I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 9 - Welcome To Dragon Dawn!

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"System !" Shouted Dante

Suddenly a holographic screen appeared in front of him


"Welcome to dragon dawn"

"Just as expected" thought Dante to himself

Dragon dawn was a game Dante used to play in his previous life . In the game you could unlock different types of dragons of various attributes and evolve them by eating treasures and gems of that said attribute.

In addition to this there were also some passive and active skills that could be unlocked and levelled up with a currency known as energy points or 'EP' for short. Energy points were gained from evolving your dragon or eating treasures or gems of your said attributes. for example Red Dragons can evolve and gain energy point from eating fire attribute treasures like 'flame flowers' or fire gems.

"This… this is just too great !"thought to himself

"With my very own cheat there's no reason for me not to rise in the martial spirit world!"

"Wether I reach the peak or not it should be a way for me to become a powerhouse in this world"

Looking at the panel Dante assessed the information displayed

Race: Red dragon

Age: Mature Adult Dragon

Affinity: Fire

Innate abilities:

Dragon Fear :-when angered you release a terrifying aura to your surroundings causing all creatures to undergo a will check if they fail the will check the target will become frightened and immobile and in some extreme cases unconscious

Red Dragon Breath - the user first inhales gathering fire in their mouth. The user then roars letting out a devastating torrent of flame in a cone-like spread causing magic and fire and damage to the target

Lesser Dragonification of the Red dragon - as a bearer of a dragon soul you are essentially a dragon trapped within a human body. By communicating with your dragon soul it allows you to partially take on your glorious draconic form. Red dragon Scales grow out of the skin only covering the arms and legs while hands and feet become clawed. This form grants the user increased strength, speed agility and elements affinity. It also grants the user with increased physical and magical resistance and this state lasts for 15 mins.

Passive skills: ( locked)

Active skills : ( locked)

Energy points : 6

Looking at the panel Dante noticed not much had changed it's just that one skill was added

Lesser dragonification . This skill seems to have been added when transmigrating due to some unknown reason. Not that Dante cared This new ability was OP as fuck and he wasn't complaining

Next, he decided to look at skills. Now the way skills worked In dragon dawn was a bit weird at each level or dragon stage (which are the equivalent of levels In dragon dawn) one passive ability and multiple active abilities are unlocked and in order to gain skills of the next level the passive ability of that level and at least one active ability of that level must be fully levelled up. There are 8 levels or dragon stages in dragon dawn these are :

Level 1 Whelpling

Level 2 Young Dragon

Level 3 Mature Adult Dragon

Level 4 Elder Dragon

Level 5 Ancient Dragon

Level 6 Dragon wrym 

Level 7 Dragon Prince

Level 8 Dragon King

Level 9 Dragon God

You only get the same amount of energy points as your level each level up e.g Level 1 has 1EP

Level 2 has 2 EP level 3 has 3EP and so on

As Dante's Red dragon was at the Mature adult phase this meant that he had 6 EP. Dante had enough EP to fully level up the 1st level skill tree. Since there was only one passive skill Dante decided to fully unlock it

Heart of flames 3/3

Your heart burns with an inextinguishable elemental fire Granting you :

100%immunity to flames at your level

50% damage reduction to flames at a higher level which decreases by 10% for every level Higher than you the attacker is

Flames at the same level or lower levels heal for 25% of damage dealt

Looking at these stats Dante was left speechless. 'This is just so fucking great!! 'Dante thought to himself almost laughing with joy

Next Dante looked at two active abilities of the first level

Burning hands - gather heat in your hands causing them to glow an orange hue dealing extra fire damage for 5 mins

Scorching ray - gather flames in your eyes causing you to shoot rays of flame from your eyes at your enemies

Looking at the available options Dante didn't even hesitate to choose scorching rays. ignoring the fact that it was a ranged attack just the fact you can shoot rays of fire just out your eyes should have been enough to sell you on this.

After fully upgrading his ability Dante decided to try them out heading outside Dante found himself a secluded area in his compound where damage to the surroundings would have no effect

"Scorching ray!"

Instantly an orange glow erupted from Dante's eyes shooting into the floor leaving a molten mark across it

"Damn that's some strong stuff and that's only the 1st level" exclaimed Dante in shock

But as Dante was walking inside feeling smug he suddenly felt a wave of exhaustion all over his body

rapidly stretching out his hand to support himself Dante stopped himself from falling flat out on his face

"What the hell is happening to me" thought Dante to himself in panic

Suddenly Dante thought of the dawn of dragons game. In the dawn of dragons game all skills require mana to take place and be used.

"But how am I supposed to get mana in this world," thought Dante

"Mana doesn't exist in the martial spirit world

will I have such a cheat but not be able to use it cause of such an obvious flaw?"

"How pathetic?" Thought Dante to himself

Then the thought hit Dante

'what about Martial spirit energy?'

both Spirit energy and Mana are a type of energy and can become multiple types of elemental energy and can even be used to cast elemental spells or techniques

With that thought, Dante wasted no time and decided to test out his theory himself

Dante brought out the book given by his father and read it

"Moon king sutra "

Grasping the cover book Dante slowly turned open the page

It's said that the moon king sutra was not just a spirit energy cultivation technique but also a mental energy cultivation technique. When cultivating the technique following a specific breathing method attract moonlight energy in the environment to your surroundings and refining and storing it in your dantian. Moonlight energy was a type of martial energy with yin and cold energy characteristics

But where the moon king cultivation technique differed from others Was in the visualisation technique that came with it.

on a page was a picture of elegant elf-like man donned in light blue royal robbed wearing a glowing silver crown On his head. In addition to this his left hand held a glowing ceremonial sword while his right hand grasped what seemed to be the moon

Seeing the information on the page Dante decided to try out the cultivation technique. Opening his window so moonlight could get inside his room. Dante sat down under the moonlight breathing in the rhythm stated in the manual . Soon he felt a cool feeling flow through his body, it felt like drinking a cold drink on a hot summer day a refreshing cold feeling. Slowly Dante controlled the energy to circulate around his body slowly forcing it to settle in his dantian.

he seemed to feel himself become lighter almost as if he had let go of a weight that had been tying him down.Dante realized he had broken through the first layer of the Martial Novice realm, not wanting to stop Dante went back too cultivation

Dante continued like this till he felt a bright light flash in his face. Opening his eyes Dante looked out to see sun hanging in the sky .

'Damn it's daytime already' thought Dante to himself. under the mystical feeling of cultivation, time seemed to pass almost seamlessly without him even noticing that he had just spent hours cultivating in silence.

Freshening himself up Dante got ready for the day storing the book safely in his room and picking the token given to him by his father

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