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The next day it was clear blue-skyed day

"Knock, knock! "

Dante was awakened by knocking on his door

"You can enter " Dante replied

As he replied pretty brown-haired maid entered the room carrying in a traditional Chinese black gold robe the robe was dark black ordained with coiling golden Chinese dragons around the arms all the way down tho the chest and back

"Young master Dante your father said you should get ready he will be here to pick u up in an hour And that I should assist you."

"Thank you for the offer but I'm sure I'll be fine by myself you can leave now" replied Dante

" Are you sure you know how to put on these clothes without any help?" asked the maid

Looking at the confusing yet elegant robe in front of him Dante felt a headache just thinking about it

"On second thought your help will be much appreciated" replied Dante without blushing


An hour later a fully dressed Dante was standing in front of a mirror and was left stunned if he wasn't able to touch it he wouldn't have believed it was his own

There was only one word left to describe his appearance

Handsome! and I mean unnaturally handsome!

Looking at his reflection it staring in front of him was a young man with an athletic build with beyond perfect, flawless level skin. Jet black hair flowed down his back while two pointed ears peeking through his hair as if to let the world know of their presence coupled with a genial aura made him seem like

"It truly does feel good to look this handsome, if only I was like that in my past life"

Despite his good looks leaving him pleased there was still a fact that left him puzzled and that was his pointy ears, it obviously wasn't a characteristic of humans on this continent yet all the other races on this continent did not share these characteristics

The winged race is renowned for the bird-like wings While the elusive merfolk are said to have gill-like ears

Dante decided not to think too much about it if it was extremely crucial surely his father would have talked to him about it right?

While Dante was lost in thought his maid quietly approached

" young master's appearance is truly outstanding with such a temperament you surely lead to the rise of our kinsman family "

"There's no need for such Maria but I appreciate it anyway" replied Dante

"But I'm being serious young master ever since you won the tournament the aura around you seems to have changed truly bringing out your handsomeness "

Taking a moment to think about it Dante realized his words actually carried some truth his past self, well if you can call it that, was always spiteful of others due to his weak body coupled with his constant training and lack of friends gave him a harsh aura that seemed to force others away

Right after thinking this an even scarier thought hit his mind

"what if father notices these changes "

Right before Dante could come up with a convincing plan a man walked in.

It was Winton, his father

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