I Have Everything You Like

Chapter 3: , indiscriminate

    Yan Rong glared at Wang Jin and said, "Your uncle."

    Wang Jin: “…”

    He realized that this sentence was in Yan Rong's Chinese library, and it was just a curse word.

    He had to explain his relationship with Liang Xi to Yan Rong.

    Yan Rong finally figured out that this uncle is not his uncle. "Your uncle" is really "you uncle", and his face is even more ugly.

    Wang Jin also didn’t know what to say. This generation is really messed up. He asked, "How do you usually call Liang Xi? Call him dad?"

    Yan Rong replied reluctantly, "Brother Liang Xi."

    His voice is between a teenager and an adult male, a little hoarse at the end of the voice change period, and he speaks Chinese very straightly, the second word of "brother" is not soft, but Make a loud noise.

    Wang Jin couldn't help but twitch his tail. When he was passionate last night, Yanrong also called him crying in this tone. His mind was swaying for a moment, and he said, "Then you can also call me brother Wang Jin."

    This is the first time Yan Rong has heard his name. He didn't understand it very well, and repeated: "Wang Jin?"

    Wang Jin said: "Faye Wong's king, Jinzhou's brocade."

    Yan Rong, who studied Chinese hard, unconsciously wrote with her right index finger in the heart of her left hand and asked, "Is Jinzhou also a star? How to write?"

    Wang Jin laughed and said, "It's the splendid brocade. Jinzhou is a place name. I was born there. My dad was lazy and gave me this name."

    Yan Rong wrote the word "Jinzhou" in the palm of her hand, but she remembered that it was wrong, and said in a disgusting tone: "Wang Jinzhou, no matter what relationship you have with brother Liang Xi, Don't talk nonsense in front of him."

    Wang Jin, whose name was changed out of thin air, deliberately said: "What did you say in front of him?"

    Yan Rong's two index fingers twisted together fiercely, imagining that she was twisting Wang Jin's neck, and said in a low voice angrily: "You know what I said."

    Wang Jin said: "I don't know."

    Yan Rong took a few quick breaths, and finally said the word, "You seduced me."

    Wang Jin said: "I'm wronged for this. It's obviously you who hugged me and insisted on going home with me."

    Yan Rong said angrily, "I don't!"

    Wang Jin emphasized: "Yes."

    Yan Rong said: "No."

    Wang Jin said: "Really."

    Yan Rong said loudly: "No!"

    Wang Jin: "...No."

    Yan Rong looked angry.

    Wang Jin said sincerely: "I remember, I can't tell him that I seduced you, then what?"

    Yan Rong was startled, and his face became even paler.

    Wang Jin reminded him kindly, "There are juices and chocolates in the drawer, do you want to replenish your energy and chat with me?"

    Yan Rong thought angrily, he will never say a word to this person again.

    When he got downstairs to his house, he got out of the car without saying a word to go, but Wang Jin also got out of the car and followed him.

    He looked at Wang Jin vigilantly and had to say, "What are you doing?"

    Wang Jin said, "Send you home."

    Yan Rong opened her eyes wide and scolded: "You are crazy!"

    Wang Jin innocently said: "eldest nephew, if I don't go up, how will you explain to your father that you didn't come home last night?"

    Yan Rong didn't quite understand what "eldest nephew" was, so he asked fiercely, "What do you want to say to him?"

    Wang Jin asked him, "What do you want me to say?"

    Yan Rong pointed in the direction of the gate and said, "I hope you leave quickly."

    Wang Jin said: "No."

    Yan Rong said: "You are so annoying!"

    Wang Jin couldn't stop laughing, this kid is not only good-looking, but also too funny.

    He didn't think like Yan Rong said, don't let Liang Xi know that the two of them had slept, but he denied the idea as soon as it came up.

    Yan Rong's current description of the dress, if you know a little bit of personnel and take a look, you will know what happened. Liang Xi is a very protective person, even if he doesn't like Yan Rong, who was brought back by mistake, but this child is his nominal adopted son after all. Seeing the beautiful half-race son who went out to school was spoiled by someone unknown. If you have to stand, you will not be able to stand firm, 80% of them will be bombed, and then I am afraid that you will have to dig three feet into the ground to catch the culprit.

    Wang Jin thought about it, and it is definitely much better to confess his fault voluntarily than to confess his guilt after being caught.

    Seeing that Wang Jin could not be driven away, Yan Rong refused to go upstairs and stared at him angrily.

    Wang Jin looked at no one to the left and right, stretched out his hand and said, "Uncle carry you up?"

    Yan Rong: "!!"

    He limped into the elevator, and Wang Jin followed. He huddled in the corner of the elevator and didn't dare to get too close to Wang Jin.

    Wang Jin regretted secretly and said sternly: "I'm joking with you, don't be nervous. Last night was an accident, I already regretted knowing you were so young in the morning, and you are Liang Xi My son, I am your uncle..."

    Yan Rong scolded: "Your uncle!"

    Wang Jin changed his mouth and said, "I am also your elder, and I will not have any unreasonable thoughts about you."

    Yan Rong frowned, obviously not understanding.

    Wang Jin saw it and explained: "I just want to seduce you again."

    Yan Rong who learned a new idiom is going to vomit blood.

    Liang Xi opened the door for them, saw Yanrong first, and immediately cursed with a dark face: "You still know where you are back? Where did you go? How dare you not answer the phone?"

    When Wang Jin rang the doorbell, Yan Rong was already nervous. Now he was yelled a few words, his head was lowered lower, and his shoulders trembled slightly.

    Wang Jin thought, is she crying?

    Liang Xi roared Yanrong before seeing him, and said in surprise: "Why are you here?"

    Wang Jin looked at Yanrong and said, "I'll send your son back."

    Liang Xi looked strange, turned back and called home: "Daughter-in-law, this kid is back."

    His son-in-law and daughter-in-law, Bo Tu, is a movie superstar, handsome and good acting, and is a domestic first-line niche. Wang Jin had met him before, and at first he felt aloof, but after several encounters, he realized that he was a very kind person.

    Liang Xi let them both go in, and Bo Tu greeted them from the inside. He didn't even bother to fight Wang Jin. He stepped in front of Yanrong a few steps and said anxiously, "Where have you been? Don't come back again. I'm going to call the police, do you know how worried you are?"

    Yanrong, who kept her head down, raised her head, her eyes were really red, and she opened her mouth and called out, "Brother Botu."

    Bo Tu obviously has no experience in coaxing crying, so he panicked, but instead coaxed Yan Rong, the more he coaxed Yan Rong to cry, the more fiercely he cried.

    Wang Jin moved and looked at Liang Xi.

    Liang Xi probably thought that no one was paying attention to him, and rolled his eyes to the sky.

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