Chapter 962 clue

What worries about is the leader of the small forces. Now that the most powerful sub-sage in the universe has become secularized, they also need to take refuge in a big force at this time, otherwise they will become the target of public criticism in the future, and they will be in danger of being annihilated.

Don’t say that the leaders of the small forces seek the possession of the big forces. They say that the oldest but mutually hostile sub-sage actually got up, which is really ironic.

And many sub-sages, such as Yang Hao, passed the pass and immediately rushed out the golden chain from their heads. This chain went straight to the sky, and then released a very powerful pressure. And the golden chain is no longer an illusory appearance in the past, but an extremely real appearance. From time to time, there are all the clashes between the chains.

Seeing this situation, many Xiaoyasheng were silent, but in their horrified eyes, they made no secret of it. The gold chain condenses into a real state, and this is what happens when you arrive at Zhuoqin in the late Ascension and fully understand your own laws.

In the entire wild world, in the backward Ashen, there has never been a strong man in the late Ashen, but at most in the Ashen, the middle, and there are only a few. Almost every big country has a strong man in the middle of Asheng.

There are many golden chains wandering in Yang Hao, and each chain extends infinitely, seeming to be looking for something. However, when they searched the entire wilderness, they seemed to find nothing. Instead, they gathered on Yang Hao, and soon many chains showed their appearance. “It’s great to be robbed, fellow daoists.” Hearing the voice, I know it must be Hong.

The good old man of the Huang Dynasty is a Taoist man.

“very good.”

“It’s not bad.”

The popularity of Qiankun Taoist people is still good. Although some people present took a vacation with him, he still responded to his words.

At this time, a discordant voice sounded, “Huh, Qian Kun, we all have things to do this time. Don’t complain, the listener is upset.,

They looked at the source of the sound, only to find that it was Demon, the ancestor of the former Demon Law, but at this time, Demon’s appearance was greatly changed. The original black hair became pitch black, as if all the opposites of the world were concentrated on his hair, and the original scarlet eyes became extremely dark, as if two black holes swallowing the universe.

Seeing that Demon of Mieshitian became like this, the people closer to Demon of Mieshitian frowned and backed away. However, Qingtian looked at Demon thoughtfully. He finally embarked on a fascinating path, but his cultivation was deeper.

Taoist Qiankun didn’t seem to hear the irony in Demon’s words, but smiled slightly. “Since Mie Shitian, Daoist Demon is impatient, let’s get back to business!” I wonder if the fellow Daoists have found any clues?” Daoist Qiankun said with a serious expression in the last sentence.

“No, I didn’t see any signs.

“Yes, I searched that part of the area carefully, but I didn’t find any clues.”

“I didn’t find it either.”

However, Taoist Qiankun and many other great supernatural powers frowned at this time, but I didn’t expect that many Subsacred Qi searched all over and found no trace.

At this time, Qingtian said lightly: “If it is so easy for us to discover, then we won’t have such a big sense of crisis in our hearts.”

“Yes, there seems to be a problem with this catastrophe! The arrival of the catastrophe of heaven and earth is nothing more than the deep karma of sentient beings, or the entanglement of cause and effect, or the extreme lack of heaven and earth dragon energy. However, after the previous wilderness With the expansion of the world, Heaven and Earth Dragon Qi does not know how much richer it is. Even if there are many Asian saints in the wild world, it feels like there will be no shortage of Dragon Qi

So this situation is not easy to say. Then there are two cases left. “At this moment, Qiankun Tiandao frowned beside him.

At this moment, it is even more impossible for Qiankun Tiandao to swallow the ancestors in the wrong way. “Huh, karma is too profound, and it is entangled with causality. The development of the big world is only close to robbery. Most of the causes and consequences of the big world are entangled in several major forces, and it is not for the whole big world. It’s small, but it’s still far from causing a catastrophe of heaven and earth!

Because of the fact that karma is too deep, it is even more impossible. Nowadays, the destiny of several major forces in the wilderness is under pressure from Innate’s Lingbao, and the destiny is still enough, there is no invasion of karma, so Qiankun Tiandao has said these reasons. It is impossible to cause a catastrophe of heaven and earth. “The rest of the gods nodded and agreed to the words of Devour. “Yes, but it is.

“We are waiting for many forces to have some of the best Lingbao towns. At this time, the fate is still very strong, and there is no sign of being invaded by the fate.”

“It is true, and there is not much cause and effect, it will not be the catastrophe caused by our entanglement of cause and effect.”

Many people who have seen the great supernatural power agree with their views, staring at the ancestors hungrily, looking provocatively in the eyes of Qiankun Tiandao, as if saying, “Look, there are more people who agree with this position than you.”

Qiankun Tiandao nodded, without anger or approval. “Well, it is good to swallow fellow Daoists, but what is the reason for this catastrophe?” At this point, Qiankun Tiandao seemed to swallow. They looked at the ancestor with the gaze of Heaven and Earth, and wanted to see if he had any good ideas.

While devouring the ancestors, he saw everyone’s expectations. He was a little embarrassed and said: “I don’t know why, after all, I am not heaven.

At this time, Taoist Qiankun suddenly said: “Yes! Since it’s here, why don’t you deduce the secret?”

The ancestor who was punished by Yang Hao still seems to hate Qiankun’s help to Yang Hao. Momo saw Qiankun’s eyes and said, “If we can figure it out, we will still sit here and wait for it. You must know that during the time when the catastrophe came to heaven and earth, even the saint could not count the specific things. Let alone and Da Things related to the robbery.”

Qingtian said flatly: “You can’t personally explain the cause of this disaster. It’s because your cultivation is too low. Many of the daoists present are leaders of the wilderness army, occupying nearly half of the fate of the wilderness. If we can’t Infer Secret 3.1, let’s eat tofu and die.

After listening to Yingying’s words, the Feng Wang next to him felt a little bad. He quickly opened the topic and said: “We might as well gather the remaining strong people of Ashen. Although they are not as advanced as I am, it is a huge boost. With their strength in Ashen, this is equivalent to The wild world has gathered forces close to Ashen. If the cause of the disaster cannot be calculated, then

The power of this disaster can be imagined. I am afraid that even I am in danger of falling.

Yang Hao saw King Feng and saw that he didn’t want things to go on, so he continued: “Well, in that case, we will call them all together!” Hope it will come in handy. “Speaking of Yang Hao waving his hand, the news has spread.

The other great supernatural powers have been quoted from the sky, they also looked at each other and called their subordinates. .

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