I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 10 - Choosing A Martial Skill

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As he walked out his door he was greeted by a beautiful brown haired maid, it was Maria

"Good morning Maria," said Dante

"Good morning young master" Maria replied

"Young master I'm here to inform you that due to some clan duties the first elder wouldn't be able to make it for breakfast"she continued

"That's fine "

" it can be peaceful to eat by yourself sometimes," said Dante

After saying this Dante strolled into his father's courtyard. Most days he eats with his father so his breakfast is always made in his father's courtyard.

After Dante arrived he sat down

Down looking at the magnificent breakfast Dante's stomach couldn't help but grumble

After devouring his breakfast he got up , energized and ready for the day

"Maria can I have a map of the city and some gold coins, I'll be going out to see the city today," asked Dante

"Of course young master, but are you sure you want to walk around the city I can arrange for a carriage for you " responded Maria

"No need Maria" responded Dante

"I would like to walk around and see the city" continued Dante

"Very well then young master it will be arranged for you later," said Maria

"Thank you Maria," said Dante "you're just as reliable as always"

After saying this Dante walked out of the courtyard and headed for the Martial skill pavilion. Walking across the clan compound Dante noticed strange gazes he was feeling from servants and disciples in the clan.

'Strange why are these guys still so scared? Was I really that scary when I went out of control ?" While these thoughts were going through Dante's head he slowly approached the skill pavilion

As he walked in he was greeted by an old man with a long flowing white beard.

"Normal rules Martial novice realm only allowed to pick 1 book on the first floor and you have 30 mins to choose"

In response to this Dante flashed his token.

Seeing token the expression on the old mans face seemed to change rapidly with shock.

"Well with this token you can go choose any amount of techniques you want but I advise you only go up to the second floor and don't pick more than 3 techniques, remember you got to learn how to walk before you can attempt to run."

Seeing the old man giving him some advice Dante bowed his head in thanks

"Thank you senior for advice"replied Dante

"No need to thank me. I was just giving some small advice , nothing major" replied the old man humbly

After Dante walked up to the library completely ignoring the first floor .

The second floor was a grand library filled with an earthy smell of books

Martial skills in this world had several ranks there were:

iron rank skills

Bronze rank skills

Silver ranks skills

Gold rank skills

and then legendary techniques Platinum rank skills

The first floor was mostly iron rank techniques

While the second floor was bronze with the occasional silver rank techniques

Looking around Dante looked around and saw many fierce sounding technique names like "tyrant boxing art " or "flood dragon spear technique"

Briefly scanning through the books Dante put them down. While the techniques were strong and decent for there level

There was nothing that stood out to Dante. Normally protagonists of novels find there own secret technique of there own little niche technique that seems to have stronger affects when they use them. Maybe it was the childish side of Dante stuck in his own fantasy but after getting his own cheat Dante decided he would not settle for any less for himself.

While Dante was searching through piles of books Dante's stumbled across a book "rending dragon claw" this book states that most iconic feature of rending dragon claw was its ability to leave serrated wounds on its victims letting them have immense bleeding the book went on further to state cultivated to its greatest level it would let rending dragon claw would let off 9 resounding dragon roars and although it was only a silver rank at the start when trained to mastery it was even comparable to a peak Gold rank technique at that point . Not many people like to pick this technique as it is quite gory and lacking in any elemental affinity meaning it's a neutral technique so it applied no extra elemental damage

but that makes it perfect for Dante who has no natural elemental affinity all his affinity come from his dragon souls meaning that if they are not activated his actual affinity is zero . Coupled with the fact that after undergoing dragonification his hands would become dragon claws this technique could show 5 or 6 times the strength in his hands . It was his hole card he had been looking for

After securing the Rending Dragons Claw technique Dante searched for a weapon manual after all the Dragonification technique wasn't permanent and only lasted a short period of time other than that Rending Dragon Claw was his trump card he couldn't just use it at the start of the fight .

While looking for a sword technique he came across the lunar light sword art . It was an agility based sword art that focused on light quick movements . It was only bronze rank but that was fine with Dante he already had a complicated bronze rank technique and didn't want to bite of more than he could handle at this moment in time.

Bringing down his 2 books and headed down

As he was coming down the old man asked "you finished choosing "

"Mhm" nodded "I chose Bronze Rank Rending Dragon Claw and Bronze rank lunar sword technique" continued Dante

"Two techniques, it seems like you heeded my advice and didn't choose too many techniques at once" said the old man

"But I think you should choose a path to focus on after all a range of martial arts is not equal to 1 specialized one you can choose which area to specialize after getting a feel for the techniques "

"Thank you for your guidance elder"

After saying this Dante left to his courtyard

He even told Maria to just leave the money in his room as he wouldn't be going out anymore and instead would try to cultivate some techniques

Entering his courtyard he opened up Rending Dragon Claw technique . The Rending Dragon Claw was split into four stages:

Rushing Dragon Claw, Furious Dragon Claw, Ghostly Dragon Claw, and finally The Claw of the Dragon king

Although it only had four moves the last move was basically a peak rank silver technique and when chained together could show explosive power

Dante wasted no time getting straight into practicing the first technique Rushing Dragon Claw

Dante's hands twisted into a claw shape


Dante shot out his hand practicing the method of Rending Dragon Claw trying to get the energy strengthening method correct

You see martial arts past the body refining stage all require martial energy to reach their maximum Potential in the case of Rending Dragon Claw martial energy is needed to both strengthen the meridians of the arm but to also coat the hands in energy for the purpose of both strengthening and protection of the hand during the attack

"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

Dante continued practicing sending out claw after claw trying to find the perfect ratio between the amount of spirit energy used to strengthen himself and the strength added to the attack

The sun was bright and hot causing Dante to sweat during his practice but that didn't stop him . All that could be heated was the heavy breathing of Dante and the drips of his sweat Dante continued like this late into the night


Three days later, Dante's strength had increased considerably from all the practice he had done . He seemed to have a high affinity with technique that he attributed to the dragon soul inside him making him instinctively know how to fix his deficiencies and errors in the technique. For Dante practicing was as easy as eating and drinking at least for this technique he was currently using

"Rushing Dragon Claw!" Dante shouted. The claw seemed to vibrate letting out two Dragon like howls resounding through the courtyard .


Dante's claw hit a Boulder the size of a small desk causing it to explode into fragments. Even scarier was the fact that if you looked at at the ground behind the Boulder you could see that the floor behind it was covered in scars across the floor as if it had been cut by a jagged knife

This result was amazing as generally it was very difficult to reach such a level as it states in the book too reach 2 dragon roars it can take up to 1 year for average people to reach this level even heaven defying geniuses can take 3 months . But Dante did this 30 times faster! Dante knew he wasn't some heaven-defying genius if that was so he wouldn't have been so average in his past life. Dante actually credit his amazing progress to his increased mental strength from awakening his past memories in addition to the fact he has a dragon martial soul and is cultivating in a dragon technique.. It seemed He had a lot of affinity with .

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