"Actually, I wish you were dead."

"...At the end of this year, I will leave." Mo Xiucheng clicked his tongue, and then said: "What you want to do in the future has nothing to do with me."


Mo Xiucheng left.

He's here really just to talk business.

Now that the goal has been achieved, people are leaving.

"I thought you would fight him." Hongzhuang opened his eyes in the back seat and said to Ding Dangmao, "After all, what do you say to him, there is a life and death vengeance."

"It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years."

Ding Dangmao said: "I am a very reasonable person. If he is willing to spend money to atone for his sin, I don't mind writing off the old account."

Hongzhuang didn't say much, everyone has their own style of behavior.

But he still asked with interest: "What is the tape he just said?"

"A tool that allows ordinary people to quickly master professional skills." Ding Dangmao said: "Why, the change will also be interested?"

"Of course, how can we let go of such a good thing."

He didn't think there was anything wrong with Ding Dangmao hiding it before, but now that it's exposed, Hongzhuang will naturally fight for it: "But we're not like Mo Xiucheng, you sell the tapes to the Reform Association, and you're the only one who can't be without you. the benefits of."

"Any merit points?" he asked.

Hongzhuang said: "Of course there is, this is a great achievement!"

In a few words, the matter was decided.

However, the detailed contract can be discussed later.

"The next person to meet with you is the second old man of the Super Power Association, and the Marshal of the army - in front of them, you'd better not show your previous props."

"Compared to Mo Xiucheng, Marshal Your Excellency's ambition is too big, and the second elders of the Super Energy Association have hidden evil intentions. Their basic business is in Wei Shang's country, so they will not be as casual as Mo Xiucheng when it comes to many domestic issues. "

Hongzhuang became serious, and he reminded: "Mo Xiucheng is a scumbag, but since he wants to leave, the Reform Association doesn't want to stop him... Among the T1 power users, he is also a very strong group. , it is best not to be the enemy."

Ding Dangmao said: "Then I think he is quite afraid of you."

Hongzhuang said confidently: "That's natural, because he can't beat me."

"...With all due respect, are you a T1 power user?" Ding Dangmao asked suspiciously. Although the super power field he just released was strong, it was still a little short.

Enough quality, quantity not yet.

"Super power level has nothing to do with combat power." Hongzhuang is still confident: "Wei Shangguo, if I fight alone, no one is my opponent."

Oh, Niubi, and this hidden combat power.

But after finishing his self-confidence, he was also a little embarrassed: "It's just that two fists can't beat four hands."


five shifts

Goodnight everybody

Chapter [*] Super Association Bipolar

Compared to the low-key Mo Xiucheng, the two members of the Super Energy Association are even more heavyweight.

They both, pay attention to pomp.

When the two arrived at the headquarters of the Reform Association, everyone was on alert, because the two T1-level powerhouses even brought a team, which was quite ostentatious.

Among them, there are more than 3 T2 power users, eight T[*] power users, plus these two great gods, the gathered combat power is enough to fight the change head-on!

The Reform Club did not break the rules, and received them according to the formal etiquette.

Of course, at the same time as the reception, it is also full of vigilance, and all units are ready.

Respond to emergencies at any time.

The members of the Real Leather Department are even ready for battle, and they will rush forward just after Hongzhuang's order, and they will try to keep the members of the Super Association here forever!

It's just that they are meeting today, not to fight.

With a large number of people, in addition to ostentation, it is naturally a deterrent by force.

It's like in the previous life on the high seas, the fleets of the two countries swam each other in front of each other, intimidating each other - they just won't fight.

"Xiao Hongzhuang, I have felt your breath from far away."

The door of the conference room opened, and a beautiful woman dressed in carefully selected, expensive but seemingly monotonous clothes walked into the conference room, she smiled at Hongzhuang: "Why didn't you tell us when you left the customs? One sound?"

Hongzhuang blinked his clear eyes: "None of your business."

His own words were mercilessly pushed back, and the beautiful woman's eyes flowed, and she said to the other person with a bit of grievance: "Husband, he scolded me."

"It's none of my business." Beside her, the young man who came in with her said expressionlessly.

These two are the bipolars of the Super Association.

The name of the beautiful girl is Mi Dantong. Don't look at her very young. In fact, her real age is over 60 years old. She relies on her superpowers to stay young forever.

The young man named Huang Wuyanghua was over 40 years old, but he still looked young, only twenty-five or six years old.

By the way, under the official unified caliber, the two are husband and wife.

In fact, they are indeed legally married.

