After experiencing the World Destruction War, as one of the rare surviving veterans after the war, Jin Sanxian has shattered his inner demons, and has grown rapidly along the way, reaching the realm of the strongest.

He has already made clear the path he wants to take, and naturally he will not be trapped by his inner demons.

And this time, Jin Sanxian did not refuse the mission to the outer plane.

The old line belongs to yes.

But when he knew that the ruler of another plane was also Ding Dangmao, Jin Sanxuan's expression became a little strange, and when he came into contact with more insider stories, he already understood something.

Nima, why are there Ding Dangmao everywhere?

Is Ding Dangmao ruling the world an indispensable rule of destiny?

In the past, he was worried about whether the entire human civilization was a little deformed because of Ding Dangmao's body. He was afraid that after Ding Dangmao's death, even the entire civilization would collapse... The reality told him that the civilization without Ding Dangmao was the real one. deformity!

And thinking about it this way, could the World Destroyer also be——

Uh, really.

After the news was released, the people and even the law realm were talking about it, but they did not make any brainless actions to expel Ding Dangmao, but felt more and more that Ding Dangmao was indispensable...

And secretly made up his mind, never do anything against the pavilion master.

Otherwise, people will go black and go the route of destroying the world, who are you going to cry for?

In short, Jin Sanxian didn't know what agreement the high-level officials reached. Anyway, as one of the representatives of the envoy, he replaced Ding Dangmao and went to another plane.

The plane where he is located is called the 'Xinghuo plane', and the name naturally comes from the Xinghuo Pavilion.

And the plane he wants to go to is called the 'Fu Bao plane'. It is said that the capital system that has been abolished in the red zone is implemented there. Jin Sanxian doesn't have much feelings about it... Because he is still young Those who have grown up in the red zone do not have a deep understanding of the capital system.

Even if I went undercover in the West, I quickly experienced the period of the expansion of the rainbow god system. I only remember that the systems that are not conducive to the gods have been swept into the garbage, including this thing called capital...

Therefore, Jin Sangang has always felt that this system is very weak.

He won't find out his mistake until he goes to the plane of blessing.


"It's terrifying."

This is the feeling of Jin Sanxian about the plane of blessing.

Most of the people who accompanied him on the mission were the new generation who had not experienced the establishment of the red zone, and they were even more shocked by the operation of this society.

At first glance, a highly developed civilization looks similar to the red zone.

Upon closer inspection, they discovered that the 'Ding Group' monopolized most of the necessities and products and jobs in this world.

The will of the company can even trump the state.

In this world, Capital Spear is even close to the end product in sci-fi movies.

But for the time being, he couldn't see any fanfare or crime. All he could see was a numb crowd riding the bus, going back and forth between work and get off work.

A simple observation shows that their work mode does not have any rest time at all, and even most of the money they earn from working a day has to be invested in maintenance projects - and the reason why they need to maintain their bodies is because they work too hard. too much.

After a ridiculously long day of work, the workers returning to the bio-battery cabin are stimulated into sleep by electrical currents, and they experience a sleepless sleep, during which nanorobots maintain their bodies in the cabin.

For the workers, as soon as they close their eyes and open their eyes, a night has passed.

You can go to the factory full of energy to work.

Even many jobs do not need real people. If fully automated machinery is used instead, a lot of wages can be saved and more efficiency can be improved...

But the Ding Group did not do so.

Instead, it is more keen to let people go to work for a day.

For most people at the bottom, the only way to relax is the 'dream customization' in the biological battery compartment. The spare money left after working for about ten days is enough to order a time-limited sweet dream and enjoy this long-lost happiness.

It is not that there are no upward channels left.

But that's something that only the most motivated people can do.

And at least a hundred years as a unit.

"If it was us, we would have rebelled long ago." Jin Sanxian's colleague said sincerely: "Even during the war, Pavilion Master Ding did not ban all entertainment, but gave us enough time to rest... ."

"I really don't know how they endured this unreasonable alienation - they are people, not working machines!"

Jin Sanxun, who has experienced the war, muttered: "Because of power..."

Ding Dangmao of this world, that is, Capital Spear wants this kind of world, and the world can also become what he wants.

So society is like this.

Of course there were people who opposed it, but then everyone stopped objecting.

"Look at the team leader, it also says that everyone from birth, education to post-graduation reconstruction surgery will cost a lot of money. Even after their death, these debts will automatically accumulate to the next generation."

"Many children are born with indentured labor."

This game is really a heinous crime!

The Jin Sanchuang with a sense of justice can't listen anymore!

"Okay, don't talk about it, we are the guests." Jin San said: "Why do we have to comment on other people's territory, just take care of our own affairs."

Although Jin Sanxian thinks that the world is against the sky.

