a matter of love.

If you don’t want to enjoy the benefits that you can get after apprenticeship, you will naturally not need to apprenticeship.

However, for Liu Yang, he had long thought about it and wanted to worship the Legendary powerhouse in front of him.

Therefore, he did not hesitate.

Immediately according to the rules, kneel on the ground, and the middle-aged man rushed in front of him to say: “disciple Liu Yang, I have seen Master.”

If you want to get something, you have to pay something.

Although Liu Yang is confident that he owns Small Golden Tower, he will certainly not be weaker than anyone in the future.

But now Blue Star is in crisis, and how he rises in the shortest time is the most important thing.

There is a Master, and there is no Master, it is obviously very different.

“Not bad.”

Seeing Liu Yang kneeling on the ground, Situ Tieshan said with a smile on his face: “You get up first.”

Liu Yang hearing this, and then got up carefully.

Situ Tieshan stood in the pavilion, looking at Liu Yang, and at the same time said: “You have worshipped me as a teacher, then I will tell you about my rules.”

“There is only one rule in my door that sums up, that is, to abide by the laws and regulations, and everything is to protect Blue Star.”

“As long as you abide by the laws and regulations, you can always be sheltered by me.”

“At least in Dragon Gate University, you will never be bullied.”

“At the same time, I don’t have too much restraint in this door.”

“Even in the future, if you encounter a powerhouse that exceeds my strength, as long as you also recognize me as a Master.”

“Even if you cast another door, there is no problem with me.”

Liu Yang hearing this, suddenly startled.

Such rules are indeed loose enough.

At this time Situ glanced at Liu Yang and said, “Can you remember what I just said?”

“Master rest assured, the discipline must bear in mind the Master’s teaching today!”

Liu Yang said quickly.

“Not bad.”

Situ Tieshan is nodded with satisfaction: “In addition to Yue’er, you also have 2 Senior Brothers.”

“Just your 2 Senior Brothers are now in New World.”

“In the future, I will introduce you again.”

For Liu Yang, Situ Tieshan mobilized all his materials after having the idea of ​​wanting to accept him as a disciple.

So Situ Tieshan knows everything about Liu Yang from small to big.

Know Liu Yang no matter how talent, at least in terms of character, there is no problem at present.

That’s why he didn’t hesitate.

The fact that Liu Yang is accepted as a discipline is added to Liu Yang’s benefits in joining Dragon Gate Martial Arts University.

“and also.”

After introducing the basic situation of his own door, Situ Tieshan once again said: “Your talent, more than I expected.”

“I thought that after you came to the Dragon Gate Martial Arts Academy, you had to wait for a while before you could break through to Mortal Deity Stage.”

“But I didn’t expect that if you came over this time, you would have broken through to Mortal Deity Stage.”

“I want to come to you now, Opening Meridian Stage, is not a problem.”

Liu Yang slightly nodded.

Now he only has to wait for his Soul Power to recover, he can start to break through to the Opening Meridian Stage.

With his talent, Opening Meridian Stage for him, there is no bottleneck at all.

Even if he only relies on water milling skills, he will not be able to break through to Opening Meridian Stage in a long time.

“Opening Meridian Stage is the 1st Realm in Energy Refining Six Stages.”

Situ Tieshan looked at Liu Yang and said: “So now, you have to start preparing for the major cultivation technique after breaking through to Energy Refining Realm.”

“We, Dragon Gate Martial Arts University, have a total of 3 gates, and we can cultivate all the way to Energy Refining 6th Stage Gathering Spirit Stage’s major cultivation technique.”

“These three three cultivation techniques are Six Transformations of the Flying Dragon, Celestial Mountain Sword Manual, Six Veins Golden Sovereign Technique, Thousand Clouds Ancient Record, Muddy Sky Wonder Art, Myriad Demons Heavenly Skill…”

Situ Tieshan spoke to Liu Yang about the Dragon Gate Martial Arts University’s 3 majors, cultivation technique, one after another.

