After seeing Li Changsheng leaving with Yu Youwei and Yu Youwei, the fat woman had a lingering patted chest and stood up from the ground and muttered: “I scared my old lady.”

He hummed to the bald head who was still bleeding on the ground, “Hey, get up, everyone is gone, don’t pretend.”

She yelled and saw that the bald head did not respond. , And then shouted: “Okay, acting is still addicted to acting, hurry up, the demon is gone.”

However, the bald head still has no response.

“What’s the matter?”

The fat woman has frowned her head and puts her hand on her bald nose.

“I have a breath, but I am angry.”

She thought, trying to pinch the bald head.

Sure enough, the bald head woke up leisurely.

The fat woman could not help teased: “Bald head, you are too weak, you were really knocked out.”

The bald head wiped the blood from her head, and her teeth cracked her mouth. He said: “I didn’t expect that Li Changsheng was so cruel, he would hit me with a fire extinguisher. In order not to show the weak spot, I didn’t dare to use spell in front of him. It hurts.”

Women couldn’t help but laugh at taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

“Okay, just smile, but this time we are not without gain. It shows that Yu Youwei is indeed Li Changsheng’s weakness.”

“Not bad.”

The fat woman is nodded.

“It should be possible to deal with Great Elder. This Li Changsheng killed me Huashan Master. Every dísciple of my Flower Mountain Faction is absolutely irreconcilable with him, but his strength is too strong. Great Elder means Let us first arrest his relatives and threaten him, and then find a way to force him to submit. When we left at that time, Li Changsheng said that we would take a girl to eat Mala Tang. We went directly to the girl’s house and waited until Li Changsheng and the girl. Once separated, take the girl away.”

The fat woman said.

The bald head is nodded.

The two directly closed the shop and walked towards the community where Yu Youwei was.

Before this, the two had already figured out the bottom of Yu Youwei.


Li Changsheng took Yu Youwei and he went shopping for another afternoon, and took a taxi in the evening to take Yu Youwei home.

After watching Yu Youwei upstairs, Li Changsheng’s eyes suddenly became cold, looking towards all around the building.

Only the dim light, and the calls of insects.

However, in Li Changsheng’s mind, two red spots can be clearly seen, like a raging fire burning in the dark, extremely eye-catching.

This is the difference between Daoist and ordinary person. Qi and blood are many times stronger than ordinary person and can be easily distinguished.

“After staying here for a day, I should be tired. Please show up for both of you.”

Li Changsheng said coldly.

After ten seconds, Li Changsheng couldn’t help shaking his head.

“Since you are not coming out, then I have to ask you to come out.”

Speaking, Li Changsheng began to walk in one direction.

I just walked a few steps, when I heard a “hoola”, two figures jumped out. It was the fat woman and bald man in the jewelry store during the day.

“When did you find us?”

The bald man solemnly asked.

“From the moment I entered the jewelry store, I knew you were from Flower Mountain Faction.”

“How is it possible?”

Bald and fat The woman didn’t believe it.

“We have taken Sect’s secret Qi-Lifting Pill. As long as we don’t use True Qi, it’s impossible for someone to detect it.”

“Indeed, I didn’t realize that you were cultivating Daoist, but your eyes betray you. They all say that eyes are the windows of the soul. An ordinary person impossible has a pair of sharp eyes, and a person with such eyes, if not a heinous gangster, is a sword dao cultivator , And among the people I offended recently, it seems that there is only Flower Mountain Faction, the sword repair Sect.”

“You are very smart, it seems that we underestimate you.”

Bald men and The fat women looked a little ugly.

One is because Li Changsheng saw through their identities, and the other is because Li Changsheng clearly knew their identities and cooperated with them in a scene, giving them a sturdy fire extinguisher. Slap your head, and the fat woman slapped herself two hundred slaps.

At this moment, they have a teased anger.

“I killed the head of Huashan. It is understandable for you to avenge the head teacher, but you shouldn’t put your idea on my girlfriend.”

For a moment, Li Changsheng His eyes became cold, and he had already moved with murderous intention.

The bald man and the woman looked at each other and stepped on the ground almost at the same time, instead of attacking Li Changsheng, they fled into the distance like a frightened bird.

Li Changsheng can even kill Huashan Zhangjiao. They are just two hall masters of Flower Mountain Faction. How can they be Li Changsheng’s opponents?

“If you want to run, then how can it be so easy.”

Li Changsheng spread out and chased forward.

And at the moment his figure moves, a sword light appear out of thin air.

“You finally can’t help but make a move.”

At this moment, Li Changsheng’s footsteps were light, he turned his head and hid gently, and the sword light fell on Empty space.

At the same time, he took a palm shot and imprinted it on the opponent’s chest, and the dark shadow suddenly spurt a mouthful of blood in his mouth, flying upside down, landing five meters away from Li Changsheng.

Is an Elderly, holding a long sword in his hand, his hands trembling slightly, he is holding his chest, with an astonished expression in his eyes.

At this time, the bald and fat women who had escaped had all returned.

Just seeing this scene, his face was shocked.

Unexpectedly, they played a scene together, using the two to escape, distracting Li Changsheng’s attention, Great Elder shot a sneak attack, but now it seems that it has completely failed.

“You like acting so much, it’s a pity not to be an actor.”

Li Changsheng sneered.

Seeing the three faintly forming a triangle to surround themselves, they couldn’t help but shook the head gently.

“Even your Sect leader died in my hands. It’s ridiculous that you want to deal with me too.”

The voice fell, and he raised his hand directly to the black clothed Elderly.

Elderly also stabbed Li Changsheng with a sword.

However, under Li Changsheng’s palm, the sword was snapped off in an instant.

Then Li Changsheng grabbed the palm of the black clothed Elderly’s neck directly, ka-cha made a crisp sound, and the black clothed Elderly dropped his body softly, and fell to the ground by Li Changsheng. Move spike.


The fat woman and the bald man sucked in a breath of cold air at the same time.

This black clothed Elderly is the Great Elder of Flower Mountain Faction, especially the sword, cast with Hundred Refinements steel essence, cut iron like mud, even a piece of steel can be pierced, but now Li Changsheng broke his palm. Is this still a human?


The bald head and the fat woman’s figure instantly turned into an afterimage, moving towards different directions and fleeing.

This time they did not play tricks, but they really escaped.

Li Changsheng too terrifying is no different from Li Changsheng’s hands-on and courting death.

Looking at the direction where the two were fleeing, Li Changsheng showed a sneer on his face, not at all moving, just tapped two fingers casually, and two sword energy flew away in the air.

The woman who had already escaped a hundred meter away suddenly heard the sound of breaking through the air behind her. She turned around and raised her sword to meet her, but she saw a sword light expanding in her pupils, and then her head It was exploded into blood mist.

She couldn’t figure it out until she died, but someone’s sword energy could fly a hundred meters away to kill.

Her companion bald man also heard the sound of the sword roar, but did not turn his head at all. Instead, he exploded and flees away desperately. However, his fate remains unchanged, a sword light from his back Piercing him directly destroyed his heart.

Three people from Flower Mountain Faction originally wanted to catch Yu Juwei to threaten Li Changsheng, but now they all die in Li Changsheng’s hands.

After only killing three people, Li Changsheng’s face was not at all relaxed, but his eyes became more solemn.

This Flower Mountain Faction can not only attack Yu Youwei, it is possible to attack other people around him, Jiang Tao and the others in the dormitory, and Chu Yaotian.

At the same time, a cold killing intent flashed in his eyes, and the Flower Mountain Faction had touched his bottom line.

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