Some of the law realms nodded solemnly, while others were full of question marks.

Different people have different feelings.

Not everyone can understand this mystery at first sight.

And Ding Dangmao also understood why the World Destroyer of the other plane was stuck at the peak of the Law Realm and did not break through. That was because as long as he broke through, he might have nothing to do, but his eight achievements in the universe were sent.

The upper limit of the super universe plane is the peak of the law realm.

It's not about area, it's about quality.

"It's true that the universe was born; but the upper limit of this universe is very low, and it can't accommodate laws like ours, and even... even powerful power users."

Through authority, Ding Dangmao discovered the upper limit of the universe's carrying capacity.

T2 level!

And it is the level of the first entry to T2, which is its biggest upper limit.

Anyone who exceeds this limit will be repelled by the universe if they want to enter; if everything is fine, they can be directly repelled, but if it is in the realm of law, they can forcefully squeeze in, thus bursting the entire universe!

"But it doesn't matter, the plane will be upgraded. It feeds on the mind of intellectual life, and the more powerful the power user, the easier it is to affect the process of the plane, and then promote it to a higher realm... ..."

After all, Ding Dangmao paused.

The plane is upgraded by the mind, in other words, it is based on the [willia] that lives in the plane, and the high-quality will is naturally the best. The number is also the largest...

Isn't this the same as yourself? !


There is good news and there is bad news.

Whether it is the law realm, or the power users of the advanced level and above, their faces are heavy.

The miniature universe was created by Ding Dangmao as promised.

But damn, there's no part of yourself in it?

We, the strong, don't even have the qualifications to enter? !

Just because...we are too strong? !

For the class of the universe today, this is not a small blow.

You must know that each system is a strongman politics. The higher the super power level, the more elite, and the lower the level, the more mediocre...

Superpowers don't look at blood, just look at the heart.

As a result, the class mobility is extremely high. As long as the ascending channel is closed, various accidents will definitely occur, just like the Spark Pavilion and the Reform Club in the past.

This has also caused a phenomenon: low-level power users are despised.

It is equal on the surface, but the implicit contempt still remains.

After all, low-level power users are far less powerful than high-level power users in terms of their beautiful qualities such as will, spirit, and tenacity!

Because of this, if there is a fire plan, it is reserved for the powerful power users, and the value of the weak is really inferior to them.

But now...

A miniature universe was born.

But only the weak can enter, and the strong are watching from the outside.

The fuck, the fuck...

Dissatisfaction and resentment gradually spread in the middle and high level.

Chapter [-] The New Plane (Part [-])

"Spear spear, everyone's morale is very low."

"Violent crimes in the red zone increased by 203% this month (the base was originally low), and most of them were the faults of high-level power users; except for these superficial incidents, the rest also came to me to ask about micro The universe thing..."

In the red zone, Qin Lele came to the door with a worried look.

Before that, everyone believed in Ding Dangmao's plan.

And Ding Dangmao lived up to expectations by building a micro-universe, which was considered to have fulfilled his promise - but what everyone did not expect was that the newly-born micro-universe was so weak!

It's too weak, and even the stronger ones can't squeeze in.

Only the weak can be sheltered.

Therefore, all the people who had contributed to the previous work were anxious. The middle and low-level power users and ordinary people were fine. The problem was that the high-level power users and above had a bitter face and didn't know what to do.

It's like being betrayed.

"Don't worry, the plane can also be upgraded."

"Sooner or later, everyone will be able to go in and enjoy shelter."

"Besides, different rules and carrying capacity have already proved its integrity; unlike different dimensions, the micro-universe can be completely separated from the universe, which is already the greatest benefit... "

This is an independent universe, and it is normal to have some restrictions.

It cannot be compared with the mother plane at birth.

At least it can be used as an ark all the time, leaving this dangerous universe.

And then roaming in the void.

Even to find a new plane.

With this microcosm, people in the mother plane will always have a way back.

"Can we wait until this day?" Qin Lele asked.

Ding Dangmao said: "Why, you don't have confidence in me?"

He smiled and assured Qin Lele: "Don't worry, I have calculated the speed of its growth, as long as we put more people in it, the faster the growth of the micro-universe, even if the law realm later. can also enjoy asylum.”

