Yan Rong sat on the bed, not daring to move.

When he broke up, he said that he would never see Wang Jin again, not only because he was sad, but also because he was afraid that when he saw Wang Jin again, he would still love Wang Jin and forgive him. But Wang Jin said such hurtful words to him, and he could not love without principle.

Now it's Wang Jin coming to see him! Is it to take him home? It's to tell him that what he said that day doesn't count. No matter what he becomes, he will love him forever, right? Right?

He felt that his heart was going to burn. As long as Wang Jin said that, he could forgive Wang Jin. He didn't need any principles. As long as Wang Jin always loves him, nothing else matters.

He looked at Wang Jin with burning eyes.

Wang Jinyang raised the bag in his hand and asked embarrassed, "do you want ice cream?"

Yan Rong:

"Cream cookies," Wang added

And coax him as a little baby again! Yan Rong was so angry that he breathed quickly and glared at Wang Jin: "who allowed you to come into my house? Get out of here

Wang Jin also stood by the door and asked hesitantly, "have you been home in the afternoon? See Kim Yue? "

Mention gold Yue, Yan Rong more angry, said: "return to what home? This is my home. I have broken up with you. Who are you going to take back to your home It's up to you to kiss or even do something closer. "

The second half of the sentence is Wang Jin said to him, a word is not bad, he remember clearly.

Wang Jin was stunned for a moment to think of it. He told Yanrong that If you're a jerk.

Yan Rong felt that he was not sincere to apologize for the compound, so he jumped down to the ground and pointed to the outside: "you go, go out, go out!"

He was like a kitten, angry and yelling, but there were tears in his eyes.

Wang Jin frowned and whispered, "Yan Rong, don't cry."

His tone and voice are too gentle, this let Yan Rong heart a sour, bite teeth don't open face, way: "you go out."

Wang Jin went in and put the ice cream on the desk.

Yan Rong said in a loud voice: "don't come in! I told you to go out

Wang jinchong did not hear, and strode to him and pulled him into his arms.

He struggled so hard that he said, "you villain! go away! Get out of here

Wang Jin hugged him harder and called him softly: "Yanrong, Yanrong, my Yanrong."

Yan Rong was so soft hearted and desperate that Wang Jin wanted to seduce him. He couldn't resist. As long as Wang Jin was willing to be gentle with him, his principle would collapse immediately.

He couldn't help the tears in his eyes, so he could only clench his lips and not cry.

Wang Jin hugged his body trembling with pain, and explained in a low voice: "it's not that I took Jin Yue home, but he went to my home with my university tutor, or an ordinary gathering of teachers and students. I didn't do anything with him. "

Yan Rong sobbed Well. "

If he believes it, he will believe whatever Wang Jin says, as long as Wang Jin says it.

He felt that he was going to die, and his life was doomed to be led by Wang Jin by the nose. When he got older and Wang Jin no longer loved him, he might still try to play weak and cute and win Wang Jin's favor even for a minute. Just like Jin Yue always sold miserably in front of Wang Jin before, he was the same person as Jin Yue.

It's terrible. Does he really want to be such a person? Rely on that to cheat Wang Jin to love him?

Wang Jin felt it and said, "what I said is true. Do you forget it? I've put it down for a long time

Yan Rong forced to bear it, but there was still some crying cavity said: "I remember."

Wang Jin touched his hair and coaxed, "don't cry. It's all my fault."

Yan Rong choked: "it's your fault. It's all your fault. You said that to me. You're terrible. I hate you."

Wang Jin also regretted saying those words that hurt him. He said, "I had a hangover like you that day, and my head was very painful. My brain was not clear. Some words were nonsense. I'm sorry."

Yanrong's pupil shrank.

Wang Jin said: "to tell you the truth, I was very angry and jealous when I saw the video of you and Ben. I wanted you to stop interacting with him, but I didn't have the right."

Yan Rong didn't understand very well and said, "why not?"

Wang jinzhui Mou way: "he is your favorite friend, that is your friendship, how to choose, I can't help you to make a decision."

Yan Rong was angry again and said, "it's really my business whether I want to break up with him or not. But if you don't get angry or lose temper with me, I think you don't care. OK, you don't care about kissing. What about love? Then I'm going to make love with others

Of course, it's an outrageous remark. Wang Jin frowned and said, "don't talk nonsense."

Yan Rong didn't want this kind of reaction, so he began to hit him. He threw his arm to hit his shoulder, arm and chest. He swore: "you idiot! idot! I not only want to make love with others, but also record all videos for you to see! You are not allowed to say angry, also do not lose temper, all bear in the heart, and then more generous, said that it is all my freedom! OK or not? How about itHe used his strength this time, Wang Jin was hit by him a little painful, subconsciously retreated.