But he didn't think it was his responsibility.


"See, the whole world is thriving under my guidance."

"If it weren't for me, most of them would have lost their jobs and become homeless people picking up trash for a living...and under my governance, the world is developing in an orderly manner...race Bopunk? Really! But not on this planet."

"I quelled the war and they only have to pay the price of work to live on."

"Look, what's wrong with me?"

The capital spear in the void information exchange had a conversation with Ding Dangmao.

Chapter [-] The Plane of Fortune (Part [-])

Capital Spear was born in Wei Shang Kingdom.

He is not an orphan without a father or mother, and even his parents are superpowers with successful careers, who can give Ding Dangmao good educational conditions, not to mention living conditions.

I haven't experienced much wind and waves, and I have learned to adulthood with the super memory potion. There is a younger brother and a younger sister at home, but life can still be regarded as a wealthy line.

Both of them are Ding Dangmao, but the two of them even start differently.

Just as he thought, the twin planes can be said to have the same start but have taken two paths, while other planes even have different birth places and birth times, and different identities will naturally lead to the division of experience. ......

With the role of the treasure bag, Ding Dangmao was active on the Internet through regular channels, and entered the entertainment circle to expand his influence.

Of course, a lot of things happened during that time.

Ding Dangmao in this world has also experienced urban Shuangwen incidents like pretending to slap his face, pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger, etc.; with the power of the golden finger, and with the unspeakable care the world has given him, in short Dangmao's life is very smooth......

As long as you don't take the initiative to cause trouble, nothing major will really happen.

After experiencing all kinds of things and passing through ten years without any risk, Ding Dangmao has become a powerful figure in the entertainment industry, and he is also a top Internet celebrity on the Internet. It is also upgraded to the level of T2.

And then, is that change will enter the WTO.

Compared with another plane, because there is no butterfly effect fanned by Ding Dangspear, the reform will be delayed for a long time, and the entire country and the world have no traces of colorization, but the reform will finally launch a bloody revolution again.

Of course, Wei Shangguo's bad current situation has not affected Ding Dangmao's quality of life, but his willpower and influence are real...

He even cooperated with Mo Xiucheng, the first capitalist of Wei Shangguo, because of a series of incidents. Anyway, he has done a lot of things in secret...and inexplicably, he was on the hunt list of the Reform Association.

It also made Ding Dangmao have to stand completely.

The entry of the Reform Society into the WTO made Wei Shangguo increasingly turbulent.

The ambition of peaceful change was gradually broken, and the conflict moved from the dark to the bright.

Later, the government of Wei Shangguo directly ignored the matter.

However, because of his cooperation with Ding Dangmao, Mo Xiucheng did not extend his intention to make money, but instead asked the upper business community to unite the royal family, the aristocratic family, the super power association, etc.

In short, and change will be on the bar.

It is also with the help of the Reform Association to clean up more feudal remnants and opponents.

His team has been severely purified.

In addition, there is interference from outside the Weishang Kingdom, which is also preventing the continued expansion of the Reform Association. In short, their revolution has not been too smooth, but frequently hindered - this has a lot to do with Ding Dangmao's opening!

And Ding Dangmao himself tasted the sweetness.

It turns out that the employees who work for themselves in their own company can provide themselves with much more will than fans on average!

Coupled with Ding Dangmao's opening act, the 'Ding Group' expanded rapidly in Wei Shangguo, and many unemployed people had jobs. The factories built one after another made Wei Shangguo return to the period of the Industrial Revolution.

During this period, he continued to become stronger, and after becoming stronger, he had enough confidence to take the initiative to reform with the Ding Group as the starting point, and cleaned up again and again.

Rapidly squeezed the market to seize territory, and the power of the Ding Group was full of Wei Shangguo.

This is what Ding Dangmao wanted.

What he needs is not money, but will.

Willpower is the benchmark for him to become stronger.

Therefore, why should the money that is constantly accumulated in the hands of the top person in the pyramid under the capital system rot in his own hands?Why bother to engage in industries with little influence such as finance?

invest!spend money!Engage in industry!Promoting production!

If there is anything in the way, clear it, and everything has to make way for your own strength.

Even if it is subsidized, you have to get people into the factory and expand your influence without sacrificing means...

During this process, Ding Dangmao still had some clear understanding:

It is not the system that is sinful, but the human heart.

As long as you are wise and kind enough, even if you are a slave owner, you have the power to kill the slaves... But as long as you don't use it, and give the slaves sufficient food, shelter and respect, and teach them Rules and knowledge, and do not exploit anyone by themselves, but also distribute income according to their work, treat them as human beings...

Slavery also looks less barbaric and brutal.

In the same way, Ding Dangmao can also apply this insight to the capital system.

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