When he said this, he did not shy away from other 'eavesdropping' people.

Therefore, with Ding Dangmao's guarantee, everyone's dull mood has improved a lot.

But it was still dull and cluttered.

Originally, the 'Tinder Project' in various entertainment works took the elites of mankind to leave, and the elites of the society have long accepted the fact that they are better, but they did not expect the reality to be completely reversed.

The huge gap made them very angry.

As a result, the efficiency of work in the red zone has plummeted, and more and more people have begun to grind foreign workers.

You must know, in the high-level circles of the red zone, which one is not the existence of the way of cutting thoughts reaching more than [-] thoughts?With the help of "transit stations" placed in various districts, they can reach at least [-] workers!

Whether it is strength or productivity, this group of people is an indispensable backbone.

It is because of their contributions that the prosperity of the red zone is now possible.

Yes, in this day and age, most of the people in the red zone are unemployed, and large areas have been turned into various schools, so as to provide for many students who cannot keep up with the times.

And because of the full spread of the spiritual world, now everyone can enter the spiritual world anytime, anywhere, anywhere on the planet Earth. With the efforts of Ding Dangmao, the spiritual network has become people's second world. .

To achieve such a condition, it is precisely because the way of killing the mind in the red zone has come to fruition. Most of the workstations have been replaced by the powerful "mind-killer". With various smart devices, their population of [-] million can reach them. Thousands of people.

It was only in the era of abundant supplies that the red zone could afford food, drink and Lazard for tens of billions of people.

It is precisely because of this that Ding Dangmao cannot ignore the opinions of these high-level leaders who support the operation of society. In just one month, the social operation of the red zone has repeatedly gone wrong, which shows that they are irreplaceable. importance.

Qin Lele was not the first to 'discuss' herself.

Nor will it be the last.

With words of comfort, groups of people were sent away.

Ding Dangmao also looked at the miniature universe.

At this moment, after experiencing the Big Bang, this thing has spent tens of millions of years in the acceleration of time...

On the scale of the universe, that's nothing.

How can a planet give birth to intelligent life without going through billions of years of development?

However, this rule obviously cannot be applied to the plane of the round sky.

Because of the development of only close to one million years, many creatures have appeared in the plane, and they are not ordinary creatures, but more magical beasts that have never been seen in the super world and are close to fantasy and fantasy.

Even without superpowers, all of them can spit frost and flames at their mouths, and their strength can lift up boulders weighing dozens of tons. The speed is comparable to that of a maglev racing car, which is really fierce.

Even in the deep sea, there are jellyfish-like clusters of creatures that can connect with spirits. Although they only rely on instinct to act, it is not far from the emergence of wisdom.

The planes in the round sky develop fast and their lifespans are short.

But this is on a cosmic scale.

For human beings, that has been a very long time.

"The first shelter plane has grown, and it's time to move people in. As long as the facilities and everything are arranged, the more people who settle in the plane, the faster the upper limit of the plane can be raised. !"

This information, Ding Dangmao has long been made public.

There is good news, and the red zone has also started the work of population migration. The news is broadcast one after another, and various modules, facilities, and starships that have been built for a long time will be shipped there.

Once the city is built, people can be transported into it.

With the guarantee, the small fluctuations in the mere month quickly disappeared, the red zone returned to its former efficiency, and the community environment was restored to its original state, as if nothing had happened at all.

In fact... nothing really happened.

Those who don't care about political affairs have not felt any changes this month.

When the conflict just started to rise, it was pushed down by Ding Dangmao.


With the birth of the first microcosm, the second one was opened up a few months later. As for the third and fourth ones - they are still absorbing the material of Wind Star and Thunder Star, the two gaseous planets. There are too many things to suck at a time.

And in the micro-universe, the first round of migration begins.

In addition to the official construction staff, the first batch of people who moved there were mid-level power users, and the backbone of the operation of the red zone.

Taking productivity as the benchmark, with the cooperation of modern technology and facilities, they can support at least [-] ordinary people alone!Because they can separate at least [-] thoughts and go to different jobs.

With the newly established city as the center, they spread out in all directions of the entire plane, and built new cities.

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