I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 929: The demon disintegrated, and never wanted to escape from the deity! )

"The devil disintegrated?" Chen Beixuan's mouth raised slightly, "Do you think this can escape from under the eyelids of the deity?"

After all, Chen Beixuan fiercely activated the heavenly burial coffin in Long Haochen's body, creating endless eternal flames.

Thousands of flames are rising, chasing all the demon powers, burning or washing them!

"Ah..." the young demon howled miserably, his voice suddenly disappeared, turning into a black magic core, and quietly falling into Chen Beixuan's hands.

This demon core already has the embryonic form of the crown, and if it grows up over time, it will inevitably inherit the mantle of the fourth demon god.

"Puff!" Far away in the heart of the Demon Race, Samikina spit out black blood, and immediately fell into a state of hysterics, "Chen Beixuan, the **** is going to kill you!"

In the dream paradise, Long Haochen took the magic core from Chen Beixuan, directly refining and absorbing it, replenishing the energy he had just consumed.

"There is still a spirit furnace in front." Chen Beixuan glanced into the distance and said lightly.

The two of them continued to move forward, but saw the corpses of monsters everywhere, and where they were, a fierce battle seemed to have taken place before.

"Three spirit furnaces!" Long Haochen looked around and exclaimed suddenly, "Can I refine these?"

"Of course." Chen Beixuan said lightly, his goal is to let Long Haochen refine a hundred spirit furnaces and achieve unprecedented feats for all cultivators in the north of Shenyin.

Now that the master had said everything, Long Haochen's figure suddenly turned into a golden light and rushed towards the three spirit furnaces.


A black figure appeared unexpectedly and blocked Long Haochen. The two collided with a loud noise, and the shock wave swept across a radius of ten miles.

Long Haochen retreated, suddenly offering a 33-day divine sword, frowning to look at the visitors.

This is a black-clothed youth, exuding a burst of dark aura, this aura is full of the color of silence, and he is very mysterious and unpredictable.

Behind him stood many four or five young people, all of whom were demon geniuses above the ninth rank.

"Abao." Chen Beixuan said lightly, "The deity guessed right, you killed these monsters, right?"

"Are you Chen Beixuan?" A Bao frowned and replied in a deep voice.

"It's smart, but since it was seen by the deity, you can't run away today." Chen Beixuan's mouth raised slightly, thinking that if he directly killed the heir of the Dragon Demon God, the emotion of the Dragon Demon God would be very interesting.

"Huh!" A Bao said indifferently, "Your opponent is my father, and my opponent is your apprentice."

"Oh? It's interesting..." Chen Beixuan said with disdain, "This deity gives you a chance to fight, win the crown of inheritance, and lose to death!"

"You..." A Bao almost died of anger. Chen Beixuan was really unreasonable. Whether he wins or loses a duel, he is at a disadvantage.

He couldn't help looking at Long Haochen, and when he looked at it, his face suddenly became difficult to look: "You have a devil's breath on your body? Could it be...you..."

"Yes, I just killed a trash and gave me a crown of inheritance by the way." Long Haochen said lightly.

Hearing the words "Inheritance Zhimian", Abao's face was suddenly gloomy: "You...you killed Ayou."

"Really? Is his name Ayou?" Long Haochen couldn't help but sneered, "It's not just that, it's already dead waste."

As soon as these words came out, all the young demon geniuses, including A Bao, suddenly became very angry, and burst out aura, wanting to take Long Haochen off.

"Let's start." Chen Beixuan was expressionless, too lazy to ink with them anymore.

Long Haochen jumped up, and the 33 Heavenly Divine Sword burst out with a strong light, dazzling and dazzling, and went directly towards A Bao.


There was a sharp metal crash, and there were countless ripples in the space.

A Bao frowned and was shocked in his heart. No wonder A You would die in his hands. It turned out that his power was so strong.


Long Haochen's eyes suddenly became extremely sharp, and the 33 Heavenly Divine Sword stabbed at the same time, directly breaking A Bao's defense, leaving a deep blood mark on his body, three points into the bone!

He was wounded by a human, and the pride of the dragon made Ah Bao feel endless humiliation. His eyes suddenly turned purple and black. With a wave of the purple sword in his hand, a void crack was suddenly cut out.

"His Royal Highness!" The people behind A Bao looked anxious, and they wanted to step forward to help.

The corner of Chen Beixuan's mouth raised slightly, and he said faintly: "It seems you can do it, so let's go together."

"You..." A dash of purple-black blood flowed from the corner of A Bao's mouth, and the spiritual power of his body climbed, and pieces of black scale armor covered his body.

"Let's go together." Long Haochen said with disdain, and the 33 Heavens Divine Sword pointed at A Bao, disdainfully said.

"Go!" shouted a young man in a purple robe behind Abao, and the young people around him all agreed.

Hearing only a long roar of dragons resounding across the sky, Abao's tall and slender body burst out with layers of purple and black halos.

The dream paradise can't help trembling, and countless lives are crawling on the ground because of endless fear.

His body expanded rapidly, the scales on the surface became larger and thicker, and his breath became stronger and firmer.

The huge wings suddenly opened, and A Bao's body changed into a giant dragon, with a terrifying appearance, standing boldly on the ground.

And the Demon youths behind him did not hesitate to show their true identity, the purple moon was in the sky, the orange star was shining, and countless terrifying powers burst out. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.readwn.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged on to the world to read the full text address: https://www.readwn.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.readwn .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .readwn.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" below Record this time (Chapter 929, the demon disintegrates, and I don’t want to escape from the deity!)) Read the record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.readwn.com)

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