I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 21 - Flame Wolf Mercenaries

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"Alright, the plan is to sneak into the forest well go to the meeting place of the mercenaries and track them from there." said Dante

Wasting no more time Dante dashed into the forest with Anne and Klent following close behind

Minutes later three figures could be seen flickering across the forest at extremely high speeds, it was Dante and the others.

Soon they came to a stop some distance away from a group of around 20 beefy Men. They were all muscular and some even had gruesome scars across their body giving them a fierce look

"Boss!" Shouted a muscular man "boss everyone is here, we're ready to move out anytime " continued the man

"Good" responded a confident middle-aged man. He had dominating look with the aura of a leader around him. This man was Flame Wolf, the leader of the Flame Wolf mercenaries

Standing up the man looked at the crowd before shouting

"We have a very important mission ahead of us, failure will not be tolerated under any circumstances," he said with a terrifying aura

"But if the mission goes well I'll double the pay of everyone here for this month! Now let's show them why we're the Flame Wolf mercenaries! "

"Yeaaa!" Cheered the crowd

Shortly after the group of mercenaries began going through the forest unknown to them that a small group was silently tracking them throughout their journey

as the group of men walked through the forest they were deadly silent non of them spoke only giving out hand signals indicating where to go and how they were feeling.

The Howling beast forest was just that dangerous and without a map to highlight the Habitats of monsters it was extremely difficult for people not part of the clans to venture far away from the main roads but even the maps owned by the three big clans weren't that accurate as monster habitats could change at any time within the vicious forest due to violent infighting between monsters.

suddenly the man leading in front seemed to stop raising his hand in the air to stop along with him.

disturbing the silence a sound roaring noise could be heard after that a huge boar walked out from the bushes. it was huge, over two metres tall covered in porcupine needles almost like a porcupine, but its terrifying tusks and bloodshot eyes told you that it would be much more threatening than any other porcupine could ever be.

As if that wasn't enough two slightly smaller identical boars walked out, all huffing and puffing showing the terrible mood they were in.

"Oh Fuck, Spike Needle Boars and we invaded their territory, there fully pissed of now" exclaimed a mercenary in fright

instantly the mercenaries began to panic and stumble amongst themselves.

seeing this sight Flame wolf knew he couldn't let the situation continue as it is he had to take control.

"everybody Group up !" shouted Flame wolf stepping towards the front "stay groped up and be careful of their needles, they can shoot them out their bodies any time they feel desperate so always be prepared to block or dodge!"

"Now fight !" screamed Flame wolf

"fight" screamed the mercenaries in reply

As he screamed this Flame wolf led the charge, sprinting directly towards the largest Spike Needle Boar. He raised his mighty Battle Axe over his head letting out a fierce roar as he bring it down mightily on the head of the opposing boar.


the Axe made heavy contact with the leg of the boar piercing through its skin leaving a large gash down the side of its leg making a truly gruesome sight.

Enraged the Spike Needle Boar let out a deafening shriek as it did so its body seemed to shiver before sending out hundreds of sharp needles flying out from its body.

seeing this sight Flame Wolf let out a low grunt before covering himself in a fiery vibrant light

"clink! clink! clink!"

Before the spikes hit Flame wolf the spike seemed to have hit a solid object as they bounced off his light barrier without even touching a hair on his body.

While the leader of the mercenaries seemed to be handling his opponent fairly easily the same could not be said for his subordinates.

The two boars seemed to be giving them a hard time as although the skin was easily piercable flame wolf that is not the case. the only reason Flame wolf was able to pierce the skin that quick was due to his high level of strength.

Spike Needle Boars naturally have extremely tough skin making it difficult for people to pierce at long range with arrows and weak attacks and it was very dangerous to get close because it was highly likely you would be on the receiving end of some of a flying needle attack.

so the group surrounded the two Steel needle boars poking damage at them and kiting them trying to slowly break them down.

this only worked for a while before the Steel Needle Boars became enranged dashing into the crowd like a berserker impaling an unfortunate mercenary right through the chest hanging him directly on his tusk.

But the boar wasn't done he let out a terrifying screech before its body started shivering

seeing such a telltale sign a well-informed mercenary shouted

"Watch out it's about to release its Needle attack !"

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