Then he introduced in detail for Liu Yang:

“Among them, Six Transformations of the Flying Dragon is a protection sect cultivation technique of our Academy and a subsidiary cultivation technique of Nine Transformations of the True Dragon.”

“After the Six Transformations of the Flying Dragon cultivation to Peak, you can directly repair the Nine Transformations of the True Dragon to the Nirvana Three Stages on the Energy Refining Six Stages.”

“But this cultivation technique, only the martial artist with Dragon Bloodline can cultivate, you don’t have to think about it.”

Nirvana Three Stages?

Hearing Situ Tieshan’s words, Liu Yang’s heart suddenly moved slightly.

He knew Nirvana Three Stages this realm.

Nine Stages of Body Tempering, True Energy 6 environment, Nirvana Three Stages, is the Three Great Realms of martial artist.

But as far as he knows, there are not many Nirvana Realm martial artists on the entire Blue Star.

Nirvana Realm’s martial artist, above Blue Star, is already a real Great Expert.

And Liu Yang also knows,’Xie Baisheng’, the strongest of the Six Soul Control Race, the Great Priest whose body possesses a weird big tree, is a Nirvana Realm powerhouse.

“Nirvana Realm.”

Liu Yang is longing for life, and does not know when he can reach this realm.

When he reached this realm, he must be immediately immediately, and ran to the “Xie Baisheng” Six Soul Control Race, at the New World stronghold Dark God Abyss, and slaughtered them all.

Put their Life-Source Treasure Hexagram into their Item Slots.

“There is also the Celestial Mountain Sword Manual.”

Situ Tieshan did not know what Liu Yang thought, and continued to introduce Liu Yang: “Celestial Mountain Sword Manual is a Sword Manual that Old Dean found in Hundred Thousand Celestials Mountain when it came to Blue Star.”

“This Sword Manual is actually a crippled Sword Manual, recorded on a small stone tablet.”

“But even if it is incomplete, it can allow the martial artist to cultivate all the way to Energy Refining 6th Stage.”

“After the cultivation reaches the Energy Refining 6th Stage, it is no problem to transfer most of the higher rank sword cultivation cultivation techniques.”

After introducing the Celestial Mountain Sword Manual, Situ Tieshan emphasized:

“Then my cultivation technique, Six Veins Golden Sovereign Technique.”

“After this cultivation technique cultivation arrives at perfection, you can communicate with Metal Origin River and control the endless Metal Essence Energy.”

“And I have now found an advanced cultivation technique for this cultivation technique.”

“You can cultivate all the way to Nirvana Third Stage-White Emperor Nirvana Skill.”

“Your Body of Steel talent is actually a kind of Metal Attribute talent.”

“In addition, your Metal Saber Body is also a kind of Metal Attribute talent, so among these cultivation techniques, the most suitable for you is this Six Veins Golden Sovereign Technique.”

“If you choose this cultivation technique, in the future cultivation to Energy Refining 6th Stage Gathering Spirit Stage, and at the same time this cultivation technique cultivation arrives at perfection, I can pass you White Emperor Nirvana Skill.”

“Followed by Muddy Sky Wonder Art…”

In the pavilion, Liu Yang heard these cultivation techniques described by Situ Tieshan for himself, and immediately felt his vision wide open.

For the first time, he knew that this World actually has such a magical cultivation technique.

“How about, now you think about it, which cultivation technique to choose, as your main cultivation technique?”

After the talk was finished, Situ Tieshan asked Liu Yang with a smile.

According to Liu Yang’s first-class genius welfare, Liu Yang can choose two techniques from these major cultivation techniques.

Just erudite.

Except for a small number of complementary cultivation techniques, most people choose only one cultivation technique as their major cultivation technique when choosing major cultivation technique.

That kind of cultivation 2 doors, and even more martial artist of cultivation technique.

Even if these cultivation techniques do not conflict with each other, it is difficult to have Great Accomplishment for a lifetime because of bite off more than one can chew.


Just hearing Situ Tieshan’s inquiry, Liu Yang hesitated and said: “Since the Master said that Six Veins Golden Sovereign Technique is suitable for me, I naturally choose this cultivation technique.”

