Mo Xiucheng sneered: "Oh, and even if our technology meets the standards, we cannot develop high-end products by ourselves to compete with international products, otherwise we will become the culprit behind unfair competition with the country... this It's a fucking crime, you know!"


Speaking of this, Hongzhuang on the side couldn't help laughing.

Mo Xiucheng also covered his mouth: "Pfft...don't laugh, be serious."

The two of them couldn't hold back their laughter, and Ding Dangmao's previous life PTSD he had just provoked hedged.

"What's so funny?" he asked sincerely.

Mo Xiucheng said: "No, because my industry does not involve these high-end gadgets, this international act does not delay me in making money; but when I think that you will be troubled by this matter for a long time, I want to laugh."

Hongzhuang also replied: "I have reacted... Luxury goods and most high-end products cannot be bought by ordinary people at all. They are the privilege of the rich."

"But being mixed up like this by you, many rich people have no money to spend."

"If the foreign chaebols knew about it, they would definitely have a headache looking at the financial reports in the past few months; and now that Wei Shangguo's economy is in a downturn as a whole, and your industry is thriving and going uphill, everyone must be jealous."

However, Ding Dangmao was relieved after listening to the words of the two.

"If you can't afford it, you can't afford it. The economy is in a downturn, what can I do?"

He spread his hands: "Could it be that they will still buy and sell?"

Mo Xiucheng asked back, "Why do you think they won't?"

"Ah this..." Ding Dangmao was stunned.

Yes, this is not the past life, but the real super world.

Strength is everything, everything else is empty.

If you are weak, they will really find you to buy strong and sell strong!

Ding Dangmao laughed angrily: "What the hell is the difference between this and robbery?"

Mo Xiucheng said: "Robbery will arouse people's hearts of resistance; if you buy and sell by force, you will at least get a commodity, and the resistance will not be so heavy."

"Furthermore, it's not as long as you pay the price alone, but pass the price on to everyone in Wei Shangguo, and you can even get a piece of the pie!"

Indeed, just like the Chaoyi Potion, Wei Shangguo purchased it uniformly and then sold it. The official bought it at the price of 10 crystal coins, and then sold it at the price of 100 crystal coins.

This is the case with most foreign goods.

But in the past few months, the number of people buying luxury goods and high-end products has dropped sharply, because most of the wealthy people in Wei Shangguo have committed crimes, so they have been targeted by Yixia more than once - often bankruptcy and disaster relief.

In the past, the money spent on luxury goods was used to strengthen security.

The double squeeze of economic and industrial reforms caused his savings to drain rapidly.

No money, but also to buy a fart.

And if you don't buy it here, the agency company on Wei Shangguo's side will naturally have to buy less.

When reflected in the financial report, it is not very good.

"Wei Shangguo is in vain, and the people have no spare money to buy Nima's luxury goods." Ding Dangmao was ruthless: "Let them come, I want to see how they plan to buy and sell, thinking I don't Dare to kill, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the two present looked at him in surprise.

Mo Xiucheng said: "They won't let the subordinates of T3 and T2 send experience. Once they decide to do it, they will go all out. Several T1 power users and even T0 will do it to you... Are you sure? Can you stop it?"

I can run!

Make me anxious, I will tell you what space guerrilla warfare is!

However, Hongzhuang whispered to Ding Dangmao: "It doesn't matter, the prestige is all played, and blindly compromising will only make people look down on you more; if you decide to have a hard anus, I will help!"

Ding Dangmao heard the words, his eyes lit up: "You said so, then I really have some ideas..."

Their conversation, I don't know what method they used to isolate the sound.

Mo Xiucheng frowned, for a while he couldn't even see the image on the other side.

I don't know what they both said.

Is it a compromise, or do you really plan to not be afraid of life and death?

Not knowing the intelligence means that he will not take the initiative in this conversation.

Of course, it is impossible to fall into passive.

The distortion disappeared, and everything returned to normal. Hongzhuang squinted and sat back in his seat, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Ding Dangmao restrained his hostility towards Mo Xiucheng, and then showed a smile: "Then, Your Excellency Mo Xiucheng came this time, knowing that I will not stop here... I don't know, what else is your Excellency? See you?"

Glancing at Hongzhuang, I don't know what medicine is sold in this gourd.

