At the same time, in less than ten hours, several killings were more tragic, and Ding Dangmao's treasure bag finally completed the last accumulation.

It blooms with unprecedented brilliance.

With the increase of the upper limit of willpower, the super energy field is becoming stronger.

It also means that Ding Dangmao has officially stepped into the T3 power user rank!

Without any hesitation, he did not perform any metaphysical prayers, and directly put his hand into the treasure bag and drew the treasure on the spot——

In his hand, a thing similar to a square alarm clock appeared.

The information flowed in the eyes, and its information appeared:

【Gravity bending machine】

【Objects that can distort gravity】

[What the pointer points to is the direction of gravity]

【Have you ever believed in gravity】

[Or have seen the landscape where the sky and the earth hang upside down]

Chapter Thirteen Falling to the Vault of Heaven

Gravity bender!

Different from Linguoguo's effect of reducing/increasing gravity, this prop can only control the direction of gravity, but not the magnitude of gravity.

But even so, it was not that simple when it came to Ding Dangmao!

As a prop of krypton gold flow, it also consumes willpower to maintain the effect. There is a pointer in a square box like an alarm clock. Wherever the pointer points, gravity will deflect in the direction of the pointer.

Pointing to the sky, people can fall directly towards the sky.

Even, the range of its effect can be expanded according to the increase of willpower. When a [gravity bending machine] is at its limit, its effect can be applied to ten meters away!

This, however, solved Ding Dangmao's urgent need.

After all, what he lacked right now was the props to travel.

He braked and stopped the car on the side of the road.

He found the map of the city from his memory, and then directly pointed the pointer in his hand straight up. In an instant, Dang Dangmao felt that the world was spinning. The restraint of the planet on him instantly disappeared, and the sky became his 'ground' at this moment. !

And wherever he could see, whether it was a car or a building, in his sense of gravity, it turned upside down.

Ding Dangmao's body fell to the sky.

He stretched out his hand, grabbed the trunk of the tree beside him, and hung his entire weight on the tree, so he didn't continue to fall toward the bottomless space...

A little ha.

Ding Dangmao looked down, and the sky below was getting brighter.

Looking up, I saw the road, the vehicles parked aside, and the trees that were hanging upside down - just like the movie "Reverse the World".

"Well, I'm not ready."

He put the [Gravity Bending Machine] on his waist, controlled the super energy field to turn it into a suction cup, firmly attached the prop to his body, and successfully freed his other hand.

Afterwards, Ding Dangmao took out the tape of "Sharpshooter" and replaced it with "astronaut"... Of course, "pilot" and "glider" may also be suitable, but Ding Dangmao can only use one tape .

At this time, he gently loosened the trunk.

With a touch of the excitement of skydiving, Ding Dangmao fell towards the sky.

Looking up, the ground is getting farther and farther away from you.

After he saw the city shrink in front of his eyes and gradually corresponded with the appearance on the map, Ding Dangmao waved his hand and took out the second [Gravity Bending Machine].

Flip the pointer, face down!

and placed it on the waist in the same way.

In an instant, the two pieces of [Gravity Bending Machine] placed one on top of the other made the gravity balance, and Ding Dangmao's field of vision was no longer upside down. He entered the space station like an astronaut, and he actually stretched out an illusion like fish and water.

...but he was still falling towards the sky.

because of inertia.

In a state of no gravity, objects will move with inertia... He has no doubt that he can be thrown out of the atmosphere just like that!

So, fine-tuning the pointer again, gravity sometimes hangs upside down, sometimes pointing right.

After trying several times in a row, when the gravity counteracted the inertia, and when he was about to let Ding Dangmao fall back to the ground, he adjusted the pointer again and kept the state of going up and down.

In this way, Ding Dangmao was finally able to float in the sky without gravity.

At this moment, there is no difference between the sky and the ground in his eyes.

The wind was blowing in the sky, but the more violent cold wind was blocked by the super energy field, Ding Dangmao watched the sun rise from the horizon, bathed in its light.

Then, he looked towards the city.

Under the sun, the city has shown its original face.