“Just apart from this, I also want to try to cultivate our Academy’s amazing skill, Innate Golden Core Skill.”

“Innate Golden Core Skill?”

Situ Tieshan hearing this, his brow slightly raised.

This cultivation technique is indeed a marvel of their Dragon Gate Martial Arts Academy.

Compared with other cultivation technique Dual Cultivation, it not only does not slow down the cultivation speed of other cultivation techniques, but it can even improve the cultivation speed of other cultivation techniques to a certain extent.

At the same time, cultivation this cultivation technique can allow martial artists to condense the Golden Core, so that martial artists can build a stronger foundation.

It was him who once cultivated this cultivation technique and condense Nine Acupoints Golden Core.

It’s just different in the past, now they Dragon Gate Martial Arts Academy, because of the absence of the singular Golden Core, has made this amazing work, shelved.

“Liu Yang…”

Situ Tieshan wanted to persuade.

“Master.” But Liu Yang said first, “I’m not the Must Cultivation Success Innate Golden Core Skill, I just want to try it.”

“Anyway, it won’t work. I can also cultivate Six Veins Golden Sovereign Technique alone.”


Situ Tieshan hesitated for a moment and finally nodded.

Do not hit the city wall and do not look back, this is the characteristics of Liu Yang’s child at this age.

He also did not want to obliterate Liu Yang’s personality.

Anyway, as Liu Yang said, Liu Yang just can’t practice Innate Golden Core Skill, so long as the cultivation Six Veins Golden Sovereign Technique alone.

Otherwise, if Liu Yang chose not Innate Golden Core Skill.

Instead, he has to choose a sect master to cultivate cultivation technique in the thirteen main cultivation techniques of Dragon Gate Martial Arts University, and to practice with Six Veins Golden Sovereign Technique, then he is really worried.

“Now that you have made a choice, after you break through to the Opening Meridian Stage, I will let someone send you a one-time jade slip that records these two techniques.”

Situ Tieshan said.

“Thank you Master.”

Liu Yang quickly thanked.

Situ Tieshan waved his hand and continued:

“Apart from this, you worship me as a teacher at this time, and I can’t give you any benefits without giving you any.”

After the words fell, he walked to the corner of the pavilion.

With a wave of his hand, a few treasures were laid out on the gazebo’s chair.

There are not many treasures, only 4 pieces.

One of them is a pair of huge black bone wings with a span of more than 2 meters.

Looking at the pair of bone wings, Liu Yang’s expression was dumbfounded, not knowing what it was.

Another treasure, a golden light in a transparent bottle.

The golden light seemed to be a living creature, and it was constantly shuttled in a transparent bottle.

There is also a treasure, which is white and oval, and has a length of one meter.

It looks like a big egg under some kind of monster.

The last treasure is contained in an opaque porcelain bottle.

Liu Yang couldn’t see it, and didn’t know what it was.

Seeing Liu Yang’s stunned expression, Situ Tieshan smiled and hehe pointed to the pair of huge black-winged wings with a wingspan of more than 2 meters, and rushed to him: “This is Iron Dragon Bone Wing, it is a piece made for the teacher. Flight Treasure of Rank 4 Top Grade.”

“This treasure, you now have it in your hands, is definitely useless.”

“But you can take it back and place it on the mountain of your choice.”

“Drink a drop of blood on it during your free time to make a blood sacrifice.”

“In this way, when your cultivation base reaches Condensing Liquid Stage, you may be able to use the power of this treasure to make your flying speed far exceed the same realm martial artist.”

Rank 4 Top Grade?

Hearing Situ Tieshan’s words, Liu Yang felt his heart suddenly, fiercely pumped.

At this level of treasure, when will he be able to put in Item Slot?

Is it really like Situ Tieshan said, in his spare time, drop a drop of blood to perform blood sacrifice?

At this time, Situ Tieshan pointed to the Gold Light Dao in the transparent glass bottle: “This golden light is a strand of Innate Metal Essence.”

