I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 1799: The glass was hammered!

Spirit ll-toughness 2.6 exempt 4 will 6B insight l

The property has been greatly improved, and the number of integrated points for each project has increased by 4 points. Except for the single-point attribute enhancement from the ninth level to the tenth level, the other three attributes are all made of black bronze medals. The title is for him.

Owen caught up with Gegel because he couldn't escape in the air, and a sword pierced his back, then penetrated his chest, directly smashing the heart.

Jimmy sprayed blood, his strength was wrapped around his chest with a sword, and his **** was cut in half and lost. He could not jump to the opposite roof, his eyes were black and straight. Falling from the air.

The middle of the two houses is not a street, but a narrow river, but it is full of residents' trash. It is better to say that the sewer is more suitable.

The water on the river has formed a thick layer of ice. Li Jie fell from the sky and licked it on the ice. The blood splashed like a ball of red ink, and then gradually flowed down from him. Flow out, it has become a big spread under the body.

Li Jie glanced at the ice, there were many small cracks there, and then the cracks spread quickly, just like a piece of glass was broken into pieces by the glass in a hammer, Li Jie was lying on the ice. It fell directly into the river under the ice and was quickly washed away.

Seeing the faint fluorescence floating from Li Jie's body, like a firefly circling a few times in the air instead of entering his body, Elvin knew that Li Jie was completely dead this time.

"Look at Ian, I have fulfilled your wish. This is revenge against you."

Owen looked at the ice cave, whispered a word, then took a deep breath, took the iron sword back, jumped off the roof, and returned straight from the original road.

Chen Beixuan, who had left, did not see that the baby's fist-sized **** was cut in half by a sword, and was rushed in half by Gilgil and washed away. The other half came from Geiger. The clothes slid onto the open space not far away, and only half of the black eyes remained, seeming to emit a faint light.

When Alvin returned to the hotel, Chen Beixuan and Alia were still waiting on the long street. After seeing Owen coming back, the two girls breathed a sigh of relief, and then hurriedly greeted them. .

."How's it going?"

Chen Beixuan asked, but she might have guessed the result of the expression on her face.

Owen looked at Chen Beixuan and then at Alia. Alia was very nervous while waiting for the answer and did not like to tease them. He said directly: "Fortunately, this is not an insult, it has been resolved, Gujer was killed by me."

As soon as Chen Beixuan finished speaking, the two girls finally breathed a sigh of relief, especially Aaliyah. She is still immersed in the embers of the battle between Chen Beixuan and Gegel. Regardless of the performance of Elvin or Li Jie, the worries far exceeded her expectations.

If Li Jie escapes, then when he comes next time, Alia has no confidence in whether Bruce and the others can stop Geiger.

Now, Owen killed Geiger, which is the most worrying thing in Elia's heart.

Once her nervous mood relaxes, Elia immediately feels tired and sleepy. Although she didn't have much fighting tonight, she expended a lot of energy. Anger, fear, tension, panic and other negative emotions are often on the woman's nerves. She has not experienced many changes like Chen Beixuan or Chen Beixuan, and her will has always been as hard as steel. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.readwn.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in to read the full text address: https://www.readwn.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.readwn .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .readwn.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Favorites\" below Record this (Chapter 1799 Glass Was Hammered!) Reading record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.readwn.com)

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