I even saw signs of microorganisms on a few planets.

But they developed too slowly. They were still multicellular organisms. Such a weak force would only be crushed by the immigrants and completely changed!

During the half-year journey, Ding Dangmao would also be distracted to build the red zone.

What memory resurrection plan was rejected by him.

Dangmao had better plans.

In the past half a year, the integration of the planes has been completely perfected. Ding Dangmao occasionally looked out in the ocean of laws. With this platform, he saw more things...


A plane like soap bubbles, densely packed.

Moreover, the taste of the same root and the same origin came from the plane.

After the upgrade of the mother plane broke the limit, Ding Dangmao only felt that the entire plane had risen to a higher realm!This is more than that, he has just arrived and has not yet established a firm foothold, but Ding Dangmao found that he was surrounded by the same kind of people who were staring at him.

After finding the location on the plane and completing the upgrade, everything changed.

It's like having a single computer connected to the network all the time!

An extremely colorful world appeared in front of Ding Dangmao.

The empty plane was skipped by countless information torrents, and a large number of planes were surprised and curious about their arrival.

Moreover, they have sent messengers to come to greet them.


the end of the volume

new book tomorrow

Chapter [-] The Plane of Fortune (Part [-])

Earthstar, Jin San yawned and woke up from the bio-battery cabin.

He looks like a mature and handsome man in his thirties, but he has actually lived for more than two hundred years. Since the founding of the Federation two hundred years ago, the longevity drugs developed by the Ding Group have been distributed to thousands of households.

Jin Sanxian has also been able to survive until now without dying.

Maybe even live.

Ding Group's trademarks and various logos can be seen everywhere in the world.

Over the past two hundred years, Jin Sanxian has almost forgotten the name of his original country, and he can't even say the name of the Federation...

He is like a screw, every day he has to complete the given work.

Go to work at seven in the morning and go to the factory to work continuously for twelve hours.

As a power user, he has a dedicated production chain. Of course, his job is to attach his own super power to a certain part, so that it can precisely change its properties.

The body that has been remodeled can work continuously for twelve hours with high concentration, and the bladder that has also been remodeled is like a cistern, allowing him to stay at work for twelve hours without leaving the station... ...not as good as the toilet.

I got off work at [-]:[-] in the afternoon, and ate dinner on the road after excreting and cleaning. At [-]:[-] pm, I rushed to the Hehuan Sect to make a furnace, and served the outer door and the handyman disciples for four hours. In addition to the basic salary of the night shift, I even You may also get a tip.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, I fell asleep in the nearest Skynet bio-battery cabin. Most of the wages I earned today had to be put on the nano-maintenance project inside. It will be unbearable and hiccups.

In this way, there is still a small part of the daily salary left.

After saving up, over time, Jin Sangang has saved more than a hundred years of money, and he has long set a goal for himself: when he has enough money, he will have a full-body cosmetic surgery, mention his appearance and quality, and strive to get the best of him. The business of the Hehuan Sect is achieved by the inner disciples...

This is only the first step. After the income gradually increases, he can climb up the channel step by step. In the plan, it is estimated that it will take more than [-] years to reach the level of the middle class... .

At that time, he thought that his life would be complete.

As far as he knows, a lot of people don't have him planning.

So he died of overwork early.

It doesn't matter if you die, many people have already signed contracts to sell themselves.

After a person dies, the soul enters the Soul Eater Banner, the bones are made into skeleton soldiers, the body and internal organs are sewn into hatred, and they can still make continuous contributions to society...for the Ding Group.

"Recently, 16 employees of the Ding Group's diplomatic department arrived at the Spark Plane on February 211, 2 in the Dream Calendar, and formally established the diplomatic relationship between the plane and the Spark Plane. According to President Ding, the Spark Plane was five days ago. A whole new plane being observed..."

On the way, Jin Sanxun listened to the news in a spirited way.

Half an hour on the way to work, Jin Sanxian took time to finish breakfast, and after listening to the news, he didn't say anything, as if it didn't matter—

Ah, it really doesn't matter.

