Wang Jinying thought that the person Yan Rong liked but could not get was either Bai Tu or Liang Xi.

He came to China only a few months ago, and he was sent to boarding school. In addition to the teacher, he was surrounded by people of the same age as him. These two adoptive fathers were the only ones who could make him call "brother" at the same time.

Botu is a popular idol, and the external conditions are naturally outstanding. Liang Xi and he stand together, and even their looks are compatible. Liang Xi says that botu is his daughter-in-law all day long, but his behavior and personality are not feminine at all. Liang Xi himself is a yuppie type man, and the charm of two people to attract women and No.

So it makes sense for Yanrong to like any of them. It seems that he is very close to Berto and is a little afraid of Liang Xi, but young people are more likely to be timid and restrained in front of the people they like.

Wang Jin is more inclined to the conclusion that Yan Rong secretly loves Liang Xi.

However, Liang Xi's white eyes almost turned to heaven. Maybe he was not satisfied with Yan Rong, not only because he had missed little baby, but also because he was angry with Yanrong. Maybe he felt something wrong with Yanrong and suspected that the adopted son was trying to make his daughter-in-law's idea.

The above is Wang Jin's brain analysis for more than a minute. He won't be bored to say this idea. It has nothing to do with him.

Yanrong just cried and didn't say a word. Baitu couldn't coax him. Maybe he also thought that the child was in a wrong state. He coaxed and looked at Wang Jin. There were some uncertain questions in his eyes. But he and Wang Jin are not very familiar, some words are not easy to ask export.

"I'll take him back to the room first. Liang Xi, you can pour a glass of water for the second brother." He said to Wang Jin politely, "second brother, sit down first."

The parents of the Liang and Wang families also had friendship. Liang Xi's eldest brother was also called "elder brother", so he should be called "second brother" by Wang Jin. However, Liang Xi was not used to it since he was a child, and he was not willing to call him. However, Baitu was very polite when he saw him later.

Botu took Yanrong back to the room.

As soon as they left, Liang Xi looked askance at Wang Jin and said, "Mr. Wang, what are you doing? Say it yourself

Wang Jin sighed heavily and called, "Hello, father-in-law."

Liang Xi:

Wang Jin said: "you first calm down."

Liang Xi said angrily, "I knew you were shameless, but I didn't expect you to be so shameless. Take off your pants and show me if you have a new set of diamonds under you. Do you dare to sleep, my son?"

"I didn't know it was your son when I was sleeping. He was so beautiful that he didn't look like you at all," Wang explained

Liang Xi scolded: "nonsense, my daughter-in-law and I can't have mixed blood. What are you talking about? You can sleep if you're not born? "

Wang Jinduan corrected his attitude and said, "it's my fault. I shouldn't be confused by beauty and fell asleep with my nephew."

Liang Xi said harshly: "how the crime was committed."

Wang Jin Road: "after drinking disorderly sex."

Liang Xi looked at him suspiciously and said, "don't you drink alcohol?"

"He was drunk," Wang said

Liang Xi was more angry, "did you get kicked in the head by a donkey? How can you sleep when he has no hair all over the place? "

At this point, Wang Jin was very innocent and said, "his hair is quite neat."

Liang Xi: You know it. "

Wang Jin thought, if you also know, that is OK?

He told the story of how he found Yanrong in the square last night, and finally said, "although it was a misunderstanding, I still blame myself for being sentimental. You were so cruel to him when he entered the door just now. It's frightening and crying."

Liang Xi shook the pot and said, "bah, is that what I scared? It's obviously disgusted by you. I'm disgusted by an old man

Wang Jin said: "that Baitu must not be disgusted to death."

Liang Xi, who was several years older than Berto, scolded: "get out of here."

Wang Jin saw that his attitude was relaxed and said, "get out later. Didn't your daughter-in-law ask you to pour me a glass of water?"

Liang Xi glanced at him in disgust and poured a cup of water on the coffee table in front of him.

It's not that Liang Xi doesn't care about Yanrong's being destroyed, but he doesn't know how to do it, so he just doesn't do it.

Wang Jin can't really confiscate Wang Jin's tools for committing crimes. They can't even beat him for a beating. After so many years of feelings, they really started to move their hands for such an Oolong misunderstanding. After meeting each other in the future, they would be embarrassed. On the contrary, they thought about it and could only scold him for being shameless.

What's more, Wang Jin can't be entirely blamed for this. He and Wang Jin grew up together. He knew that Wang Jin didn't like to make up lies. He said that he picked up drunk Yanrong on the road last night. It was really that he picked up the drunk Yanrong on the way home. Yan Rong looked older than his actual age and was so beautiful. He was crying and crying. He was spoiled and picked by passers-by casually It's no surprise to see the daisy. It's the king's brocade. It can send people home completely. If you want to change someone else, something worse may happen.

After all, Liang Xi took Wang Jin out of his mind. After all, compared with faxiao, Yan Rong, an adopted son with a false name, could not be an outsider.As a result, Wang Jin estimated it very clearly when he came here. Otherwise, he would not come to the door to plead guilty without preparation. He knew that Liang Xi had no way to take him by virtue of being ferromagnetic with Liang Xi.

He took advantage of the sale of good, but inevitably some sympathy, Yan Rong a little poor.

But he immediately felt too hypocritical.

In the room, Yanrong cried for a long time, and finally stopped.

"Where did you go yesterday?" he asked carefully? Why don't you call back? Is the mobile phone lost? "

The heating at home is enough. Yanrong takes off his coat and reveals his shirt which is obviously not fit. He was young and not stupid. He knew what Berto had probably guessed, but he was embarrassed to say so. He was a little sad and ashamed, but Berto didn't want to talk about having sex with strangers.

"Yesterday, I went to play with my classmates after school. I drank some liquor and got drunk. I can't remember the later things. I woke up in Wang Jin in the morning," he said after a pause. "At Wang Jin's brother's house, he said that he saw me sleeping on the roadside, so he took me back to his home."

Berto was quiet for a moment, and said mildly, "is your head still painful? Do you feel any discomfort? "

Yan Rong lowered his sight, tears in his eyes, said: "OK, is a little tired, I want to sleep."

Berto watched him lie down, then got up and went out, closing the door gently.

Yan Rong lying on the bed, his eyes numb looking at the thick shading curtain for a while, and then pulled up the quilt to cover his head.

More than a week later, Wang Jin had forgotten about it. Just after the new year's day, the hospital would be full of people after the festival. He also sat for two days. He was busy in the morning and had surgery in the afternoon. Working overtime was a common thing. He went back to sleep when he got home from work. He had to rush out to work if he could not shave his beard very clean in the morning.

Dr. Wang was very haggard and thirsty psychologically, but he didn't even have time to do anything physically.

So when Yanrong came to the hospital to find him, he wore the standing collar of the international school, dark military uniform, and looked embarrassed. When he said "brother Wang Jin, I want to be with you" from his pink lips, Dr. Wang almost shot him in his pants.

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