And...their acts of violence while in custody.

Ding Dangmao took off the [memory disc], and then pinched their skulls!

He confiscated the pistols on their waists, took out a bright machete from the corner of the monitoring room, and walked out of the door just like that.

He saw faces that he had seen in the memory of the two of them.

heard their roars.

Then he swung the knife and chopped off their heads.

Stepping on the bloody water, Ding Dangmao saw the only power user in the villa. He was a near T4-level power user. The moment he saw Ding Dangmao, dozens of sharp blades hung in the air. ...and several firearms.

There are also several shields that rotate around the body.

His ability is [Psychic Power], and when combined with firearms, it can exert great power, which is perfect for guarding this stronghold.

"Damn it! Which the hell are you on?!"

The visitor let out a roar of rage.

He was stimulated by this bloody scene and attacked on the spot!

The firearms began to shoot at Ding Dangmao.

Ding Dangmao was skillfully integrated into the wall.

10 times faster!

Five seconds later, Ding Dangmao appeared behind him, stretched out a finger and pressed it hard, the super energy field condensed on the fingertip turned into a sharp spear tip, piercing the back of his head.

Along the way, the super energy field was easily pierced, and the bones were more brittle than paper.

And mind power...

There is a difference between [psychic power] and [psychic power]. The former has no entity and can only be used to manipulate objects and indirectly affect the real world; the latter can be solidified into an entity and can directly affect matter.

Therefore, its powerful psychic power did not stop Ding Dangmao's pace.

Whoops, guns, blades, and shields fell to the ground.

This is the last one. There is no one living person in the villa... Ah, no, it should be said that there are no living bad people.

Ding Dangmao took out the key on his body and opened the door of the basement.

Light shines into the basement.

He heard the frightened screams of the women.

Ding Dangmao saw that there were many cages in the basement, like iron cages for animals. The space inside could not stand or lie flat, but could only curl up.

The people in the cage are naturally people.

Turning on the lights in the basement, the light made them exclaim again. Ding Dangmao swept the audience. Everyone in the cage was stripped naked and imprisoned like animals without dignity.

The eyes they looked at Ding Dangmao were full of fear.

A mother's teeth chattered and hugged her child tightly.

"I'm an NSA agent."

Ding Dangmao showed them his credentials: "I'm not a bad person, I'm here to save you."


It's six, good night everyone.

Chapter [*] Rescue and New Items

There were more than [*] people in the basement.

Ding Dangmao opened the cages for them one by one. He found that there were not only cages in this place, but also various torture instruments and bloodstains around.

Many people have large and small wounds on their bodies.

In fact, Ding Dangmao found three skulls on the shelf beside him.

Judging from the shape, there are two adults and a child.

......After staying in the dark for a long time, many people will gradually develop abnormal needs. For example, if fighting becomes the norm, it will develop into murder, and if murder becomes the norm, it will become cruelty and pleasure. People are like this step by step. , constantly sliding into the abyss.

Therefore, Ding Dangmao can find human skulls here.

And immersed in a solution in a glass bottle, belonging to the human organs - heart, liver, lungs, eyes, kidneys, etc.

After everyone went out, Ding Dangmao stayed in the basement for a long time.

He resisted the urge to destroy, kept everything as it was, and left the basement and returned to the villa.

In the villa, there were corpses everywhere, blood all over the floor.

Ding Dangmao built the head of the sinner and cast the Jingguan.

I just hope that their tragic death can deter other criminals and make them think twice before making a move...

The people who were released from the cage by Ding Dangmao were now all clothed and covering their bodies. Looking at the corpses in the room, they realized that they were really saved, and couldn't help crying. Voice.

For a while, the sound of crying spread throughout the entire villa.

Ding Dangmao thought that he should speak to comfort him, but heard a loud gunshot coming from outside the villa——

Bah! ! !

Without further ado, the 10x speed was turned on, and he left the villa in an instant.

And saw the source of the gunshots in the parking lot.

Zhao Quan stood aside with a gun, the shotgun smelled like gunpowder.

And a man dressed as a gangster was lying on the ground, blood flowing from him... It is not difficult to guess that he was shot by Zhao Quan.

"What's the matter?" Dangmao asked.

Zhao Quan wiped the barrel of the gun and hurriedly said: "This kid fell asleep in the car, and the movement in the villa woke him up again. He wanted to look in the dark and bumped into me again... .Look, this guy still has a gun in his hand!"

"I'll strike first, and kill him with one shot!"

Speaking of this, Zhao Quan also raised his eyebrows: "This gun is very easy to use, maybe my talent for using guns is quite high!"

Ding Dangmao knew that even if Zhao Quan was an ordinary person, he was still a strong ordinary person.

Strong-willed, high-spirited, and completely unafraid to kill.

Like in anime or movies, as well as in novels, ordinary people are indecisive and dare not kill the killer, but Zhao's body is completely invisible...

Perhaps, this is the real ordinary person.

"Good job!"

Ding Dangmao praised and said to him: "I rescued 32 people in the villa, you go... recognize it."

Hearing this, Zhao Quan was stunned.

He immediately threw the gun, and before he could say a word, he turned around and ran into the villa!

Ding Dangmao went in with him, watching Zhao Quan sweeping over everyone with great excitement, asking the women who were still in tears about the whereabouts of his wives and daughters, and finally came up with a depressing answer.

"They're not here."

The man sat on the ground dejectedly and said, "My wife and daughter disappeared two months ago, and they were all people who were just tied up, and the longest was only half a month..."

Ding Dangmao stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder: "I will help you find it."

"Until that happens, we need to get them somewhere safe."

safe place?

Ding Dangmao knew that this kind of collusion between police and bandits was comprehensive and universal in Wei and Shang.

Even in this big city, the powerful and powerful forces they collude with are even bigger.

So, public opinion is needed...

When the sky was getting brighter, Ding Dangmao said to Zhao Quan, "Help me do one thing, send them to the police station, call their families on the way, and get enough people to wait at the police station... ..I'll contact the journalists."

"This kind of sin should be exposed to the sun."


This time, Ding Dangmao and Zhao Quan acted separately.

He took the 22 adults and 10 children in the large van that had been brought in from the villa—a little crowded, but more than enough.

Along the way, he used his mobile phone to call the families of the victims present.

Ding Dangmao also contacted Lu Yueshan and asked him to help him contact the TV station reporters in the city, telling them to hurry up and broadcast the big news...

After listening to the cause and effect, Lu Yueshan said, "Change will be hidden behind the scenes."

Ding Dangmao replied, "But I can stand in front of the stage."

"Okay, I'll help you arrange. As I guessed, you can really set off a big storm... Dingzi, I have to remind you that it's not a good thing for people like us to stand in front of the stage."

Lu Yueshan instructed him, "I may endure more rumors..."

Ding Dangmao became more energetic: "I can't ask for it!"

After finishing the call with Lu Yueshan, Ding Dangmao drove away.

Ding Dangmao knew from the memories of others in the villa that there were three more strongholds like this in the city, but they would all end up in the same place.

The population gathered there will be transported to various places like slaves and sold.

Villages in remote areas will buy them as daughters-in-law...

A critically ill patient needs organ replacement...

Someone just to satisfy a desire...

There are also black kilns and prostitutes who will come to buy...

Some are sold locally, while others are delivered to your door.

It was because of seeing this that Ding Dangmao couldn't control the killing, and now he has fallen into the cycle of 'killing - quelling the anger - checking the memory - rekindling the anger - killing'.

The anger in his heart is like a gasoline engine, driving him forward.

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