Civilization, spread out in the plane of the wild period.

Chapter [-] The New Plane (Part [-])

Qin Shisan, a T3 power user, the youngest sister of the Qin family, and the weakest one.

As a [-]-year-old migrant worker, apart from her sensitive identity, Qin Shisan is not outstanding in terms of strength or talent, and is only a member of the general public in the red zone.

Unlike the eldest brother and the second brother who are already in the T0 accumulation stage, nor have they made great contributions to the cultural field and the spiritual world like the third brother, nor are they all mature like the other brothers and sisters, and their guarantees are all T2.

She was alone in T3, and she refused to break through.

It is precisely because of this that she was selected because of her low level, as the first group of migrants to go to the Sanctuary Plane; after traveling through the starship, Qin Thirteen set foot on this strange land.

Take a deep breath, this continent has long been detected to have air, and the composition is similar to the earth star of the mother plane, even ordinary people can breathe freely here.

"Is this the air of another world?" She savored it carefully, sniffing the fragrance of soil and nature.

Well, it smells so bad, who told me that nature is beautiful?

Still a good city.

Her teammates screamed excitedly beside her: "Thirteen, this world is really the same as in the propaganda, look at me-"

While speaking, her teammate jumped hard and jumped dozens of meters high.

Easy landing, the whole process is very normal, without the slightest discomfort.

The opponent is just like himself, an ordinary person who has swallowed the "Royal Insect Pill". Except for the full defense, he has no other characteristics in terms of physical fitness.

It stands to reason that it is not bad to be able to jump a few meters high.

However, he jumped out of the dozens of meters directly!

"It's amazing. It's obviously a gravitational force similar to the Earth's star, but I feel a lot easier... By the way, my super powers have also become stronger!"

As he spoke, his energy poured in, and he raised his hand to use his superpower—softening the flame.

It is a medium and high temperature flame that can change the specific heat capacity of a substance.

Usually, at his T3 level, he can only spray the flame a dozen or twenty meters away, but he can directly burn down a room, but he suffers from no chance of performance in reality, so he can only use the simulation super in the spiritual world. Can have fun.

But here, his flames jumped hundreds of meters high!

The thick flames enveloped the sky above the two of them, which was extremely spectacular.

Even, he can continue to exert power.

The strength shown on this plane comes only from superpowers, and it is much more powerful than T2 superpowers. It is really exciting.

What a novel experience.

Not only superpowers, but also supernatural powers and mental powers have been significantly improved on this plane - but strangely, they did not feel any surge or improvement in power.

This power is his own, and he has it, so it should be normal.

It was only after coming to this world that I was liberated.

"As Pavilion Master Ding said, our mother plane is too high-level. In order to enable people to coexist harmoniously to a certain extent, we have strengthened all non-extraordinary powers... But in this plane, we do not any repression."

No, it would be wrong to say 'repression'.

In this plane, the extraordinary power they show is normal.

In the mother plane, after everything has been 'proportionally stronger', only the extraordinary power will stand still, then everyone will form an illusion of [the extraordinary power has become weaker] - in fact, it is not it Too weak, but everyone is too strong.

In the shelter plane, ordinary people who have awakened superpowers are not inferior to low-level power users, and the original low-level power users have soared to the T3~T2 level; and the original T3 power users, also At least soared to the level of the upper T2.

On average, it improved by one and a half orders.

Aside from superpowers, so do powers.

In addition, their enhanced physical abilities were also displayed vividly here, even the most ordinary adults who had not undergone any transformation, without using their superpowers here, could still be comparable to the lower-level transformed people of the Xuan level.

"It's almost the same anyway."

Her teammates moved and said: "I think this place is much more comfortable than the mother plane, at least the power is much more real and comfortable than the simulation in the mental network... .."

Although Qin Shisan didn't speak, she nodded secretly in her heart.

For whatever reason the mother plane is fine.

In the eyes of everyone, it suppresses us and suppresses human superpowers.

Make people...weak!

Talking and chatting on the road, passing by many kinds of monsters, some monsters are very terrifying in terms of size and speed, no less than the transformed people of the prefecture level...

However, they were quickly thrown away at the extreme speed of the two-person maglev motorcycle.

The two increased their speed to [-] meters per second.

Drive towards the nearest city.


"Tsk, I thought I could go straight back to the spiritual world and enjoy it."

"We think too much. As the first batch of immigrants and the first batch of architects in the city, we want to lie down and relax. After the work is completed, there is time; it's just that there is no strong pressure from Pavilion Master Ding's spiritual network, we can really maintain it all the time. Peaceful?"

The two reported to the unit and were then assigned various tasks.