The outer plane civilizations that were discovered and established diplomatic relations are not one or two, and this kind of thing has nothing to do with their bottom-level farts.

Just do your own thing.

However, Jin Sanxian will still look forward to other unrealistic things. For example, a certain parallel plane is actually a super strong powerhouse. He can't see other planes suffering from human suffering, so he came to pull He has a...

This kind of thing didn't happen.

Occasionally there are lucky people who make their way through this kind of thing.

They are all the objects that Jin Sanbang is extremely envious of.


Xinghuo plane, which is the mother plane where Ding Dangmao is now.

Civilization is still in its infancy, and people have already come from the outer planes...

After the plane was upgraded, such a vast world appeared in front of him, the lonely void became lively, and all kinds of information flowed and flickered in the void like a torrent.

He couldn't help but remember the shock of seeing such a scene before...

"A newcomer has joined."

"Welcome, newcomer."

"I'll come to you right away, wait for me."

"Would you like to buy a cake? I'll give you a [-]% discount for the law!"

"Is it the farming stream? Or the reunification? Please indicate your inclination."

"It's all fucking quiet! You're scaring people!"

"Jie Jie! Another dish..."

The massive information flow is not only a paragraph of words, but also accompanied by pictures and videos, as well as a transmission method with a larger amount of information.

Ding Dangmao looks like a child looking up at the stars.

Seeing countless stars winking at me... It's quite scary.

Like the Voyager, these information flows carry a lot of propaganda about their own planes and civilizations, like video advertisements promoting products one by one.

It may also be the cloak of a civilization disguising its own nature.

But in all the information and Q&A, he saw the same person...

Ding Dang spear!

That is myself!

The momentum and shape of each Ding Dangmao are different, and even the appearance has been fine-tuned, and it is more common to have different races - but when he sees them, Ding Dangmao will understand.

They are all other selves.

like the destroyer.

But there is a significant difference!

Some Dangmao were born in commoner families, some were born in powerful and powerful families, and some were directly cloned by some biological research bases...

The same is the memory before their 'traveling', as well as the same golden finger.

The difference is their start, creating a different life.

From the massive amount of information, Ding Dangmao would only use his instinct to select and reply.

Rules magic · lucky poker!

Not being deceived by the appearance of many information, Ding Dangmao chose to rely on fortune to select information that can bring him benefits to reply...

And then got a positive response from the other side.

Coming from the Blessing Plane, a world with highly developed capital, as the helm of the Ding Group, Ding Dangmao from another world actively wanted to establish a social relationship with him.

"A lot of people didn't like what I was doing, so they stayed away from me on purpose."

"But my efficiency is also top-notch when it comes to harvesting willpower."

"Do you want to learn? I'll teach you!"

A Ding Dangmao, who was deliberately dressed like a street lamp pendant, was connected to Ding Dangmao in the Spark Plane at a distance of two planes.

After several days of exchanges, the two parties established diplomatic relations.

Capital Spear even sent messengers to greet them and established further cooperation.

The two sides established embassies and reached the conditions for establishing diplomatic relations.

Although the Starfire Plane is short of manpower, it is no problem to send some ambassadors.

Among them, Jin Sangang, who survived the World Destruction War and survived, took over the job of ambassador.

Chapter [-] Blessing Plane (middle)

Jin Sanxian is also a person who has experienced ups and downs.

When he was on Earth, he went to the West as an undercover agent, and even participated in holy wars. After reunification in the red zone, he lived in seclusion for a long time, and joined the war of world destruction as a T0 power user.

He should have escalated quickly.

However, because of the relationship with the God of War, he fell into a mental barrier, which made it difficult to advance.

What exactly is the relationship...

The relationship between gods and believers is just a relationship, but it has to be said that as an appearance association, Jin Sanxun has unreasonable ideas about the gods he believes in - but the gods themselves do not have these ideas, even finding a partner is not the standard.

In a bad way, it is licking the dog and asking for nothing, and it's stuck here.

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