It doesn't matter if there are capitalists who are not human beings, as long as they are human beings; then they can annex and monopolize all the group's industries and become the complete end-users, which can still make the world usher in a Datong society!

There is no class that betrays the class, only the individual who betrays the class; then as long as you become a finalist, you are a whole class, and then you betray the class as an individual, isn't that...

That's the way it is anyway.

Ordinary people can't do it, but if you have a plug-in yourself, that's enough.

The next thing to do is much simpler. Relying on development and violent (war) behavior, the Ding Group has realized the monopoly of the entire Weishang Kingdom and defeated all the rebels...

Then gradually expand outward.

Show your ambition in the world war and expand your territory.

During this process, Ding Dangmao himself became stronger and stronger.

Constant expansion, constant elimination of opponents...

In the end, Ding Dangmao achieved his long-cherished wish to unify the world.

And the flag of the Ding Group was planted throughout the galaxy!

What?Federal government?That's just a puppet regime created by Ding Dangmao, because he is only a capitalist with end-of-life property, and not a manager of society. Row.

Do you know what procedural justice is?

Anyway, after uniting the world, hundreds of billions of people will have to work for themselves.

Because the influence of the Ding Group has penetrated into all aspects of the world, as long as they come to this world, they will inevitably come into contact with the Ding Group.

Relying on many employees, Ding Dangmao was able to break through.

From the very first law environment to the current law environment.

As his strength grows, his wishes will also come true...

Created a blessing plane where everyone can work!



"Well, I believe it."

In the ocean of law, Ding Dangspiao, who are separated by two planes, is greeting each other.

Here, after the genuine Ding Dangmao (Xinghuo Spear) heard the experience that the opposite Capital Spear didn't talk about in detail, the only thing he could sigh was that he actually did it.

"Rather really is a good man." He commented: "What is the difference between them and slaves?"

And Capital Spear said frankly: "You don't have to be hostile to me, I didn't do anything bad... Originally, it was a chaotic world. Live precarious days."

"There are terrorist attacks at any time, people are shrouded in the shadow of war, and when the world war is provoked again, everyone is afraid that one day death will come to them."

"It was me who supported the Federation, unified the world, and quelled the war."

"It's also that I made the rule that everyone is equal. Even if it is as strong as the law, I can't kill any ordinary person without reason on my territory."

Following his words, Ding Dangmao saw a scene after another.

In a world of war, nuclear bombs ascended to the sky, mushroom clouds exploded everywhere, life disappeared with the wind, high-level people did not care about the life and death of the people, and the world was a complete waste of life.

The vast majority of people live in precarious despair.

It was the Ding Group who, like a savior, saved this filthy world.

"You are of the same origin as me, and you should be able to understand my kindness." Capital Spear said from the bottom of his heart: "Everyone has a job, which means that everyone will not go hungry. I will not suffer unfair treatment, and I will try my best to eliminate all selfishness that will affect the operation of society, and it is absolutely clear between public and private."

"Naturally, I have also left a way for people of any class to ascend, and I have given them a way to climb up, and I have given them longevity and even immortality... as long as they spend enough time for their reasons (hundreds of Years) to work hard, to struggle, and they can all live a good life.”

"Oh, by the way, I don't own the money from people's work or engage in any financial industry, nor am I accumulating it, and it's all about scientific research, people's livelihood and welfare, and so on. There is absolutely no waste!"

"To put it bluntly, I just want to extract the most energy from them. If I insist, the social model under my rule is not the capital defined by the previous life... Everyone is just working a little bit of time. It's been a long time."

His righteous words.

In fact, it is also true that the capital spear did not force anyone.

And fully respect their free will.

It was they who signed the contract and sold their souls, bones, and flesh and blood for the sake of a little immediate welfare; it was also the consent they signed in person that they owed a huge amount of loans to transform their bodies and buy them. Got my own cabin...

From beginning to end, Ding Dangmao did not persecute anyone.

Even in most places in the world, there is no such thing as 'darkness' or 'unspoken rules'; occasionally a few cyberpunk cities are built in places far away from civilization, like the dark districts. Spear hands-off autonomous region.

Capital is not about money or power.

It is the willpower, especially the high-quality willpower, that is the source of his strength!

He found that when people work 24 hours a day, you can squeeze energy out of them every moment, whereas if you throw them into a cyberpunk city, no matter how much they do, or What an incredible powerhouse you have become...

The efficiency of harvesting their will plummets.

