If Yan Rong did not take the initiative to say it, Wang Jin had planned to forget this matter, and would not mention it to anyone including Yan Rong.

Don't say that Yan Rong has now put down Liang Xi. Even if he doesn't, he is more envious than admiring. He left his hometown, alone, and inevitably yearned for the relationship between Liang Xi and Bai Tu, but Bai Tu was introverted and Liang Xi was outward. Of these two people, he was more likely to put himself into Baitu, and gradually he had some ideas of crossing the boundary with Liang Xi.

These Wang Jin can see clearly, Yan Rong himself may not be able to think so clearly, for his age, like like like, after, also passed, do not have to think about what love starts and ends because of, this is a young privilege.

He refused to say what he dreamed. Wang Jin was not a night wanderer. He couldn't guess his dream, but could only guess his crying point. It was probably because this secret love was immoral and he criticized himself morally in his dream.

He is very sensitive, easy to inferiority and self blame, but also some pride and even narcissism, is a habit of struggling in contradictions. If there is no one to lead him forward, he may grow up in such a contradiction, and he will have to live this life in contradiction in the future. It is not necessarily a bad thing, but certainly not the best.

Wang Jin wants to be the one who leads Yanrong forward. He also hopes that he can walk a little longer.

Yanrong is very happy. Wang Jin likes him and is willing to believe in his character.

Now that he had said it, he wanted to be frank and clear, and said, "last year I went to see you and said that I wanted to associate with you. It was false. At that time, I didn't like you and didn't want to associate with you. I came to you because the teacher told me that my parents wanted to help me drop out of school and they wanted me to go back to Europe after the Spring Festival. "

Wang Jin suddenly said, "you don't want to go, so you come to me?"

"Well, Yan Rong Am I stupid? "

Wang Jin sighed and said, "it's not smart."

Yan Rong was embarrassed and said, "but I'm lucky. I met you."

Wang Jin never forced him to do anything he didn't want to do even when he was in bed. When he was in love, Wang Jin also took his feelings into consideration.

Wang Jin smile, said: "good people card don't randomly hair."

Yan Rong does not understand: "what kind of card?"

Wang Jin did not explain, only said: "my luck is also very good."

Yan Rong thought for a while, then understood his meaning, and instantly became very happy, confessed: "Wang Jinzhou, I love you so much."

Wang Jin said with a smile, "well."

Yan Rong said: "I think I want to... "

He couldn't say what he wanted. They had done the most intimate things.

After a while, he finally thought of it and regretted, "if only I were a girl, I could marry you."

Wang Jin was stunned for a moment and soon couldn't help laughing.

Yan Rong, however, followed this train of thought and asked, "have you ever considered immigration?"

Wang Jin: "hmm?"

Yan Rong excitedly said: "I want to marry you."

Wang Jin:

Yan Rong said seriously: "we can stay in China after marriage like brother Berto and I like China very much."

Wang Jin did not speak for a long time.

Yan Rong some embarrassed way: "in fact, I am casually said, you do not take seriously."

He remembered that Wang Jin was an unmarried family.

He will no longer mention this, nestle into Wang Jinhuai, inflexibly turn the topic: "I am sleepy, good night."

"Good night," Wang said

They held each other in silence.

Wang Jin said, "Yanrong."

Yanrong did not make a sound and pretended to be asleep.

Wang Jin said: "I want to kiss you, OK?"

Yan Rong:

Once, when he was in love, he couldn't help kissing Wang Jin, but he was shunned by Wang Jin. He thought that Wang Jin didn't like kissing, just as he didn't like touching Wang Jin. Some of his likes and dislikes were normal.

He said, "yes."

He raised his face slightly, and Wang Jin kissed his lips.

At first, it was gentle. Wang Jin just teased his lips and tongue, like a trial. After receiving his positive response, the kiss gradually became extremely fierce. Wang Jin pressed him on the pillow and kissed him roughly.

Sweden has a kissing ceremony. Yan Rong is no stranger to kissing, but he has never tried this kind of kiss. He is a bit flustered by the kiss, and his throat emits an unconscious whimper, and the uncontrollable body fluid slides down from the corner of his lip.

He felt that he must be more lewd now than when he was put on by Wang Jin.

After kissing for a long time, Wang Jin let him go. He gasped, and he kisses intermittently on his cheek.

He calmed his breath and said, "I thought you didn't like kissing."

Wang Jin said, "I'm afraid you don't like it."

Yan Rong put his arm around his neck and said, "how can it be? I'm going to be kissing and crying by you. I love itWang Jin laughed and said, "smoking has a taste."

Do you want to kiss Wang Yan Jin again?

He didn't mean to ask, but he decided it was.

Wang Jin is so good, beyond his imagination.

The next day was Saturday, Wang Jin called the hospital and asked if it was ok, so he didn't go to work.

Yan Rong Lai bed to nine o'clock also refused to get up, Wang Jin called him, he put his head covered, play coquettish.

Wang jincoao said: "get up and do your homework. When you're finished, I'll take you out."

Yanrong pulled the quilt down to expose his eyes and doubted, "where to go?"

Wang Jin said, "in the flower and bird market, if you want to buy two cuckoos and plant them in the yard, do you want to go there?"

Yan Rong has not been to the flower and bird market, busy way: "to go."

"You can't go without finishing your homework," Wang said

Yanrong quickly got up and ran into the bathroom with his slippers.

The door of the bathroom is open. Wang Jin can just see him standing in front of the mirror to wash.

