Wang Jin is still thinking about Yanrong's "super like muscle", trying to imagine the future of Yanrong, who has become a muscular knot. The whole person is not very good.

After a long time, Yanrong has not come out of the bathroom.

Wang Jin called him and asked, "is it uncomfortable?"

Inside Yan Rong said: "No

He opened the bathroom door and came out.

Wang Jin asked, "what's the matter?"

Yan Rong said: "it's OK."

He climbed into bed and lay down next to Wang Jin, holding one arm of Wang Jin.

Wang Jin didn't feel like he was OK. He asked again, "is there something wrong?"

He shook his head, half of his face was close to Wang Jin's arm, pursed his mouth and did not speak.

Wang Jin touched his face with his other hand, and said with a smile, "Why are you unhappy?"

He likes Yanrong very much. He looks like a puppet cat who has been wronged.

Yan Rong said: "I am tired and want to sleep."

Seeing that he didn't want to say anything, Wang Jin knew that he always had some sensitive thoughts, but he didn't force him. He hugged him in his arms and really fell asleep.

Yan Rong is not happy is true, tired is also true, fast asleep.

In the middle of the night, Wang Jin was shocked to open his eyes by the whimpering sound in his arms. At first, he was not sure whether Yanrong was asleep or awake. He hesitated for a moment and then closed his arm. He called softly: "Yan Rong, what's the matter?"

Yanrong's body drama shakes for a while, and wakes up from crying dream.

Wang Jin wants to turn on the light, but he hugs him.

Wang Jin had to put his arms around him and asked, "what did you dream of?"

Yan Rong also some sobs, stumbling way: "a group of horsemen have been chasing me, also beat me with a whip, they still have bows and arrows."

Wang Jin: Don't read martial arts novels before going to bed. "

Yanrong only said half of it.

He dreamed that Berto was back, and he was very happy to meet Berto at the airport. However, in the full view of the airport, Berto revealed the fact that he secretly loved Liang Xi. No matter how he explained and apologized, Berto refused to accept and left him at the airport alone. People around him were whispering at him, and everyone's face was full of hatred for him. He wanted to leave, but he couldn't find his way or go home. He cried and called Wang Jin, but he couldn't get through. When he looked up again, the airport turned into a wilderness, and there was no one there. He was so scared that he called Wang Jin and cried in the wilderness. Finally, a group of strange dressed horsemen appeared, driving him to beat, scold and intimidate him.

Then he was woken up by Wang Jin.

So absurd dream, despair is really terrible.

He shrank in Wang Jin's arms, and his body was still a little shaken.

Wang Jin patted him on the back. His palm was warm and the strength was not small. It was just enough to calm him down.

Yan Rong and some want to cry, Wang Jin know that thing? Do you have a bad opinion of him?

He hesitated for a long time, then whispered: "Wang Jinzhou, I I want to ask you something. "

Wang Jintai likes to hear him call himself so. From the tail vertebra to the tianlinggai, he laughs back: "what's the matter?"

Yanrong sucked his nose and said, "you know who I like, right?"

Wang Jinyi was stunned.

Yan Rong was sure of the conjecture. Embarrassed, he let go of his hand on Wang Jin's waist, shrunk back and said, "when you talk about this matter, do you think I'm bad?"

Wang Jin knew that he was sensitive and suspicious.

Yan Rong said: "but what I said before is true, I hope they can always be good together, I did not want to interfere with them, not once."

He spoke more and more quickly and eagerly. He was afraid that Wang Jin would not believe him.

Wang Jin could guess his mind, but he said, "I know."

Yan Rong asked, "do you believe me?"

"Believe it," Wang said

Yan Rong still can't believe it is so simple, way: "really?"

"Really, you're not that kind of person," Wang said

Yan Rong was a little relieved and heard Wang Jin say, "they are not like that either. They didn't say anything to me, let alone to others. They are sincere to you. "

Yan Rong face some heat, way: "I know."

Wang Jin said: "no one thinks you are bad. If you are really bad, you will not be picked up by me."

Yan Rong: Well? "

Wang Jin laughed and said, "if I'm as beautiful as you and like someone, I don't care if he's married or not. I'll seduce him first. It's better for you to hide outside and cry secretly and learn to drink from adults. Fortunately, I found it. If you meet a bad person Forget it, I'm the bad guy. "

Yan Rong said: "you are not bad, you are very good."

"You're not bad," Wang said

He patted the pillow on the side of his face and said, "what are you doing so far away? Come here."Yanrong's worry almost all put down, he slowly moved back, and Wang Jin face-to-face close.

Breath staggered, Yan Rong way: "you will seduce people, I will not."

Wang Jin said with a smile, "can I? Neither will I

Yan Rong said: "Ming has been seducing me."

Wang Jinzhen didn't feel that he had done such a thing, and said, "have you

Yan Rong said: "you just said yourself, who you like, you will seduce who."

"I just like you," Wang said , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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