Li Changsheng released Divine Consciousness and enveloped the entire Qingzhou City. He wanted to see if there were any other members of Flower Mountain Faction sent to Qing State besides these three.

But it doesn’t matter if I look at it, but I found that there are more than a dozen Daoist cultivators.

There are five auras that are the same as the auras of the three Flower Mountain Faction dísciples killed by Li Changsheng, and the four auras are gathered together.

The other one is in the downtown area of ​​Qing State, and each of them is very powerful, even stronger than the head of Huashan Lu Xun who was killed by him.

“I didn’t expect that there are so many powerhouses in Flower Mountain Faction. This should be the foundation of a Sect. In order to deal with me, Flower Mountain Faction is really an outing.”

Li Changsheng sneered, blended into the night, turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the gathering place of the four breaths.

At this moment, in a business hotel in Qing State, Four Old Mans sits quietly on the sofa.

The imposing manner in each of them is like a deep sea, and there is murderous intention flickering between the turning of their eyes.

“My Flower Mountain Faction has been standing in the monastic world for so many years. This is the first time that even the head of the monk has been killed. We must repay this hatred.”

The clothed Elderly, even his eyebrows are white, but his skin is like a baby, and his age cannot be seen.

At first glance, he looked like he was sixty or seventy years old, and at the second glance, he felt that he was only thirty-forty years old. If you only look at your skin, you might think that you are just sixteen-seventeen years old.

He is the head of the five patriarchs of Flower Mountain Faction. He is named Baimei. He became famous sixty years ago. He is the only one in the word dao Sect of Flower Mountain Faction for his palm.

“Zhang Jiao Lu himself is the powerhouse of Innate Realm Peak, plus the recognizing Master who got the wishful heart sword when he went down the mountain, he was killed by a young man. I think there must be fraud, otherwise A young man is absolutely impossible to kill Lu Xun.”

The man who was speaking was a red-clothed man. His name was Akabane, and he was also one of the five patriarchs, Ranked 2nd.

“Will someone plot against me Huashan, on the surface it was the young man who shot, but in fact there is another secret mastermind?”

Elderly in Tsing Yi is named Aoki, his Carrying a wooden sword on the back, don’t think it’s just a wooden sword, but it’s made of thousands of years of thunderstruck wood. In terms of hardness, it is stronger than ordinary swords, and it can be supplemented with Wood Element Sword Art. A very powerful formidable power broke out.

“According to my investigation, it is indeed that Li Changsheng did it, and that Li Changsheng is just a student of Qing State University, under twenty years old.”

White eyebrows sighed.


The other three said almost in unison.

“How could a boy under twenty years old kill Lu Xun, I don’t believe it.”

“This is the conclusion I have drawn after repeated investigations. Impossible is wrong.”

Pak Mei emphasized again.

“Perhaps it is an Old Monster who has cultivated a method that can make his face permanent, or it may use a who skin mask to make himself young. This is also normal.”

said the black clothed man who has not spoken.

His name is Xuanye, one of the five guardians of Huashan. His sword technique is weird and cold. He is one of the most terrifying existences among the five guardians.

“Whether he is Old Monster, or he is really less than twenty years old, this time we must go down the mountain and take his head back.”

“Where to break the army Now?”

White eyebrow frowned head.

The five guardians descended the mountain together, but as soon as they entered Qing State, that one disappeared.

“The guy couldn’t hold back on the mountain for a long time, and he should be in the nightclub now.”

Xuan Ye coldly said.

“Baojun said, a trifling Li Changsheng, tomorrow he will take the opponent’s head back, there is nothing to study.”

“Breaking the army, everything is good, Just being too arrogant.”

Pak Mei shook his head and looked at the other three.

“I have sent Great Elder to catch Li Changsheng’s girlfriend. As long as I catch her, Li Changsheng will have to obediently surrender.”

When I heard Bai Mei’s words, Chi Yu directly Shaking his head: “I don’t think there is any need to do this at all. Let’s just kill Li Changsheng and we won’t be over. What if Li Changsheng is more powerful? Can it stop me from joining the five great experts?”

Akaba’s words fell, and other people agreed.

“Yeah, what if he can kill Lu Xun? Every two of our five great guardians are stronger than the masters in teaming. The three of them work together. Seeing which monastic Sect can fight against each other, there is no need at all. So deliberate.”

“Maybe I must be too cautious.”

When I heard a few people’s words, Bai Mei also felt that he was a little too cautiously.

At this time, suddenly the door of their room was opened with a creak.

“Could it be that the broken army is back?”

The four of them looked up at the same time and saw a young silhouette in casual clothes looking at them playfully.

“You really don’t need to be too cautiously, because it’s useless at all.”

Li Changsheng walked in directly, sat down on the sofa, and each minding their own business He picked up an apple on the table and gnawed.

At this time, everyone reacted.

“Who you are?”

Akaba frowns asked.

The opponent can approach their house quietly, until they open the door to be discovered, which is enough to show the strength of the ordinary.

“Your Excellency should be Li Changsheng Mr. Li, right?”

Baimei stared at Li Changsheng, although he is a Daoist, he is good at plot against, otherwise he would I don’t know that I have enough power to deal with Li Changsheng, and I have to send someone to try Li Changsheng and hijack Yu Youwei.

“So you are Li Changsheng.”

Akabane and the others instantly showed coldness on their faces.

“We were thinking about getting your head, but we didn’t expect you to run to the door to send you to death.”

Akaba instantly clenched the long sword in his hand.

“You seem to be very confident in your own strength.”

Li Changsheng smiled slightly, and in a blink of an eye he had already eaten half of the apple.

“Of course, we are the guardians of the Flower Mountain Faction. Everyone is stronger than the master Lu Xun. Now our five guardians are going down the mountain at the same time, killing you like a dog. “

Chiyu squinted at Li Changsheng. Li Changsheng really frightened him when he came in just now, but now he has calmed down.

How good is Li Changsheng? Four of the five guardians are here. He does not believe that the other party can turn the sky upside down.

At this time, Baimei finally spoke after a few minutes of silence.

“It seems that our Great Elder in Huashan still has two dísciples. They should have died in your hands. I originally thought that the calculation of the precise operation, I did not expect it to fail, but this It doesn’t affect anything. It was originally a game of chess. Since you are here tonight, you don’t have to leave.”

When Baimei said, everyone else sneered at Li Changsheng.

In their eyes, Li Changsheng is like a bird breaking into a cage, with wings that can’t fly.

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