To put it simply, the more Dang Dangmao manages, and the more he allows them to act under his own arrangement, the more powerful his 'influence' will be!The more willpower you gain!

After listening to the other party's defense, Ding Dangmao just shook his head.

He flicked his fingers, and there appeared pictures of the hard work of the workers on the plane of blessing.

"Many assembly lines can actually be replaced by automated machinery."

"A lot of people work, even just useless, they act like they are moving bricks to the corner of the wall, and then another group of people will carry it back from the corner."

"There are also some people who can't see hope. They just rot. After finishing their work every day, they choose to have a good dream. They refuse nano-repair regardless of physical damage. They just want to die after a few decades... ...the equivalent of being chronically suicidal."

"Under your rule, these things often happen."

"And you're just watching."

He was very straightforward in expressing his dissatisfaction.

Ding Dangmao believes that the reason why people work is to not work!Instead of spending so much time at work, think about how to develop, improve yourself, and realize your dreams.

Because most of one's life should be spent on learning and creating.

Instead of wasting on pointless jobs.

"Xinghuo (the name of Ding Dangpiao on the plane of Xinghuo), I have seen the operation mode of the red zone, and I understand your thoughts and actions-in contrast, I just replaced school with work."

Capital Spear said solemnly: "I keep the ascending channel for them, and give them a way to ascend absolutely; if they choose to be rotten, they will be eliminated like this, and those who have persisted for hundreds of years to ascend from the bottom. , graduating from school, I will naturally entrust them with important responsibilities."

"The social model is just a means, and our most fundamental purpose is to become stronger in order to collect willpower; I didn't point fingers at the model in the red zone, please don't interfere with my way!"


Fortune plane.

If divided according to class, the scene of the earth star can only be regarded as the bottom civilian area, and it is also the area with the largest population base.

The reason why people have a hard time is because many production factories have not introduced convenient automation machinery, but still use human power to carry out repetitive tasks.

Jin Sanxian also asked, asking these people how they feel about their work.

Their answers are all roughly the same:

"No way, maybe this is the price of longevity."

"Come on, it will come out one day."

"President Ding is not a philanthropist, he could have left us alone."

"Rebel? I think too, but I can't beat it."

"Complain less and go to work more. Work is a blessing. As long as I work diligently for two hundred years, I will be able to save enough money to go to the next level and become a middle-class person..."

"Oh, I don't care, I will die if I die, go to fucking immortality, go to fucking work."

People from the red zone were all eye-opening.

After crossing the gate of space built on the earth, they came to another planet. This is a small satellite, but it is a middle-level area.

It is also the residence of the middle class.

In the plane of good fortune, people's value is measured by money and superpower level, from the lowest level of the bottom area, to the middle area, to the upper area, and finally to the core area...

In the middle-level area, Jin Sangang saw a completely different situation!


4000 words

Goodnight everybody

Chapter [-] The Plane of Fortune (End)

The middle-level area of ​​the Fortune Plane looks far more luxurious than the red area.

The infrastructure and technology just seen from the surface are half an era higher than the red zone - ah, of course, this is understandable, after all, the development of this area is longer, and the technology is higher. Very normal.

The most important thing is that these so-called middle-class people living in the middle-class area, under his observation, are very different from the bottom-level civilians in their mental outlook...even the disposable money, the authority they have, the life they have The levels are worlds apart.

It's like they're really over the top.

The plane of blessing will no longer persecute them, but let them enjoy bliss.

It also has an unshakably strict law, but within the scope of the law, it can act freely, and its degree of freedom is quite high...

After arriving in the middle-class area, the so-called middle-class people here no longer have to work.

The Blessing Plane wouldn't even ask them to make any contributions.

Here, there are all kinds of extraordinary systems to choose from, and there are all kinds of unrestricted desires that can be vented freely - in the virtual machine, whether it is food or destruction, as well as apricot and other people. The desire for incomparable joy can be easily obtained and released in it.

As long as the law allows you, as long as you do not deliberately destroy public property or affect other people, then you are absolutely free!Whether it's overeating, wanton indulgence, or even high powder eating poison, no one will take care of it.

They can experience bliss in minutes with the ubiquitous virtual facilities.

Want to satisfy desire, no one will blame.

Everything is free.

As for cost?As long as the standard of waste is not met, all expenses are free, and people in the middle-level area need not worry about anything, just satisfy their desires.

This is the blessing that the people at the bottom receive after their hard work.


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