Chapter 963 catastrophe

At this time, Taoist Qiankun frowned and said: “While I was waiting for my retreat, there were also some uncomfortable people who created sub-sages in the wild. Should I also talk about their summoning?” Qingtian Mieshitian Demon and waited. People also began to think about this issue. After all, this matter can be big or small. If those lone travelers sneak attack behind them when they are injured, it is likely that there will be

Great crisis.

Think of Yang Hao and look around the eyes. “Let’s get together!” After all, they are also qualified to participate in this matter. “They resigned to their fate and didn’t object. After all, what Yang Hao said made sense. Although Ashen is in a different state, Ashen is Ashen, it is already qualified to participate in this matter.

Dao Master Qian Kun also nodded slightly and said, “However, to gather a single traveler in Yasheng, you still need to gather many dao friends, otherwise they may not come.,

His Majesty the Dragon King of the Kirin Clan, Mo Yun also nodded and said yes, “Yes, if I only wait for a messenger, maybe they are afraid that I will be against them and won’t come. If I am equivalent to a messenger, they will have to bear our pressure. “They all nodded and agreed with this point of view. After the news was sent from them, they immediately flew to the vast continent.

People 12 walk alone.

After sending the message, wait for someone, Qingtian Luohuo, began to enter the state of cultivation, and waited alone for the arrival of Yasheng and others.

But they didn’t know it or didn’t notice it at all. Their invitation made all the lonely people in the wild sweat. After all, this is information from the oldest group of Ashen

So many uncomfortable people, Yasheng, hurriedly summoned each other, started to have a meeting, talked to each other, and then carefully discussed why Yasheng, the oldest in the field, asked them to discuss things.

On this day, the unknown hills in the middle of the wilderness have been completely hollowed out by people with their own mana, and there is mana on the top to resist, so there is no need to worry about collapsing. In the middle of the mountain, there is a huge table with a few chairs next to it. All the chairs are sitting quietly, with a very powerful figure.

At this time, one of them broke the silence and said: “It’s not like this. The friends of the Dao said nothing. How can we discuss the true meaning of their old Asain’s invitation to us?”

Another said: “Gu Huang, at this time we can’t think of the reason, otherwise I would have gone to the appointment long ago, or I would simply find a small world to hide.”

The man named Gu Huang shook his head and said: “In this case, I should speak out my thoughts while waiting, and then my friends will discuss whether this is feasible. Then we are considering whether to go to the appointment or find A small world hides and never sees the sun.”

At this time, the figure sitting on the main seat said: “Well, the ancient emperor, what God said is not unreasonable. Everyone is talking about why the oldest sub-sage called us to defeat us who are not gregarious. People?” “I don’t think so. In those ancient Ashens, everyone is a strong man on the top of Ashens. They can easily kill us. They can

Many of our early figures in Ashen were swept away. Now that they have told us to go, they must have something to discuss. “The speaker is an indifferent woman.

“I don’t agree with the oldest sub-Saint Xueling in their group. I’m afraid this time we are called to let us surrender to them! After all, in the wild, we can be regarded as waiting masters, and we can restore the rest of us. Any one, greatly enhance their strength.” This time, the speaker is a person who is emitting shock waves. Watching tearing the space around him

It can be seen that his combat effectiveness is absolutely terrifying.

At this time, the man sitting in the main seat also nodded and said, “The Sword Emperor is right. This time they should chase us back and let me wait to give in.”

Xue Ling shook his head. “I don’t think so. If you want me to wait for obedience, they will come back to us directly, which will be more sincere. Then we may have someone to join them. Instead of calling me and waiting for the past, I think they must be because If something big is going to happen, we need our help.”

Sword Emperor said with a cold smile, “The oldest sub-sage in their group, everyone can sweep the army, no opponent. Is there anything we need help from the weak?” After speaking, he looked at Xue Ling mockingly. .

“No, I think if this is the case, they might call us.” They looked in the direction of speaking, and they were covered in white mist.

The sitting man was a little surprised, and said, “Wu Ling, what is that? We even have to call.”

Seeing everyone looking at him, Wuling was a little uncomfortable and said, “Do you remember that I was waiting for the breakthrough to go to Yasheng to wait for the news? I think that should happen.”

After listening to Wuling’s words, everyone began to think. At this time, the Sword Emperor suddenly turned pale, and looked at Wu Ling, “Is that thing coming?” The other sub-sage also remembered the news he had received in the past, and everyone’s faces became pale.

The white mist enveloping Wuling also rolled up, showing the anxiety of the great supernatural power, and then Wuling’s sad voice came out. “I think it may be a catastrophe of heaven and earth. After all, when we broke through the Ashen, we thought that this disaster would happen in several robberies. Now those ancient 870 Ashens have completely closed their doors and robbed them. s things,

I’m afraid the catastrophe of heaven and earth is really coming. ”

At this time, the sitting man straightened his face and said: “We don’t know if the heaven and earth disaster has come. It is better to see if the elders and deacons of other forces have gone. If they have already left, it may be the true disaster of heaven and earth. It’s coming. If they didn’t leave, it might be a trap to lead us away.” The Sword Emperor next to him also agreed, “Yes, if that

These ancient sub-saints just summon us, there must be something hidden. If even the elders and deacons of their respective forces are called in, it must be a catastrophe of heaven and earth, and many sub-saints will be called to discuss matters. See if the elders and deacons are out now. “It is said that the Sword Emperor will go out to investigate the major leaders who are now in the army headquarters.

At this time, Ling Xue next to him said coldly: “No, I have explored just now. All the sub-sages are still in their cave, but only their physical bodies are in their cave. The chain has disappeared. I think they have gone.

The Sword Emperor stopped and turned to look at the crowd. “In this case, what are we waiting for? Since we are all gone, it means that something big is really going to happen. In this case, let’s go too!”.

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