I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 928: Dream Temple? Take you to play for the teacher

All the magical powers of the necromancer Electrolux are also stored in the twelve skeleton bracelet.

If you master it, Long Haochen is bound to be on an equal footing with the Dragon Demon God!

"Go, I will take you to the dream paradise for the teacher." Chen Beixuan said lightly.

"Dream Paradise?" Long Haochen was taken aback, and asked with some surprise, is it that ancient ruin?

Chen Beixuan did not explain too much, and nodded.

The crack in the void opened, and the two of them traveled through the void, and soon appeared by the lake with a pleasant scenery.

Because of Chen Beixuan's arrival, all events in the north of Shenyin accelerated, and the dream paradise, which had appeared once every five years, also arrived ahead of schedule.

The Saint League didn't know it, but because the Demon Race had a star demon **** who mastered the big prophecy, it judged the opening time of the dream paradise.

They still sent ten people to participate in the treasure hunt and trial of Dream Paradise, but on the human side, there were only two people, Chen Beixuan and Long Haochen.

As soon as the two set foot on the lake, the dream temple rose from the lake shockingly.

The aquamarine palace halo circulates, revealing the endless breath of life, and the surrounding plants grow wildly.

The temple is supported by countless huge stone pillars, and there is a green stone gate in the middle, rippling with green light.

Without saying anything, Chen Beixuan walked in, and Long Haochen followed closely.

The green light flickered, and Chen Beixuan suddenly opened up in front of him, completely different world.

There was harmony around him, and Long Haochen, who was nervous, breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, a group of rich golden light appeared in front of the two of them, revealing a rich aura of light.

Chen Beixuan gave a wink, and Long Haochen rushed forward, and was shocked to find that it turned out to be a spiritual furnace, and it was a spiritual furnace of extremely high quality.

A cultivator in the north of Shenyin can integrate many spirit furnaces. The more spirit furnaces he possesses, the stronger his potential and understanding, including overall strength.

"Refining him." Chen Beixuan said lightly without thinking more.

Long Haochen took a deep breath and immediately released his spiritual power, grasped the golden light group, and established a spiritual connection with it.

The dazzling spirit furnace can make the light attribute spiritual power of the cultivator explode with even stronger lethality.

Just when Long Haochen was about to complete the refining of the dazzling spirit furnace, a turbulent aura shot out fiercely.

Chen Beixuan raised his brows and let out a cold snort, and immediately waved his big hand, releasing a burst of invisible energy to cover Long Haochen's whole body.

"Bang!" With a loud noise, the breath hit Long Haochen's body, turning into countless dark breaths, enveloping dark evil forces.

After Long Haochen thoroughly integrated the dazzling spirit furnace with his body, he looked up and saw that the person who came was turned out to be a young demon, as if his cultivation strength was extraordinary.

Such young and powerful demons must not be many in the Demon Race, and they must have an extraordinary status in the Demon Race.

"Human?" The young demon frowned, spitting out, "Boy, spit out the spirit furnace, or I will kill you."

"Kill me?" Long Haochen almost laughed when he heard this, "I want to see, what are you!"

Chen Beixuan was silent, the meaning was already very obvious, Long Haochen knew what he should do next without asking.

The golden spiritual power suddenly erupted, covering Long Haochen's body with a layer of energy armor, and the 33 Heavens Divine Sword suddenly appeared, cutting out a void crack directly.

The young demon was surprised, never expected that the human being in front of him would have such a powerful aura.

"Evil Dragon Demon!"

With two sharp long howls, a pair of black wings appeared behind the young devil, and a ten-foot epee appeared in his hand, emitting a blue flame.

I saw him soaring, raising the Qingyan heavy sword and rushing towards Long Haochen, his whole body exploded, and he was a ninth-order demon.

"Good fellow, it's really not a small character." Long Haochen secretly sighed in his heart. The 33 Heavens Divine Sword pierced a burst of sword intent, which is exactly what he realized in the Aion.

The sword intent moved, and the thirty-three bright rays of light were like a dragon, sweeping towards Long Haochen.


With a loud noise, the 33 Heavenly Divine Sword and the Qingyan Epee collided with each other, Long Haochen's sword intent was unmatched, and instantly swallowed all the blue flames.

"Impossible!" The young demon said in horror.

However, at this time, Long Haochen leaped and soared above the sky. The 33 Heavenly Divine Sword pointed at the young demon again, suppressing it like Mount Tai.


Long Haochen stepped on the young demon, and the rays of the 33 Heavens Divine Sword instantly tore it to pieces, and the sound of bone fragmentation could be faintly heard.

"Puff..." The young demon vomited blood, his body was broken and he could only linger.

He couldn't even dream that he would be defeated by a young human: "Who are you...?"

The corner of Long Haochen's mouth raised slightly and said lightly: "The heir of the fourth demon **** Samikina? I'm afraid the seat of the demon **** doesn't belong to you anymore."

"No..." The young devil was even more shocked, how could the other party know his own details, "I can't die, you can't kill me!"

Even though it was a demon, he still feared death, and when he heard Long Haochen's words, he suddenly became crazy.

The spirit power around him quickly rolled over, and the young demon seemed to be brewing a terrifying energy storm, and the heavens and the earth suddenly dimmed, and endless demon powers radiated from his body.

The surrounding vegetation was immediately shrouded, eroded by the power of the devil, and quickly withered. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.readwn.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in to read the full text address: https://www.readwn.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.readwn .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .readwn.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Favorites\" below Record the reading record of this time (Chapter 928 Dream Temple? I will take you to play for the teacher), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.readwn.com)

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