“You have Metal Saber Body and Body of Steel, two types of Metal Attribute Spirit Physique. Take out this strand of Innate Metal Essence during normal cultivation and include it in your mouth to improve your talent to a certain extent. “

“Of course, the normal Innate Metal Essence, the level is very high, if you are included in the mouth, you will directly shoot your mouth.”

“So the strand of Innate Metal Essence I gave you is actually a trace I extracted from the pure Innate Metal Essence with a secret technique.”

“The grade of Innate Metal Essence is only about Rank 2 middle grade.”

“With the cultivation base of your Mortal Deity Stage, you can fully include it in your mouth cultivation.”

Innate Metal Essence?


Just hearing Situ Tieshan’s words, Liu Yang’s heart suddenly moved.

He heard Meng Shan mention it.

Innate Golden Core Skill, in fact, without other conditions, can also cultivate.

But you need to have Innate Physique.

He was still thinking.

Can I get Innate Physique by putting some kind of innate spiritual object into Item Slot in the future?

But did not expect that his own Master.

As soon as he arrived here, he was given such a treasure.

Thinking this way, Liu Yang looked at Innate Metal Essence’s gaze and suddenly changed his appearance.

Situ Tieshan did not know what Liu Yang was thinking, but thought he had never seen Innate Metal Essence and was curious.

So he shook the head, and then pointed the oval white big egg to Liu Yang, saying: “This is the one I got after beheading a Rank 5 Spirit Beast Dual Pupil White Tiger in New World. A Spirit Beast egg.”

“According to my guess, the little Dual Pupil White Tiger hatched from this egg will have a cultivation base of 3 Rank 4 as an adult.”

“If you train well, you may not be able to cultivate to Rank 5 Golden Core Stage like its mother in the future.”

This is actually a Spirit Beast egg?

Liu Yang hearing this stunned slightly.

Normal tigers will definitely not lay eggs.

However, the knowledge learned by Liu Yang knows that Dual Pupil White Tiger this race is a little special.

When this child is born, he lays the eggs first, and then waits for the eggs to hatch before breastfeeding.

“As for this.”

Situ Tieshan then picked up the white porcelain bottle: “It’s a drop of my Divine Ability blood.”

“Inheritance contains my own little Divine Ability,’Three Thousand Iron Armor Energy’.”

“Martial artist cultivation Divine Ability is generally chosen after True Energy Stage.”

“So this drop of’Divine Ability blood’, you can wait until True Energy Stage before refining.”

“You are now a Mortal Deity Stage martial artist, and it won’t take long to break through to the Opening Meridian Stage.”

“After Opening Meridian, it must be directly Opening Meridian Late Stage, and it will not be too far away from True Energy Stage.”

When Situ Tieshan introduced 4 kinds of treasure, one after another, to Liu Yang.

Liu Yang’s heart immediately jumped with peng peng.

It can be said that none of these 4 treasures brought out by Situ Tieshan are ordinary products.

Especially the pair of Iron Dragon Bone Wing, it is a treasure.

Even if Sea Transformation Stage martial artist gets it, it will be to wild with joy.


Liu Yang didn’t know what to say.

“Liu Yang.” Situ Yue at the side suddenly said, “My father is the same for every discipline.”

“Although the treasure he gave you is precious, but when receiving other disciplines, there is no less treasure than this.”

“So you don’t have to hesitate to just accept it.”

Who hesitated?

I’m just thinking how to thank you father.

Liu Yang glanced at Situ Yue strangely, but followed him nodded and said: “I understand, Senior Sister.”

Then he said to Situ Tieshan: “disciple thanked Master for giving it!”

Then he stepped forward and put several treasures on the pavilion into his storage bag.


See Liu Yang’s men’s treasure, Situ Tieshan nodded, said with a smile: “I said everything I should say, I also gave it, and then let you Senior Sister send you back to settle you down.”

“Then in the past few days, everything of you is mainly based on Soul Power. After your Soul Power recovers, you can try Opening Meridian.”

“Yes, Master.”

Liu Yang even nodded responded.

PS: I can’t figure it out, this chapter is a little missing, sorry.


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