Chapter [*] The idea of ​​immortality ([*])

If nothing else, in the world of superpowers, it is very dangerous to have faith.

The deeper the belief, the easier it is to replace the doctrines and creeds with one's own way, and to live for the faith wholeheartedly. If the internal and external confrontation is more intense, the whole person will become more extreme and dangerous.

Also because this is an idealistic world, there will be no situation where the religious group becomes less religious as it reaches the top. On the contrary, the more mad believers are, the stronger they become, and when the strong are in high positions, there will be a situation where the upper beam is right and the lower beam follows. The miraculous phenomenon of the ... also caused the whole church to become more and more fanatical.

Wanting to exterminate such cults usually requires paying a high price.

Therefore, in the eastern world, there are no cults.

Whenever one appears, it will be nipped in the bud.

The eradication of cults is political correctness inscribed in the culture of the Eastern world.

On the contrary, the western world is ruled by sects, and the specific situation there is not known. Anyway, in the political propaganda of Wei Shangguo, the western land is simply a devil's cave——

Even Ding Dangmao did not dare to disobey the political correctness formed over thousands of years.

So he will leave the relationship.

"You're wearing your hat well, cult? They just stand up to the injustice of the people, and what they do is good deeds. You call this a cult?!"

Ding Dangmao was on the index finger and thumb, and gestured: "Yes, they just have a little bit of personality worship style, but they are far from the cult!"

Speaking of this, Ding Dangmao remembered the ceremony of making the sinner's skull into a handicraft during the induction of the official members of the Spark Pavilion...

Ahem, the image is not the same as the core, it is not a cult, and it has nothing to do with cults.

I'm not an evil god either.

"Then look at these!"

Huang Wuyanghua dropped a stack of photos showing the induction ceremony of the official members.

It is the scene where the newly added regular members sacrifice their sinful heads.

"This is a secret photographed by my subordinates at the headquarters of Xinghuo Pavilion!"

I don't know how he filmed it.

"Look? What's wrong, you have evidence that these things are true? Maybe it's something transformed by the super power of light and shadow!" Ding Dangmao refused to admit the hat: "Even if they are true, so what? A few photos can't prove anything!"

"Have you understood the program of Xinghuo Pavilion?"

"Do you know the origin and purpose of the Spark Pavilion?"

"Do you understand the pursuit of the members?"

He is not afraid of boiling water, he raised his head and said angrily: "I really want the Spark Pavilion to disappear, I tell you this simple, let this country be reformed from the top down, people want houses, food, money, and motherfuckers. fairness!"

"If you can allow everyone in Wei Shangguo to enjoy the most basic power, the Spark Pavilion will be disbanded immediately. Do you believe it?!"

His words are no different from asking the boss to distribute his stock and funds to the employees - even though the boss's money is earned by the employees.

But why?

A group of bulls and horses without the bottom of the society are also worthy of sharing rights with me?

"You are stealing the concept." Huang Wuyang Hua said.

"I stole your mother." Ding Dangmao said.

As soon as the words fell, Huang Wuyanghua's super energy field was suddenly released. He did not have Mo Xiucheng's restraint. The powerful super energy field leaked from the conference room and spread to thousands of meters away!

Suddenly, everyone felt the surging pressure.

In the face of this heavy pressure, the low-level power user's willpower is not functioning smoothly, the super power field shrinks in the body, and the super power itself is weakened a lot...except for the seeker.

Ding Dangmao only felt that the other party's super energy field was like a falling waterfall.

As for himself, he is like a blade aimed at the waterfall.

It surged down, and in the fierce scouring, it was able to stand upright.

With a click, the seat under Ding Dangmao's feet cracked, and he himself just frowned, just looking at him with fierce eyes...

One second...two seconds...five seconds...ten seconds...

After half a minute, neither party had any intention of resigning.


Another surging super energy field came in horizontally!

He pushed back Huang Wuyanghua's super energy field!

The latter was slightly frustrated and gave Hongzhuang a dissatisfied look.

And Hongzhuang snorted coldly: "Don't even look at whose territory is here."

The atmosphere suddenly dropped to freezing point.

It was the beautiful woman Mi Dantong who smoothed things out, and she said to Hongzhuang: "Well, since Ding Zi is unwilling to come forward to dissolve the Spark Pavilion, then we have to act impartially... First define the Spark Pavilion as illegal. Bar."

"The rest of the righteous warriors did the same, what do you think?"

The two sides are no longer aggressive with super energy fields.

A political confrontation began.

"The Spark Pavilion is a partner of the Change Society, but they are also independent organizations. I shouldn't talk about this kind of thing."

