After dinner, Liang Xi and Wang Chao couldn't go home to sleep, and the long night was boring. He suggested, "go and have a dip? I haven't been there for a while

Wang Chao was so embarrassed that he didn't want to go. He said, "I'm not going. Be careful. I'll tell sister-in-law Berto."

Liang Xi said, "if you sue, I'll have a drink and nothing else."

That is to say, he doesn't want to go alone. It's better to go back to chat with Berto on the phone if it's convenient for him to drink.

This thought, he immediately came to strength, finished the account on the fire left.

Wang Chao was left alone. He ate the remaining crayfish in silence, then slowly put on his hat and went home.

He just looked down at the road, and passed people at the door of the hotel. After a few steps, he heard someone call him behind him. Looking back, he was a tall, dark man with a rugged appearance.

Wang Chao had a tight scalp.

This man, surnamed Chi, was Wang Qi's guide when he went to Sichuan Tibet line. He was a teammate who used to practice Sanda with Wang Qi. His hair with lice was shaved by this man himself.

They spent half a month together on the road, and everything was very good. On the last night of their arrival in Beijing, they slept in a standard room in a broken hotel at a high-speed service station in Shijiazhuang. In the middle of the night, the surname Chi asked him if he was right. He replied that he was not. He touched his bed to kiss him and scared him to death I just wore a pair of underpants and ran away.

After that, he wanted to complain to Wang Qi, but when he thought about what he didn't do, when he practiced Sanda, he couldn't run away. Even if he thought about it, he didn't lose. He was not a member of a circle, and he couldn't see him in the future.

This person, who he thought he would never see again, came to him in surprise, and asked shyly, "Xiaochao, alone?"

Wang Jin drove silently. Yan Rong sat on the passenger's seat, holding the box of cream cookies ice cream in his right hand. He only ate two mouthfuls and then stopped eating. He grabbed the corner of Wang Jin's shirt with his left hand, as if afraid that Wang Jin would run away if he did not pay attention.

Just now at Liang Xi's house, after listening to Wang Jin's words, he was stunned for a long time, and then he hugged Wang Jin with great force, without saying a word for a long time.

But Wang Jin heard a thousand words in the embrace.

He let Yanrong see his inferiority, which was not as embarrassing as he thought. He didn't ask Yanrong what he was thinking. He knew that they were still deeply in love with each other, which was the best present for him.

He thought, at least at this moment, they have no heart knot, can better cherish the present, embrace each other, he can also try to give Yanrong a lot of love and company.

Yanrong held him for a long time, and he kept the posture of half squatting in front of Yan Rong. Finally, he couldn't help but say: My leg is numb. "

Yanrong slowly released his hand and gazed at him. His blue eyes seemed to be rippling with two pools of soft spring water. He gently said, "Wang Jinzhou, I miss home. You take me home."

Yan Rong quickly packed up his few luggage.

On the dining table outside, there was dinner cooked for him by his aunt. Wang Jin found a few Locket boxes in the refrigerator and packed them away together.

They're going home together.

Driving into the yard, the automatic door was closed behind the car, and the lights were shining across the lawn. Yan Rong saw the injured cuckoo at a glance. He sat up straight and looked at it through the window.

Wang Jin held him by the hand of his shirt and said, "it rained heavily that day. I thought it would die. Fortunately, it has not. It has sprouted."

He drove into the garage, Yanrong put the ice cream box on the dashboard, untied the safety belt, jumped out of the car and ran to cuckoo.

Wang Jin looked down at the corner of his shirt. He was not as wrinkled as he looked. He was also a little wet. It was the sweat of Yanrong's hands.

He did not take care of it. He put out the ignition and untied the safety belt. Just as he was about to remove the key, Yanrong opened the door and went back to the car.

The sound control light in the garage is not very bright. In the dim light, Yan Rong's small face is white, but his expression is somewhat sad.

Wang Jin suddenly said, "that flower Still dead? "

Yan Rong shook his head and said, "No

Wang Jin also asked again, Yanrong rushed over and bit his lip with a deadly hiss. He felt tingling and his lips were bitten. The kiss soon had a bloody smell.

