I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 24 - Battle For The Scarlet Flame Rose !

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This applies even more so to something as mystical and unknown as his system that has no known sense of reasoning or understanding Abstract things like Luck and Karma are the only things that can have some effect on it.

Dante decided to put those thoughts behind him as these things are not something he could control and focus on the situation in front of him

"Klent, Anne are you ready " whispered Dante towards them

"Always have been " replied Klent coldly

"yeah I'm ready," said Anne

"Great" replied Dante " we'll attack when Flame Wolf is about to gather the treasure and his guard is at his lowest, My job is to take out Flame wolf but yours is to deal with all the remaining mercenaries."

seeing the hesitation on both Anne and Klents face Dante quickly continued "ill quickly eliminate Flame Wolf and then there'll be no need for the mercenaries to continue fighting and we can just bribe or intimidate them to submit"

with those words, Klent and Anne's face's eased considerably

"Alright let's get in position," said Dante

As soon as he said those words, the three people disappeared melting into the forest environment completely disappearing from the view.

Meanwhile, Back at the mercenaries, Flame Wolf broke out of his state of admiration of the scene and started walking up towards the Scarlet Flame Rose.

As he got closer Flame Wolf could feel warmth rush toward his face it was like walking into an oven.

Looking left and right in nervousness Flame Wolf continuously got closer and closer towards the Scarlet Flame Rose.

'Finally !' thought Flame Wolf 'My chance to breakthrough is finally here, from here on out ill be a new me, rising up to new heights and only going higher' thought Flame Wolf with visible Excitement.

Slowly he reached out his hand towards the Scarlet Flame Rose, his hopes and dreams were all within arms reach.

But before he could touch the Scarlett Flame Rose a dazzling burst of silver light exploded like a Flashbang, temporarily blinding everyone in the surroundings


"What the hell!"

From the words of panic, a steady voice could be heard

"Lunar Sword technique, Rising New Moon !"

A melodious ding rang out in the ears of everybody, sounding like a deafening bell. And while all this was going on, a pale glowing moon rose to the sky covering the battleground in a moonlight glow turning the sky dark

"Strike !"

suddenly, a rain of energy beams fell from the moon hurtling down onto the ground creating bucket-sized craters as they fell.

"AARGH" Flame Wolf let out an enraged howl. This was his only chance to breakthrough and he'd be damned if let someone take it from him.

"Flaming Fang!"

Raising his burning axe towards the falling beams of light he swung out


A thunderous explosion rang out as his battleaxe cut through ray after ray of moonlight energy

As the smoke cleared up Flame wolf looked around to see his mercenaries engaged in combat with a red-robed young woman and a man in white in robes. even though they greatly outnumbered them they seemed to be struggling to contain the two despite the overwhelming numbers they were throwing at them

Just as Flame wolf was about to go up and help his struggling mercenaries he heard a voice


Again, beams of energy fell from the sky pouring toward him. Seeing this, Flame Wolf let out a howl covering himself in a glowing layer of light bracing himself for impact

Although Flame Wolf managed to put up some protection he was still sent flying from the impact hurtling ground.

As Flame Wolf stood up he looked to find an extremely handsome young man with glowing silver hair and eyes looking towards him coldly

"You bastard! I'll kill you !!" screamed an enraged Flame wolf jumping up from the ground

"Not just you, I'll kill everyone you ever cared about" screamed Flame Wolf hysterically

Hearing this Dante frowned, not out of fear, as he knew anyone in his family could turn Flame Wolf into a pile of mush just with a look. but the fact he was threatening his family got on Dante's nerves, who wouldn't be pissed if some lunatic started screaming they were going to kill your whole family

With cold expression Dante took a step forward.

"Lunar Sword Technique, Crescent Moon! "

Dante's sword exploded with a silver brilliance. As Dante swung his sword four crescent silvery blades shot out towards Flame Wolf, approaching him from all directions!

Seeing he was completely surrounded on all sides Flame Wolf bent his knees before jumping into the air

As he jumped into the air a sadistic and twisted smile appeared on Dante's face

Looking at the smile on Dante's face, Flame Wolf knew that he done fucked up

"Lunar Sword technique, Rising New Moon! "

Instantly a rain of energy beams fell on Flame Wolf who was still airborne unable to dodge

As the torrent of energy beams got closer and closer Flame Wolf let out a mad howl

"Inferno Burst!!"


Suddenly Flame Wolf burst out into a violent explosion colliding with the beams of energy

Dante wouldn't let such a chance slip past him, Dante took a heavy step leaving a deep footprint in the ground.

Shooting towards the falling Flame Wolf and  appearing beside him mid-air , Dante let out a vicious claw attack

"Furious Dragon Claw"

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