Because those righteous heroes are once the prototype of the reform.

Even in a way, it will be more difficult than change.

Since they appear in this world, sooner or later they will go the same or even more extreme path with the change. Once it becomes a climate, the Super Association will be passive.

"Do you have to start an all-out war?"

Mi Dantong looked at Ding Dangmao badly: "Do you know how many innocent people will be involved if the war resumes? How heavy the casualties will be?"

"Then why don't you start a war?" Ding Dangmao couldn't help but be rude: "You fucking brains are sick, right? You have to fight?"

Mi Dantong said coldly: "The concept of righteous chivalry does not naturally deal with me and others, and conflicts are inevitable... There have even been many conflicts. If you can keep yourselves safe, why do we have to fight? "

"It's you who should keep yourselves! It's none of our business!" Ding Dangmao retorted.

Mi Dantong reprimanded: "Superpowers are above mortals, and it has been the case since ancient times. It is you who have deviated from the classics and have to equate the lives of the two! That is, the contradiction you provoked first, why should we come? Pay?!"

"Superpowers, Master, right, Dian! It's too Dian! You are so good!" Ding Dangmao gave a thumbs up, and then waved down: "It's so good, if you have the ability to not block the ascending passage, let Fair play everyone!"

"Do you think the mere fighters really have a chance of winning? Do you really think the Super Power Association doesn't know their true identities!?"

"Then why are you forcing me? Go! You can do it if you have the ability! The righteous chivalrous criminals need to be punished, and the Super Power Association needs to be hard on the anus, so that it can be called sound!"

One of them is arguing with rhetoric.

One is to engage in a network abstraction war.

All I can say is that it didn't count as restraint.

The quarrel between a man and a woman reverberated throughout the conference room. Huang Wuyanghua and Hongzhuang looked at the two with strange eyes to hear when they were going to quarrel.

Fifteen minutes later, Mi Dantong withdrew from the inconclusive debate.

She also took a step back on the request: "Well, it can be seen that you don't want Wei Shangguo to fall into the war, it is better for us to take a step back, the Super Energy Association will no longer trouble you, but Yi Xia must be forbidden to appear in Ming Dynasty. On the surface, you have to go underground..."

"Yi Xia is working in the dark!" Ding Dangmao spread his hands: "They are not rampant in the first place, all of them are very low-key."

"I mean like the change will do!"

Mi Dantong emphasized: "Erase all information and existence on the Internet, and Yixia will no longer appear in the public eye, and they will all act in the dark..."

Hearing this, Ding Dangmao raised Erlang's legs, holding his chin in his hand and fell silent.

He glanced at Hongzhuang, but the other party said to let Ding Dangmao play at will.

"The change will be compromised once, so Xinghuo Pavilion also has to compromise?"

Ding Dangmao said, "Then, why don't you change your name to Change Society No. [-], or the Change Society branch!"

After the words fell, the conference room was silent for a long time.

Mi Dantong wanted to say something, but only heard a deep laughter, Huang Wuyanghua's laughter changed from low to high, and he patted his thigh with joy.

"Okay! That's the fucking truth!" He stared at Ding Dangmao with lethal eyes, and said, "I knew that you were actually a ruthless character! Otherwise, I wouldn't let such extreme rituals go."

"If that's the case, let's fight!"

"I just hope that your Dao heart is as strong as you say, don't cry to death after a wife dies in the back, a person like you who is a firm preacher of Dao, even if he dies, the whole family may even die. You don't even frown, do you?"

Ding Dangmao was not deaf, he could hear the threat of the other party.

"Killing each other's whole family, this is too much work." Ding Dangmao's eyes lit up: "I heard that President Huang Wu is also a passionate seed, showing mercy outside, so many confidantes, presumably there are many children?"

The atmosphere is more solidified.

Huang Wuyanghua stared at Ding Dangmao for a while, then laughed wildly: "Stop pretending, you are not a person who kills innocent people indiscriminately."

Ding Dangmao smiled and said, "Try it!"

"I've seen your profile, you're a hater..."

"Try it."

"I really thought I would be afraid of the threat of you yellow-haired boy..."

"Try it."

The eyes of the two met, as if they were about to rub sparks.

Huang Wuyanghua looked at Hongzhuang abruptly, and said in a loud voice, "Who the hell are you recruiting? Are the reform associations not even joining the censorship yet?!"

Hongzhuang looked up at the sky and said that he didn't hear anything.

Chapter 95 Agreement to Control Intensity 【343/[-]】

Change will be inaccessible to the WTO.

The so-called accession to the WTO refers to coming to the public in a fair and open manner, telling them about their ideas, in order to attract more people to join them.

In the Wei Shang Kingdom, the consequences of the reform will be conceivable.  …

Once they join the WTO, their ideas will become the banner, and at least tens of thousands of people across the country will join the Reform Party!practice their ideas.