Not long after, they left with a space ring, which contained various modules. If they were pieced together and modified a little, they could even form a base car!

Once you arrive at a place, you can directly take root and sprout, use mining technology to rapidly develop various factories and arms, and then use this as a benchmark to slowly occupy the world.

"We still have to rely on us to open up wasteland, and the people in the future will be blessed."

Qin Shisan's teammates couldn't help but said.

He understood the thoughts of the advanced power users before, and he worked hard here for a long time, but he didn't expect that someone else would live in after the completion.

And he is weaker than himself.

Qin Shisan didn't think there was anything, because it was a serious labor job, and the Xinghuo Pavilion gave you money, and it didn't let you do white labor.

"I can't let students or ordinary people come to open up wasteland, right?" Qin Shisan said with a natural expression: "Rely on them, how long do you have to work?"

...makes sense.

But at present, most of the red areas are students and ordinary people, as well as minors.

They can't do it in every way, let them gather the crowd to do things, even if they have this idea, Ding Dangmao will not implement it - it's too slow, it's better to "kill the messenger".

In the shelter plane, under the efforts of the first batch of immigrants, it is being built in an orderly manner. Ding Dangmao sees many things that happen inside.

Every month, he sends a group of elites in.

It wasn't until cities rose up from the ground that he agreed to actually start moving people.

Chapter [-] The New Plane (Part [-])

The spiritual network of the sanctuary plane has been laid.

Although the real body cannot come, Ding Dangmao has also found a way for the spiritual body (incarnation) to descend to the lower planes, especially in the spiritual world, the difficulty will be much reduced.

After Ding Dangmao's spiritual body settled in, the construction of the shelter plane was significantly accelerated.

In just one year, tens of billions of civilians in the red zone migrated into it.

And the [Creation Combination] that was far away on Mars also absorbed the material of a planet. Ding Dangmao once again opened up the world for them, and also formed a plane that was large enough and round.

The reason why I have a special liking for the plane in the round sky is entirely because this kind of place is too convenient for people to live in. As long as the thickness of tens of thousands of meters is ensured, a plane suitable for human survival can be formed, and even the sun cannot be used. ......

No, the 'sun' in this plane is smaller, but it is closer to the entire plane, and for humans it is similar to the real-world sun.

The second universe is naturally given to other law realms, allowing them to put people into the shelter plane early - of course, it must be separated from the red zone, but the authority of the two planes is in the hands of Ding The hand of the swinging spear.

The red zone has a large population, but the migration process is very smooth and uneventful.

But other colored areas don't know what happened, but many bloody clashes broke out, demonstrations and demonstrations are commonplace, and there are even the appearance of armed resistance forces...

It took some time for the Law Realm to suppress them.

And increase the power to migrate to the sheltered plane.

In the red zone, the plane is constantly expanding, and various cities are established one after another.

Compared with the slightly old red zone, the city built from scratch is much better than the daily renovation. After all kinds of new technologies are applied, the newly built cities in the shelter plane have abandoned the previous constraints.

That is, more focus on developing the spiritual network for the second world.

How is it done?

Most people live directly in single-room boxes and use the mental network to communicate in the virtual spiritual world; as for real life, there are not many places that require the body, so the body or other bodies have become means of transportation. .

Ding Dangmao tried to achieve the transformation of the first and second worlds in the shelter plane.

Let people take the spiritual world as the main body and the real world as the second world.

In Ding Dangmao's plan, most of the people will evolve towards the route of spiritual ascension, so that more people can be accommodated in a smaller space.

And more population will help Ding Dangmao's strength to rise to a higher level!

Flesh?It's just a means of transportation. In the future, the body will be the same concept as the car in the previous life; unless it is necessary, there is no need to use it, and there is no need to buy it.

Yes, as the crisis of annihilation became more and more serious, Ding Dangmao's countermeasures became more and more extreme. Even today's influence of a population of [-] billion could not keep up with Ding Dangmao's upgrade needs.

Fortunately, the improvement of superpowers is idealistic and requires almost no real resources.

That being the case, there is no harm in letting the people live in the spiritual world.

You can even cast aside the shackles of the flesh and get a different kind of eternal life. Why not do it?


"This is......"

In the Sanctuary Plane, with the migration of tens of billions of people, Qin Thirteen is considered a senior in this place, and Zhan Nian has improved to 2, and even his super power has been improved to the level of first-time entry T[-], which is not given. The Qin family was ashamed.

However, in the long-term work, Qin Shisan, as a member of the Ocean Exploration Bureau, discovered some unusual things.

As the investigation deepened, she found a fish that communicated by brain waves at a depth of [-] meters under the sea, that is, in the dark deep sea...

It is also a specialty of the shelter plane - the beast species.

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