Hongzhuang lay down on the chair and patted Ding Dangmao on the shoulder: "You continue."

So Ding Dangmao continued.

"Defining Xinghuo Pavilion as illegal, that's ok, as you please." Ding Dangmao really didn't care about this: "I believe the government must have a way to arrest them."

Come on, speed up, I like the gas pedal the most.

Ding Dangmao will not take the initiative to start the troubled times, because he is still a person.

But no one else can use this to threaten him.

In troubled times, who do you think will benefit?

"The government doesn't have the ability, so it can ask for foreign aid."

Mi Dantong's lips lightly opened: "The Super Association is happy to help them."

Hearing this, Ding Dangmao even helped her to make suggestions: "Oh, by the way, you can go to the website to post tasks, such as cutting off the scalp of a famous hero, you can go to the Super Energy Association to exchange 100 crystal coins, I guarantee the enthusiasm of the whole country. will be mobilized!"

Mi Dantong... took a deep breath.

This man doesn't seem to be afraid.

"The Super Energy Association really did something to Xinghuo Pavilion, do you think you can get benefits?"

Her tone was capricious and dissatisfied: "As far as I know, the number of T2 power users in the Spark Pavilion does not exceed five fingers, and the number of T2 power users registered in the association has exceeded three digits! To us, What a mere righteous man, he can be destroyed by turning his hand!"

Ding Dangmao met her gaze and said solemnly: "The Xinghuo Pavilion is gone, and the Yehuo Pavilion, the Lihuo Pavilion, the Honghuo Pavilion... When the righteous heroes are gone, there will be a revolutionary army guerrilla of the uprising army... ..!"

"You can destroy their bodies, but you can't destroy their minds!"

"Super Power Association, just do whatever you want, I don't care what the reasons are for you to do it, but compared to the ridiculous power users registered in your association, a billion ordinary people are the real Wei Shangguo. lord!"

"Your rebellious actions will only exacerbate your own demise."

Towards the Super Energy Association, Ding Dangmao did not compromise this time.

Rather, it is the most intuitive way to indicate one's own attitude.

Facing Ding Dangmao's answer, Mi Dantong glared at - Hongzhuang!

"Don't you care?"

She said warmly: "Don't forget, we have signed an agreement to jointly maintain the peace of Wei Shangguo and keep the struggle to a minimum!"

Chapter [*] The idea of ​​immortality ([*])

"Xinghuo Pavilion is like the reform meeting of the year."

Hongzhuang recalled the past.

Everyone at that time, including myself, was very extreme.

The attitude of those old members towards themselves is like the nectar in the desert... Well, just like the Star Fire Pavilion and many righteous heroes treat Ding Dangmao.

Seeing Ding Dangmao, he remembered his past self.

In the past, at the beginning of the establishment of the Reform Club, it also attracted the suppression of other forces like the Spark Pavilion. At that time, the Reform Club almost became a guerrilla force. The struggle between the two sides became more extreme and the methods were more brutal.

Hongzhuang also personally organized several uprisings.

In the end, no matter what the result is, the fire can be saved, and the fire is getting bigger and bigger-until the foreign forces unabashedly show their desire to come in and intervene, their life-and-death extreme struggle will come to an end.

Everyone reacted suddenly: The environment is not as good as it was in the past!

In the past, when it came to rebellion, it was an infighting behind closed doors.

But now, even if you are doing things in your own house, there are bound to be foreign forces to intervene.

If you really want to keep fighting regardless, Hongzhuang believes that the reform will be able to win the final victory - but at what cost?Wei Shangguo was devastated, and hundreds of millions of people were displaced!

So they signed a peace agreement after the last battle.

Discarded the intention of foreign forces to intervene.

At this point, the change will be in the dark, and it will no longer act openly; and the major forces have given the change society funds and contacts, so that the change society can slowly implement gradual reforms... The main thing is that the change will take the lead. The three major forces of Chao, Shang and Jun can accept the operation of the family.

It is precisely because of the peace agreement signed by the two parties that Wei Shangguo's situation did not get worse - and the most critical point in the peace agreement is that the reform meeting must be behind the scenes and not allowed to join the WTO.

Recalling that this is the end, Hongzhuang resolutely expressed his position to the two super power associations: "We have signed a peace agreement, but the matter of the hero is not within the scope of the agreement! Whether they are scattered or gathered, they are all with Change will be irrelevant.”

"What do you want to do to Yi Xia, the change will not participate."



Very headache.

Because Huang Wuyanghua and Mi Dantong knew how difficult the matter of Xinghuo Pavilion was.

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