He then said: "I can help you to delay, that is, use my money to eat those luxury goods and make their financial report look better... If the financial report is good, they will naturally not come to Wei Shangguo to trouble. "

"And you, you only need to pay a small price."


Fourth more

Chapter 93 Meeting with Mo Xiucheng (Part 343) [[*]/[*]]

Here comes the price.

Among the four, Mo Xiucheng may be the gentlest one. After the reform meeting took shape, he always wanted to go abroad, so he was the least threatening.

And what demands would be made of the least threatening person like him?

"In the past few years, I have opened up a site in other countries, and have also transferred a lot of production materials, but there are a lot of professional talents... You can help me recommend some."

Mo Xiucheng put forward his own requirements: "In addition, I have some industries that I can't take out of the country. Instead of being confiscated by the new government after the reform, it is better for you to spend money to buy them... But I don't give discounts. ."

Hearing this, Ding Dangmao laughed and said: "The store is about to close down, and you dare to sell your goods at the original price. Did you take advantage of me on the spot?"

"Also, where do I know any professional talents..."


There is an extra tape on the table.

If I read it right, it was the [ability tape] that I sent out.

Seeing this, Ding Dangmao frowned: "Where did you get this tape from?"

Ding Dangmao was very careful in distributing these props. Apart from the confusion in the initial management, each tape corresponds to one person. Now that there are happy playing cards, there will be no loss of tapes.

"Don't worry, I know the rules very well, and I didn't hurt your lovely staff."

Mo Xiucheng smiled kindly: "They respect you very much, regard you as the hope of Wei Shangguo, have lofty belief in you, and no one will betray you easily... It's a pity that ordinary people can't hide it. Keep it secret."

"I didn't attack them either, I just made a copy, and they didn't even know they had been manipulated."

Oh yes, there is also the trick of copying.

You know, the power user who can copy is not the only one.

Super power mixtures like silver gunpowder, purple gunpowder and red gunpowder are all spread out from a certain force, and then analyzed and re-engraved by power users with similar abilities, or directly let copy-type power users come to the original intact. pasted.

This made them spread all over the world.

However, many of the copy-type power users recorded on the bright side are not as efficient as their own [Egg Laying Lamp].

"It's up to you to get this."

The ability tape to flow out is actually expected.

However, Ding Dangmao thought that by relying on [Happy Playing Cards], he could hide this secret for a longer period of time.

It's a pity that it still didn't hide the minded people.

"Do you think I'm being taken advantage of and take me for a fool?" Ding Dangmao pushed the tape back and said to him, "Before, you made two requests to me."

"One is to buy your junk business, one is to supply you with tapes... Do you really think it's easy for me to make this thing?"

He is the secret of the prop-type power user, and I am afraid that he can't hold it in front of the high-level people.

But it doesn't matter, Ding Dangmao can expand the difficulty of making props by himself.

After all, the props he made were too practical.

"Both, you can only choose one!"

Ding Dangmao said solemnly, "Do you want the tape or sell the property..."

Speaking, he put away his serious face and became harmonious: "Or, you give me those so-called properties that you can't take away for free, and we still have a chance to continue cooperation."

Hearing this, Mo Xiucheng also smiled very kindly: "I'd rather dump the milk than give it to the poor!"

"It's really hard for you to give away for free. Sell it to my head office at a low price, right?"

"Have you ever seen a milk dealer who cut prices?"

"...I have one thing to say, I have actually seen it!"

"...Well, I can give you a discount."

When Mo Xiucheng said this, he opened his palm to reveal five fingers: "However, you have to bring me [*] tapes of these tapes first!"

"What occupation do you want?"

"I'll give you the file when I go back."

Ding Dangmao shook his head: "Only the documents are not enough, you have to help me send the people corresponding to each profession, they better be the top of this industry! Besides, no power users, ordinary people will do."

Mo Xiucheng did not hesitate: "Yes!"

He didn't know what medium Ding Dangmao needed to make tapes.

Since they are professionals in related industries...

It's normal for him to ask for some reference.

Ding Dangmao: "By the way, when did you leave the Wei Shang Kingdom?"

Mo Xiucheng: "Soon."

Ding Dangmao: "At the end of this year, can I get out?"

Mo Xiucheng: "You just want me to go?"

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