At this time, no one cared. Yanrong stretched out the tip of his tongue and was licked and sucked by Wang Jin. They absorbed the body fluid from each other's mouth, and they were intertwined with each other in a soft and intense way. They all felt that they were about to touch each other's souls.

But kissing is not enough.

Yanrong pushed Wang Jin's chest, panting and retreating.

Wang Jin's lips have some reddish bloodstains, which makes others always elegant and gentle, and becomes a bit wild and uninhibited.

Wang Jin stares at Yan Rong, reaches out his hand and randomly pulls out the car key. He says, "I can't bear to go upstairs to get the cover. It's on the first floor and shoots inside, OK?"Yan Rong said: "no way."

Wang Jin:

Yanrong rushed over again. He put his chest in front of Wang Jin's body, and the tip of his nose rubbed on the bridge of Wang Jin's nose. He felt that he was like a lioness in urgent need. He said, "right here, on me."

The azalea isn't dead. Great, it's not dead.

And the tree growing in Wang Jin's heart, he should also strive to make the trunk thicker, branches and leaves more luxuriant, and wait for the wind and rain to come, will be afraid of nothing.

As long as Wang Jin loves him, he will not be afraid of anything.

He knew what it was to grow up.

Unfortunately, Wang Chao staggered back home. He didn't feel anything when he just entered the yard. When he turned around and wanted to drive into the garage, he was silly and quickly turned off the lights.

Wang Jin's red BMW was shaking like a vibration motor. He pricked up his ears and listened carefully. He could also hear Yanrong crying "Dad".

Wang Chao didn't dare to listen, nor did he dare to turn the front of the car. He had to get out of the car and bend down. He opened the door like a thief. He didn't dare to turn on the light on the first floor. He ran back to his room in the dark and locked the door. What if Wang Jin didn't like to come up and beat him again?

Wang Jin didn't come to beat him, but he saw his car, but he didn't care.

The ice cream on the dashboard was knocked over, and the car was filled with sweet smell. It was mixed with Yanrong's voice, and could not tell which was sweeter.

Yanrong's hand pressed on the window, the white fingers twitch, spasmodic, and Wang Jin tightly wrapped in his hand, a big and a small two hands clasped, each other's soul also blended together.

From the garage blend to the upstairs, two people tangled together, do tired kiss, kiss enough, continue to do, until Yanrong can no longer shoot anything.

Wang Jin gave him a bath and cleaned up. He took him out and laid him on the bed. Then he went into the bathroom to wash himself.

When he came out, he sat by the bed, wiped his hair and looked back at Yan Rong. He asked, "is it better? Does it hurt? "

Yan Rong didn't wear anything. He put his hand between his legs and said, "chicken has a little pain."

His action is very natural, but Wang Jin can see the pain below and turn around to continue to wipe his hair.

Yanrong wanted to see him, so he tried to get up, hugged him from behind, put his chin on his shoulder, looked at his face, and asked, "was it comfortable just now?"

Wang Jin: Comfortable. "

Yan Rong was very happy and said, "am I very lewd?"

Wang Jin:

Yan Rong said: "I can be more obscene."

Wang Jin thought that he did not understand the praise and criticism of the word, and wanted to explain it, but he continued, "I can make you comfortable until you are 80 years old, no, 100 years old."

Wang Jin looks stunned.

Yan Rong this is to coax him, although a bit clumsy.

But it coaxed him, and he liked it.

Yanrong's waist and legs are a little soft, this posture makes him feel tired. He slides down and sits on the bed with his face close to Wang Jin's back and his hands around Wang Jin's waist.

He wanted to be with Wang Jinchang, not to be separated for a minute.

He never felt that time was so precious.

Time is so terrible.

He didn't think about the fact that he was 17 years younger than Wang Jin. He did, and he thought about it many times.

He thought that Wang Jin, who is handsome, rich and tender, will become more and more attractive in the future. Five years, ten years or even twenty years later, he can still attract many women and gay. What about himself? There are too many examples of mixed blood and long disability. Maybe when people see them together in the future, they will say that Wang Jin has such a good condition, how can he choose such a bad partner. So he wants to keep fit and yearn for muscles so that his skin and body will not become loose. He hopes that he can always match Wang Jin in appearance. He also wants to be excellent and study all the courses including Chinese. He wants to be a man who can stand with Wang Jin.