Yan Rong took advantage of the situation to push him. Under the inertia, he went back several steps.

Yan Rong's tears have not dried, glared at him angrily and roundly, and said: "I don't like the Jinyue running to seduce you. I don't like that congcongcongcong always pestering you. I will tell you that I'm angry. I care about you. You are my own. Others can't touch you. You can't even think about it. How can you feel that you don't have the right to control me?"

He opened his eyes wide and doubted God and Ghost: "have you started to love me less? But I haven't grown up yet. Am I not cute now? "

He took the pleasant goat's mask from the side table and put it on, saying, "am I not cute?"

Wang Jin:

After his face was blocked by the mask, Yanrong didn't hold back and choked. He said, "I haven't been admitted to university yet. I don't have a job, and I don't have any money. Don't you love me anymore?"

Wang Jin: What's the matter with you? "

Yan Rong Wu wa a big cry, he sat on the edge of the bed, crying and said: "why am I so poor? Just because I love you more? Why don't you love me more? "

Wang Jin suddenly understood.

He stepped forward and slowly took off the mask from Yan Rong's face.

Yan Rong's face was full of tears, and his eyes were swollen. He turned his face to one side and refused to let him see.

Wang Jin crouched down in front of him, reached out to touch his face and said, "you are lovely, you are the most lovely."

Yanrong still refused to see him.

Wang Jin said, "but you are not pitiful."

Yan Rong's eyelashes with tears trembled.

Wang Jin said: "you look so handsome, good grades, so far to China, both strong and brave, everyone around you like you, what is your pity?"

Yan Rong looked out of the dark window and whispered, "I don't have mom and dad."

Wang Jin put his hand on his leg to shoot, and said, "but one of your adoptive father is the most famous movie actor in China, and the other is the richest artist on the Forbes list this year. They have a good relationship and love you. Today, Liang Xi also drenched my head with dog blood for you, saying that you are the treasure they brought back from the sea. He told me not to bully you 。”

Yan Rong pursed his lips. He didn't expect that Liang Xi would really help him out.

Wang Jin said: "you are so excellent, and your family is happy. Who says you are poor?"

Yan Rong looks at him sideways.

Wang Jinchao smiles at him and says, "I don't love you either Yanrong, I love you very much. "

Yan Rong moved his lips and sipped them. Finally, he asked, "what do you love me for?"

Wang Jin said, "don't you know?"

Yan Rong: What do you know? "

Wang Jin pinched his leg and said, "you asked me what I love you about. Before I answered, you said that you are handsome and have a good personality. It's very comfortable to have love with you. You're all right. "

Yan Rong felt that he was perfunctory and said angrily, "is that all? Don't treat me like a child. "

Wang Jin asked, "what do you love me for?"

Yan Rong:

What does he love Wang Jin?

Wang Jin is very handsome and considerate. He is gentle to him both in bed and under bed.

Anything else?

He couldn't think of it.

Is the reason why you love someone so simple?

He was at a loss.

"It's not that simple," Wang said

Yan Rong was a little unhappy, and Wang Jin guessed his mind again.

Wang Jin gently grasped his hand and said in a soft voice: "the reason for falling in love with a person is too simple. It will be because of a look, a word, an action, a thing that is too small to be small. But it is very difficult to let this love take root and sprout, and then blossom and bear fruit. I like your beautiful and lovely, like your sincerity and bravery, like to take you to enjoy sexual love. These are just seeds of love. If it grows in my heart, we have to water and fertilize it, otherwise it will die quietly. The work of watering and fertilizing it is not mine, but yours. We are together, you kiss me, hug me, cling to me, and say "I" every time Love you ", it will feel, it will draw nutrients, from a small grass to a small tree. The seed in your heart is the same. I will try my best to nourish it and let it grow healthily. The trunk is thicker and the branches and leaves are a little more. Otherwise, if the wind and rain come, it can't stand, it will be injured and even die. "

Yanrong listened, he touched his heart with the empty hand, some proud said: "it is a big tree, especially big."

He put his hand on Wang Jin's left chest and asked, "where is it?"

Wang Jin laughed and said, "it's also very big."

Yan Rong said, "I don't believe it."

He grabbed the cloth on the chest of Wang Jin's shirt and said, "if it's big, why do you say that when I grow up, we'll separate?"Wang Jin's smile faded.

He looked at Yan Rong with a melancholy warmth in his eyes.

Yan Rong felt his sadness, but his face was confused.

Wang Jin said something he didn't want to say, but he had to.

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