Those buildings and streets corresponded to the appearance in memory, and then Ding Dangmao pinpointed the target, which was a large, unremarkable warehouse located on the edge of the city.

Lock on the target, then...fall!

Ding Dangmao moved the pointer, and gravity deflected in that direction. Ding Dangmao put one hand in his pocket and held the [Gravity Bending Machine] around his waist with the other, as if he was panning in the air. Fall towards the target.

It gets faster and faster, but eventually the acceleration balances out with aerodynamic drag.

Let Dangdang Spear's 'fall' become a uniform motion.

You only need to adjust your body shape and reduce air resistance to accelerate.

At a speed of about 70-80 meters per second, Ding Dangmao fell rapidly in the sky where there were no obstacles, and in the eyes of others, it was like a falling meteor.

In the early morning, the city of millions is lively.

A mutant power user with a T4 level stretched out his wings like a bird, and he rose into the sky with his psychic companion he knew from the flying club, greeted the newborn sunrise in the sky, and watched the city recover... ..

Then I saw Ding Dangspear falling fast.


The two fellow pilots were immediately stunned. The big guy flew like a paraglider. The speed of seventy to eighty kilometers per hour was almost the same. This man's speed was actually two or three times his own...

"He doesn't look like he's flying at all," Birdman said.

His companion said: "I guess he can't stop the car and will be killed."

And Ding Dangmao naturally saw others, but didn't care.

In this world where superpowers are everywhere, it is not a big deal to occasionally see superpowers flying in the sky and swimming in the ground, just get used to it.


Outside the large warehouse that looks the same on the outside, a power user with all super powers is patrolling as usual.

With his eyes and the cameras scattered all around, he and his team have identified many outsiders who want to sneak into this place.

But today, apparently no one wants to lurk in.

Because he saw that on the sky, a person came from the sky in a strange posture, and the speed was very fast——

"...Give me a sniper!"

He was keenly aware that the visitor was not good.

Ding Dangmao came to the door so fast that they didn't even know that their stronghold had been taken over, let alone that Ding Dangmao was targeting them.

From the hands of his subordinates, the power user brought a sniper rifle.

He used this anti-equipment sniper rifle to aim at Ding Dangmao.

With these eyes that are more powerful than Hawkeye, it is a pity that he is not a sharpshooter.

In fact, with his ability, he has completely surpassed Ding Dangmao's previous snipers. Even though Ding Dangmao was moving in the sky, it was moving in a straight line at a uniform speed, and it was not impossible to predict...

Aim, pull the trigger.

The sniper popped out of the chamber and went straight to Ding Dangmao's key point.

And his sharp eyes, but he saw the comer come to dodge without dodging, but just stretched out his fingers and easily grasped the incoming sniper bullet!

The two sides are still... [*] meters away!

The next second, Ding Dangmao's figure disappeared.

Five hundred meters away in an instant!

Chapter [*] Slaying Evil (Part [*])

[Efficiency Improvement Sugar] It is not the speed that improves, but the time.

In the state of time acceleration, Ding Dangmao just felt that the world was slowing down, and he was still normal... This perception can also be used in jumping, bungee jumping, etc.

That is to say, even if he falls from a height, his speed in the eyes of others increases by 10 times on the spot after containing [Efficiency Improvement Candy]!

But he is not affected by any acceleration.


Time, was accelerated to 10 times.

Everything slowed down, Ding Dangmao moved the pointer on his waist, reversed the direction of gravity, and fell... The speed of the forward charge quickly became smoother.

Then, Ding Dangmao landed smoothly at a speed of 10 meters per second.

With the protection of the super energy field and the [Swimming Powder] as a backup, he was naturally not injured by the fall - not even his feet were bent.

Stepping on the ground, the voice came from behind the crowd.

In Ding Dangmao's field of vision, the guy who shot himself turned around slowly and acutely - unfortunately, the bullet of the sniper rifle was blocked by the super energy field.

He simply concentrated one-tenth of the super energy field in his hand, and then, relying on his keen prediction of the crisis, he directly grabbed the bullet that was shot.

Ding Dangmao came to his back and knocked on his head.

The patrol leader collapsed on the spot.

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