However, he did not think that Wang Jin would grow old.

He never thought that Wang Jin was afraid of "getting old".

He knew what Wang Jin was afraid of. Like him, Wang Jin was afraid that with the passing of time, his love would disappear.

Because I love so much, I'm afraid.

He looked up at Wang Jin's broad back and called out, "Wang Jinzhou."

After wiping his hair, Wang Jin said, "eh?"

He whispered, "I love you."

Wang Jin gently grasped his hand on his waist.

Yanrong said repeatedly: "I love you, I love you, I love you..."

Wang Jin put his hand on his heart and said, "it's very big."

Yanrong put his face on his back, and he felt a little hot and humid.

But there was quiet joy in both of them.

They not only love each other, they finally understand each other.

It's almost dawn, and they kiss again and again, reluctant to sleep.When he was free, Wang Jin patted Yan Rong's back and asked, "is the school over?"

He has heard Liang Xi say that Yanrong wants to go back to school.

Yan Rong "um" a, Fu in his chest coquettish rub, said: "Ben did not really kiss me, he likes girls, I do not like his type."

He hugged Wang Jin and said, "if you are jealous, you will lose your temper, or I will be angry."

"Good," Wang said

Yanrong closed his eyes and thought about something. After a while, he opened up again. Suddenly he said, "don't you say you want to see me play football? Go next week. "

Young people always think of a matter is a out, Wang Jin promised: "good, to see which day is free, call you in advance."

Yan Rong seriously said: "must go."

On Wednesday, Wang Jin called Yan Rong and said that he was free today and could go to school to watch him play football in the evening.

Wang Jin sat in the second row of the audience, watching Yan Rong and the boys running on the green field from afar. Each of them was young, and Yanrong was particularly dazzling.

He wore his favorite Real Madrid shirt. As he said, he is really handsome in playing football. What's more, he plays handsome and ranks first in the game. A group of girls not far from Wang Jin volunteered to serve as cheerleaders of the humble ball game. Even out of the cupboard, he is still very popular with girls.

Finished, Yan Rong ran up with sweat on his head and asked happily, "am I handsome?"

Wang Jin handed the water to him with a smile and said, "it's so handsome."

Yanrong sat next to him, drank a few big saliva, and lifted up his jersey to wipe the sweat on his face. He was a sunny and healthy high school boy.

Wang Jin liked it very much, but he was ashamed. Today, he is specially dressed for leisure. However, the flowers are not red for a hundred days, and people are no longer young.

A few of the boys who were also playing football went back down the aisle. They said hello to this side and warmly said, "Hello, uncle!"

Wang Jin kept a smile on his face and was slightly melancholy in his heart.

Yan Rong sat up straight and responded, "don't yell! He's not my father

Wang Jin:

Several boys looked at each other.

Yan Rong looked at Wang Jin and his eyes were bright.

Wang Jin guessed what he wanted to do and tried to stop him.

But Yanrong has said: "he is my boyfriend!"

My boyfriend! boy friend!

This sentence seems to reverberate several times in the open football field. Wang Jin is not sure, and it may be his own auditory hallucinations.

The screams of excitement from the girls, and the whistling of boys before they walk, are probably also auditory hallucinations.

The huge stadium, only two of them, and the red sunset.

Yan Rong said: "now they all know."

Wang Jin: Well. "

Yanrong said: "you don't want to leave me any more."

"Yes," Wang said

Yan Rong said, "you want to marry me and live with me."

Wang Jin also sat up straight and said solemnly, "good."

Once upon a time, he felt that it was a long and difficult journey to reach Yan Rong's 20-year-old, and he always doubted that there would be no such day.

Now, however, he thinks he can.

Yan Rong crooked his body, put his head on his shoulder, and slowly said, "Wang Jinzhou, you should accompany me to grow up, and then I will accompany you to grow old."

Wang Jin looked at the setting sun, some dazzling, he slightly narrowed his moist eyes.

He began to believe that they would always be together, no matter who grew up or who grew old.

He likes the appearance, Yan Rong really has. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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