This is just a superficial relationship. Wei Shangguo's senior management knows that the relationship between the two is not good. The woman keeps a bunch of white faces in private, and the man often travels around in small clothes to show mercy. It is said that the couple has long since lost any affection.

...Ding Dangmao is willing to believe this statement.

If the two have a deep relationship and they can work together to be intimate, then in the last war, wouldn't they be able to easily drag Hongzhuang with their combination of swords, and others would be able to make changes to Gan rotten if they freed up their hands.

But it is precisely because the relationship is not good, they are suspicious of each other, and each has a ghost.

When you make a move, you are afraid of your hands and feet, so that the change will be successful at home.

The four major T1 superpowers are all afraid that Hongzhuang will take away one regardless of life and death, and even take two away when the four are suspicious of each other...

Those at the top didn't dare to make a full effort. According to the principle that the upper beam was not right and the lower beam was crooked, the lower ones refused to fight for their lives. Naturally, there was no way to completely defeat the reform meeting.

"Hongzhuang, I am very surprised that you can break through the barrier, it means that this kid is very important to you." Huang Wuyanghua stared at Ding Dangmao, he sneered: "If I kill this kid... .."


Ding Dangmao didn't hold back and laughed out loud.

By the way, he interrupted the other's harsh words.

"What are you laughing at?" Huang Wuyanghua looked at him blankly.

Ding Dangmao: "I remember happy things."

Huang Wuyanghua didn't intend to expose the matter: "Do you think I can't do it?"

"No way, you are awesome, T1 level!" Ding Dangmao quickly boasted: "You are so amazing, I trembled all over when I saw you, I was very scared."

Both of Ding Dangmao's videos have been seen by both members of the Super Power Association.

Huang Wuyanghua was even told by Ding Dangmao that his blood pressure increased.

"This little brother is exactly what he is on the outside (like the one in the video)." Mi Dantong cheerfully said to Huang Wuyanghua: "Husband, he doesn't seem to be afraid of you at all."

Originally, Huang Wuyanghua was ready to habitually attack Ma Wei.

But after hearing Mi Dantong speak, he just suppressed his temper and sat down on the chair.

"Young man, your courage is commendable." He commented indifferently.

There is nothing else, but I will oppose what you say, and I will support what you are. The attitude of the opposite is nothing, and if you can be angry with you, you will be successful.

Moreover, he does not feel that as a dignified super power association bipolar, it is a rudeness to play such a small temper - in fact, only those who are not strong will care too much about their attitude, appearance, etiquette and other bells and whistles thing.

They have to rely on these false things to build high walls in people's hearts.

This is how to maintain your high status.

But for the real powerhouse, naturally these things are not needed.

What's more, he came here only for a nominal meeting.

In fact, it is notification.

"My surname is Ding, I have nothing else to do here, just let you know that those little cubs in Xinghuo Pavilion you raised are a little too much, so let me disband!"

"It's enough to have one change. Yixia is also an eye-catching thing. From time to time, it will jump out and destroy the arrangement of the association - let them all go home! Can't you be a good person? You have to wear a mask and hang around!"

Ding Dangmao was surprised.

He pondered that the one who hated the righteous chivalrous the most should be the aristocratic family.

Didn't expect that even the Super Power Association couldn't see it?

We Yixia have touched your interests... Oh right, Yixia is not only Spark Pavilion, but also various other organizations.

Even some superpowers of other forces put on their masks and call themselves righteous heroes to cause trouble.

But don't wear a mask, it's a superhero occupation, and it's easier to provoke revenge without a mask - if you can't solve the most basic information security, you still have to wear a mask.

"None of my business."

Ding Dangmao said bluntly: "I'm just a catalyst, and the rise of Yi Xia has something to do with me! It's not that Wei Shangguo's high-level people have been inappropriate for too long, and that will arouse the fierce resistance of the people at the bottom!"

Huang Wuyanghua snorted coldly: "Most of them are acting under your banner."

"I can only be regarded as a symbol." Ding Dangmao spread his hands: "If my image collapses, they will at most set standards again. The essence of the problem is not on me."

"Even if I say disband the Spark Pavilion, they won't listen without a proper reason, and they will even think I've been brainwashed."

Ding Dangmao is very clear about the reason for the rise of Yixia.

The root is not on yourself, you find yourself a fart.

"You are wrong kid, don't underestimate your influence."

It was Mi Dantong who took over the conversation and said, "You have become the belief of many righteous heroes... Don't you still understand the dangers of belief?"

"The so-called righteous hero is no different from a cult now. If it is not cleaned up now, it will shake the country when it grows stronger in the future!"

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