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The kinsman clan

Bright steel city

It was a midsummer day in the sun was slowly setting casting an orange hue in the sky

In the courtyard in the kinsman compound lay a handsome young man yet his facial expression was contorted into a grimace.

His expression was quickly changing between pain and confusion as seemed to be having a strange dream

This young man was Dante

Suddenly Dante shot up out of bed sitting upright seemingly awakened

"Earth, martial spirit world .. where the fuck am I ? "

"Did I transmigrate here ?"

"It seems like less of transmigration and more like awakening memories of my past life, luckily my name is the same in both lives." Dante thought to himself

According to Dante's previous memory, the world he lived in was not a normal world.

it was a cultivation world filled with cultivators that could shoot fire out their hands and magic beasts that could crush boulders with their paws

In this world, after cultivating to the peak of body refining realm, you would undergo a ceremony called 'the awakening ceremony' where you would awaken your martial spirit .

A martial spirit can be anything from a rock to a sword, to Even a dragon and they usually come with some strange abilities and perks allowing you easily crush someone without a martial spirit

It's extremely unlikely that you don't awaken a martial spirit even if it's a relatively useless one chances of not awakening are around 1 in 1000 making it a rare occurrence

On the flip side, there's a rarer situation called a dual awakening where multiple martial spirits are awakened there have only been records of 5 dual awakenings here on the rippling continent though it is said in the mystical continent is loitered with geniuses and dual awakenings are everywhere with even rare triple awakenings existing there

most factors that affect what type of martial spirits you awaken are completely unknown except For 1, bloodline.

Some families have what is known as a bloodline martial spirit which has a high chance of awakening in this family bloodline

The family Dante was part of was one such family the kinsman clan the bloodline martial spirit was the flame viper martial spirit which high affinity with fire allowing them to manipulate it with ease

Unfortunately, Dante was born with a strange physique that made him much weaker than his peers, for his example, his strength at 9 stage body refining is comparable to average strength at 7th stage body refining if not for his abnormally high speed and agility complex with a strong combat sense allowing him to effectively jump realms in fights he would be the biggest joke of the kinsman clan. Even still with such a weak physique a lot of people aren't optimistic about his chances of awakening a martial soul

"Luckily I seem to have a strong backing in this life so even if I don't awaken a martial spirit I should still be able to live a peaceful life," Dante thought to himself.

As he was thinking to himself a man walked in

He had a tall slender physique and extremely handsome face so handsome it subconsciously made jealous almost as if he had been hand sculpted by an artist while pitch-black eyes like black hole seemed to want to drag you into the abyss be it willingly or unwillingly despite his good looks there was still an eerie aura around him as if being in his presence made your very life darker as if the darkness that was him was trying to devour you. this coupled with extremely pale skin almost gave him a vampire type of vibe but while vampire irresistible charm his was replaced his with rejecting stone-cold aura

"Father," said Dante

"Dante" replied Winton

"Dante are you aware of your mistake? Did you take a second to think about the consequences of your actions?" Winton said with a cold anger

"Life and death techniques are not a game if it wasn't for some magical alchemy pills I got from my adventures the consequences would have been horrendous," Winton said exasperatedly.

"At best your martial cultivation would be crippled at worst you'd be left permanently paralyzed" Winton continued

"Promise me you'll never pull that crazy behaviour again," Winton said almost sighing

"Yeah I'm sorry father it won't happen again but I still felt like I had to win on clan tournament no matter the cost," said Dante

"What have I told you, it doesn't matter if you lose all your tournaments caused your weak all that can change when you awaken your martial soul " replied Winton

"I know that but still...," said Dante

"no buts what you did was stupid and you know it" countered Winton

"Here take this," Winton said to Dante throwing him a bottle

"There's some healing pills inside the bottle take 1 now and 1 before you go to bed"

"Tomorrow is the day of the awakening ceremony, rest early and I'll get a servant to help you get dressed," said Winton

"I guess I'll stop bothering you then" as he said this Winton turned away from Dante towards the door

As he did this the smile on his face vanished completely and was instead replaced with a cold frown and the aura of kind caring father he only he showed to Dante seemed to never exist in its place was instead an evil, chaotic and devilish temperament devouring all light and vitality in his environment


"Phew!" Exhaled Dante as his father left

"It's hard enough to act like a child," Dante thought to himself

" martial spirit Huh, I'll think about it more tomorrow I'm too tired right now my body seems to be extremely deficient in blood and Qi I'll need a good rest to recover"

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