I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 22 - Howling Beast Forest

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"Watch out it's about to release its Needle attack"

But it was already too late

instantly the mercenaries were bombarded with a rain of piercing needles



screams of pain and frustration rang out as the mercenaries screamed, Sadly the mercenaries just didn't have the ability to defend like their leader this simple attack hurt the mercenary group greatly and even leaving 5 of them seriously injured.

In desperation, a mercenary slashed at the boar slashing its eye in the process and blinding the creature causing it to shriek and wail in pain. luckily the Steel Needle Boar had already released its signature needle attack but unfortunately for the mercenaries that wasn't the only Steel Needle Boar.

seeing the desperation of its partner the Steel Needle Boar let out a ferocious roar while dashing towards the remaining mercenaries

but before it could make it a glowing red streak of light collided with it


the boar was sent rolling from the impact looking closely you could see that the one behind it was the leader of the mercenaries, Flame wolf.

looking behind him you could see a dead boar laying on the ground with broken bones. Clearly, this was the boar that was previously fighting Flame Wolf but seeing the dire situation of the mercenaries he had to go all out and finish it up quickly.

'These useless pieces of trash !!' thought Flame wolf in his mind. 'These guys can't even handle a simple brainless boar for a few seconds. After I get this natural treasure and breakthrough I'm ditching this baggage.' 'the young master said that if I can breakthrough to the ninth realm I could be accepted as an outer elder'

But Flame Wolf knew he could not voice his opinions out loud so he still put on a caring facade as he spoke

"Don't worry guys, Just focus on the injured boar I'll handle this one" said Flame Wolf

As he said this he let out a mad howl

"Flaming Fang!"

As he said this his axe started shining a bright , glowing red

"Bang!" With a fierce strike Flame Wolf brought down his axe on the boar leaving a terrifying gash along its body

but he wasn't done yet

"Flame Fang !"

Again Flame Wolf repeated the process causing the Battleaxe to glow a bright red once again but instead of attacking randomly, this time he used more finesse perfectly bringing down the axe to the beasts neck ending its life.

After he finished off the Steel Needle Boar, Flame Wolf turned around to see how his mercenaries were doing.

Looking behind Flame Wolf could see that the beast was finally brought down, despite it requiring multiple mercenaries to do it, with the cooperation of the Steel Needle Boar was finally brought down.

Looking at the aftermath, Flame Wolf asked

"Damage report"

Just after he spoke a scared burly man with a fierce look walked out

"it's not looking good Boss " cried out the man

"Just speak !" urged Flame Wolf impatiently

"There have been three fatalities and 7 seriously injured and unfit for combat, there are also 7 with minor injuries but those do not affect combat power."

'These absolute pieces of trash! ' thought Flame Wolf to himself 'I brought these guys to be cannon fodder and they can't even do that properly !' despite how frustrated Flame Wolf was he knew he couldn't show this side of him to mercenaries less they lose faith in him as a leader, after all, although mercenaries risk their life for money they still wouldn't want to die for an ungrateful bastard, even mercenaries don't want to die for no reason.

"Cremate the dead and tend to the wounded we leave in 5 mins" stated Flame Wolf coldly

"But Boss the wounded will need longer than 5 minutes for a proper treatment if it is to last for the whole journey-"

but before he could finish speaking he was interrupted by Flame Wolf

"I don't care, the Scarlett Flame Rose could bloom any time know are you willing to bear the consequences if I fail to get this natural treasure ?"

as he spoke a fierce aura seemed to erupt from Flame Wolf pressuring his poor lackey

"Well Are You?" continued Flame Wolf

"gulp!" the poor lackey was terrified under the horrifying aura of Flame wolf taking a gulp in fear

"No..n..n no Boss" stammered the man in fear "The boys will be ready to leave in five minutes Boss, you can bet my life on it"

after saying that the burly man rushed into the crowd of mercenaries like a frightened mouse.

There seemed to be some discontent within the mercenary camp but it was quickly quelled by the extreme efforts of the burly man.

soon five minutes later the mercenaries were still battered and bruised and with a fewer number than they came with, but they were ready to continue this exploration into the Howling Beast Forest

Meanwhile, Dante and his group Had been watching the whole spectacle from a safe hidden location some distance away

"Come on guys it seems like they're leaving we've got to move " stated Dante

"Alright, but let's be careful, that Flame Wolf guy is quite strong I can see that he didn't even use most of his power during that fight," said Klent

"Not just Flame Wolf, some other mercenaries don't seem to be using all their strength in that fight as if they were holding back for some reason" stated Anne

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