The weather is not cold. He only wears a white T-shirt of Wang Jin, which is just over his hips. He has two thin white legs. When he bends down to hold the water, he will show a slightly warped and round outline, like a plump peach.

Wang Jin bought him a pair of jingle cat's pajamas. He thought he was naive and didn't want to wear it, so he had to wear the T-shirt.

Just like the last time I bought underwear, I don't know how to wear it.

After eating something, he began to do his homework. Wang Jin was reading beside him.

The homework was not too much. He finished it in more than an hour. Wang Jin checked it, found the wrong characters and wrong questions, and taught him to correct them.

Then they went out to eat. After eating, they went to the flower and bird market.

What Yanrong saw was fresh. When he saw what he was selling, he had to pull Wang Jin into the store. The flower seller, the bird seller, the climbing pet and the fishing gear seller.

There's only one thing he doesn't look at. Small rodent pets, hamsters and chinchillas. He doesn't even want to see them from a distance.

Wang Jinqi didn't notice at the beginning. When he noticed it, he asked, "don't you like them?"

Yan Rong nodded: "looks like a mouse."

Wang Jin said with a smile, "are you afraid of mice?"

Yan Rong's mouth is hard, of course, he will not admit that he is afraid.

Wang Jin deliberately teased him and pretended to pull him in. He refused to earn back and said, "there were many rats in the welfare home before."

Wang Jin's heart softened. Next, after passing through the door of the shop where this kind of pet is sold, he first sidesteps to block Yan Rong's line of sight.

After a tour, they bought two large rhododendrons, which were not heavy. Wang Jin could take them completely, but Yan Rong wanted to take them. Wang Jin asked him to carry them out of the market and put them in the trunk.

They went home happily.

Wang Jin took the shovel to plant flowers, and Yan squatted aside to look at it. He looked at it and began to play with the earth.

Every year he planted new flowers. Wang Jin was very skilled at this. Soon he planted all the flowers. Looking back, he saw that Yanrong was dragging the water pipe in the mud, and there were mud ideas on his shoes and trousers. He could not help saying, "ah, look how naughty you are."

Yan Rong looked down and said, "wait, I'll wash myself."

Wang Jin said, "it's not a washing machine? Stop playing. You've got mud on your face

Yanrong obediently turned off the water and came to see the Rhododendron planted.

Both of them are in the flowering period. The flowers are dense and delicate in the sun.

Yan Rong praised: "really good-looking."

He looks at flowers, and Wang Jin looks at him.

He is more beautiful than flowers, with a little mud on his face and a little bit on his chin, but his cheek skin is white and tender, his blue eyes are sparkling, and his lips are more delicate than azaleas. The mud is like ornamentation, which makes him a little more playful and lovely.

In the hot love period, but on weekdays, I had to leave for another five days.

Yan Rong is very interesting in some things. He thinks of Wang Jin, but he doesn't say it. He sends messages to Wang Jin at noon or between classes to ask new words or math problems. When Wang Jin goes back to him, "ask the teacher," he replies, "if you won't, I'll ask someone else." he's naive and enthusiastic, and he'll never tire of it.

It's a seduction full of youth.

Another weekend, Wang Jin just received his car, he can't wait to kiss. Since the last kiss, Yanrong fell in love with this, more than the passion to do love.

Wang Jin didn't want to be seen by his classmates and teachers, so he just gave him a quick kiss.

He's not so satisfied, he's wearing his seat belt with his mouth down.

The zipper of his one shoulder schoolbag didn't pull well. Wang Jinshun pulled it and saw an envelope full of peach hearts in his front pocket.

Yan Rong also saw, strange took out to have a look.

Wang Jindao: "love letter?"

Yan Rong: No way

He opened it and found it was a love letter.

Wang Jin looked at him and laughed."I don't know when it came in," he said

"Is she beautiful?" Wang Jin asked with a smile

Yan Rong put the love letter back into his schoolbag and said, "I don't know."

Wang Jindao: "not your classmate?"

Yan Rong said in an awkward way: "I will not see a girl beautiful or not."

Seeing that he was really shy, Wang Jin stopped teasing him.

Yan Rong was afraid of his misunderstanding, and said, "I'm not familiar with her at all, and I don't know why she wrote me a love letter."

Wang Jin said with a smile: "I understand that you are so handsome and learn well. You don't have to be familiar to like you."

Yan Rong was elated and looked at Wang Jin. He thought he was also very handsome. He asked, "you must have received love letters before?"

Wang Jin said, "I have forgotten about my school days for so long."

Yanrong remembered a man and said, "did Mr. Jin write you a love letter?"

Wang Jin looked at him with some consternation.

He is very magnanimous. Wang Jin is older than him. It's normal for him to like anyone. He doesn't think he can't accept it. After all, only through the past can Wang Jin be today.

Wang Jin also saw that he didn't have any other meaning and said, "I haven't written it."

Yan Rong asked curiously, "how did that express itself?"

"That's it," Wang said

Yan Rong asked, "which one?"

Wang Jin didn't want to say, and said, "forget it."

Yan Rong felt as if he was not happy, so he stopped asking and said, "let's go home."

This matter passed quickly, and Wang Jin didn't pay attention to it.

After a happy weekend with Yanrong, he sent him back to school on Monday morning. When he arrived at the school gate, he gave Wang Jin an envelope before getting off the bus.

"What is it?" Wang asked

Yan Rong Chao laughed at him and said, "my love letter to you should be read carefully."

Wang Jin also laughed and said, "what do you mean?"

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