Therefore, they do everything possible to prevent the change from joining the WTO.

If you don't join the WTO, there is still room for manoeuvre. For example, even if the members of the Reform Association are seekers, but seekers are also human beings. You can find ways to slowly corrupt them!

Or use an indirect method to disrupt their membership review.

For example, the standard for full members to join the association must be a seeker.

And what this person is doing is not carefully scrutinized, as long as he does not fight against the change.

As for the people who put us in...the difficulty is too high.

But some seekers whose paths differ from those of the masses can be turned into neutrals.

In short, if the reform will not join the WTO, then it will be an open and secret struggle.

They are very familiar with this set.

However, what the Super Energy Association did not expect was that Ding Dangmao was born out of nowhere—no, as a chess piece of the Reform Association, he made the most efficient use of his identity.

Very high-profile swore his existence in Wei Shangguo.

And catalyzed the birth of various heroes.

To be honest, it's just a single or a small group of righteous heroes, and forces such as the Super Power Association can tolerate it. After all, they are only heroes, not rebels...

But until the establishment of Spark Pavilion, everything changed again.

Although there is no sign of a rebellion in the Spark Pavilion.

But the core of this organization contains rebellion.

When they grow up, they will only follow the path that the Reform Society used to be - rather than that, it is better to kill them in the budding stage.

Of course, if they are willing to disband themselves, there is no need to commit murder.

Unfortunately, their proposal was rejected.

Ding Dangmao even refused to turn to a dark place, that was something that the Reform Association had promised, but he actually opposed... how could he object! ?

"We are too timid, and you are right."

After calming down, Huang Wuyanghua said with a smile: "Since the struggle is inevitable, then I have another suggestion, let's control the intensity of the struggle a little... You don't want to see the power user coming. Are there fights in the streets where people go?"

Ding Dangmao sat up straight, knowing that the other party's real conditions were coming.

He asked, "What do you mean?"

"It's okay to fight, but we have to talk about martial arts." Huang Wuyanghua gave an example: "Otherwise I will kill your wife today, and you will kill my whole family tomorrow. If such a thing happens, it will not be good for anyone."

Ding Dangmao asked knowingly, "What do you mean, it's not the family's fault?"

"Why, don't say that you don't even want to do this." Huang Wuyanghua said impatiently: "To establish such a rule, we have already given way too much."

"What do you want to do, fight in the ring? Are we playing house?"

Ding Dangmao sneered: "It's the end of the disaster if it's not for the family? If my people are walking on the street, what if you don't take them away with a sneak attack? Since you want to set the rules, let's just be a little bit better."

"Most of the righteous heroes of Xinghuo Pavilion will go to fight for the righteousness at night. You can do it if you want, but you can only choose that time! No other time!"

"Moreover, we should also set up a safe zone, as well as the safety time limit, as well as the punishment for breaking the rules, and who will be the enforcer... There are so many things to discuss in our door, this can't just be slapped on the head. Decide."

Huang Wuyang Hua said: "We can talk about what you said, and the Super Energy Association is only concerned with Wei Shangguo, so there is no chance of a war..."

Yes, the previous debates, scoldings and various temptations were all aimed at throwing out this condition.

Struggle is a must.

Otherwise, they can't explain it to their own people.

But if there must be a struggle, they hope to suppress the battle between the two sides at a low-intensity position, and no one wants to try again the storm that the change will once set off.

Therefore, it is necessary to establish rules and delay time.

Until the contradiction can no longer be suppressed and the fight must be fought, the fighting on both sides must be kept as low as possible...

It's not even a war, it's a competition at best.

Well, it's the kind of competition that is signed to life and death.

Ding Dangmao remembered his pile of eggs that were hatching...

Yes, if you want to become stronger, you also need time on your own side.

It's better to procrastinate.

"I can agree to your conditions. If you insist on fighting, it is good for both sides to maintain the war at a low intensity." Ding Dangmao said.

Then he added: "But Xinghuo Pavilion is not a reform meeting. We will always stand on the bright side. What you want to do, I will follow along."

Hearing this, as soon as Mi Dantong frowned and was about to speak, Huang Wuyanghua took the lead and agreed: "As you are! But we will also define Xinghuoge as a terrorist organization through official caliber, and all the righteous men who join Xinghuoge , all listed as wanted criminals!"

Yes, wanted criminals.

Officially wanted criminals of Wei Shangguo!

"Since you choose to be upright, that's good! We can't guarantee whether the true identities of these righteous heroes will be revealed. As for what other people will do to the family of the righteous heroes, it has nothing to do with me."

Huang Wuyanghua laughed arrogantly: "If you choose to be upright, then we will put everything under the spotlight and let others judge!"

Just like Ding Dangmao's 'advice' earlier.

Didn't you say that it's better to take the scalp of the righteous man and go to the Super Energy Association to receive the reward?

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