Owen knows that Rex is asking Gugel, and he knows that he always wants to leave Jigil, but after tonight, the strength of the Sand Shield finalist is a loss, and Geiger may not be able to find it because of this damage. To anything. So he could only shrug his shoulders and replied: "I didn't catch it, I killed it."

Rex has been looking forward to this answer to Irving for a long time, and there are no surprises. He just sighed and asked, "Where was it killed? Body, don't say you can't even let the body go."

"Where do you think I am? Do I like people with whip hobbies?"

Owen said again, killed Geiger, then stared at Rex, asking some strange questions: "What do you want to do with the body? As a collectible

"I don't have this hobby either."

Rex waved his hand, he just wanted to bring his body back to study it. After all, Irving had already told him about Li Jie's abnormal growth, and the shadow of finalist Rex has appeared. I really want to use it to figure out their purpose.

However, he quickly turned to this topic: "That beautiful girl, Miss Jules, you have the heart to make her go like bait."

"I have seen more beautiful people, but she has nothing to do with me..." Chen Beixuan said with both hands, very innocent, "In any case, Ji Ji will find her sooner or later, and I will use it as a bait." Is it cost-effective to kill the murderer? "

"?" Rex asked, frowning, "What?"

"Nothing, you are very busy, I am leaving."

Of course, Irving could not explain anything to Rex. This will seriously affect his image. As for the next transaction, Irving cannot help, he can only leave without saying goodbye.

"Wait a minute, what have you said before, what have you considered?" Rex called to Owen and asked him.

Irving knew that Rex was asking how to help him investigate the finalists. If it was before, Chen Beixuan might refuse, but now he is addicted. Then I gave a subtle answer: "If there is a chance, maybe I will help. Goodbye."

Although this answer is vague, it is much better than the previous tough rejection. Rex did not insist on the persecution, but vomited and continued to bury his head.

Although Irving's answer to Rex was vague, it was not perfunctory. If there is such a thing tonight, he really doesn't mind giving Rex a favor.

After leaving the position of Rex's office, Chen Beixuan quickly opened the main menu of the game.

The original Owen level was already ninth level. After killing Geiger and then killing experience points, he was finally promoted to the tenth level.

This means that Irving finally got rid of the novice and became a truly qualified player. Of course, this is not an experience, but a difference from the level of the game. The most obvious one is the enhancement of attributes.


Minority male, camp/no one, status/civilian, professional/mercenary, deputy occupation/none, title/black bronze medal

.Level/10 (10l100 physics/melee cast/(not open) class level/mercenary/up (100

Strength 13--waist circumference 2. Arm strength 13.6 Wrist strength 2. Leg strength 2. B Explosive force 13.2

Agility 13-flexible and flexible 2. B moves at a speed of 13. 6 attack speed 2. reaction speed 2.2

Physique 2-Stamina 2.6 Endurance l6 Resilience I Immunity 62The latest chapter of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in the world login Address: https://www.readwn.com/book/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of logins Reading address of the full text of the disciples: https://www.readwn.com/read/111717/I have Hundreds of millions of disciples txt download address: https://www.readwn.com/down/111717.htmlWanjie login I have hundreds of millions of disciples to read on mobile phones: https://m.readwn.com/read/111717/For convenience Next time you read, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (chapter 1798 is ambiguous!) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.readwn.com)

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