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"Furious Dragon Claw"

Four devastating roars rang out through the forest while furious rage carried by the claw was directed at Flame Wolf

Flame Wolf covered himself in a layer of red light in panic , but it wasn't enough


A loud explosion rang out as Dante's claw made contact shattering Flame Wolfs layer of protection sending him hurtling towards the ground


A frightening sound rang out as Flame Wolf's body made contact with the ground creating a human sized crater in the ground.

Suddenly there was a silence throughout the forest as all the fighting stopped as everyone turned to look at this scene .

Landing lightly on the ground Dante and walked up to the beaten body of Flame Wolf.

Lifting Flame Wolf up he released his 'Dragon Fear Aura' and spoke

"Your leader has been captured by me, all those that surrender will be spared but any resistors Will be killed no hesitation!"

Under the affect his 'Dragon Fear Aura' Dante's intimidation seemed to have a multiplier effect

"Clang !" Sounds rang out as weapons were dropped in submission

Seeing such a satisfying result Dante turned to look at Flame Wolf in his hand deciding to spare him Dante asked

"What about you, do you surrender?"

Under the pressure of Dante's aura Flame Wolf was struggling to speak after struggling he managed to let out a desperate cry

"Young Master, help me!"

"Clap, Clap, Clap"

Suddenly a clapping sound was heard as young man walked out of the forest accompanied by group other people

"I didn't expect for the Kinsman clan to produce such geniuses, I'm genuinely impressed "

Hearing this compliment Dante wasn't pleased instead a unpleasant expression appeared on his face

"Slater Clan." Dante spat out hatefully

Hatred between the Slater Clan and the Kinsman Clan has lasted since the founding of Brightsteel City, despite the fact that other clans have fought in Brightsteel City such as the fights between Pierce Clan and kinsman clan.

The fights between the Kinsman Clan and the Slater Clan have always been the most bloody and vicious and there opposing attributes of their inherited martial spirits didn't make things any better

Turning to look at him Dante asked "what's the reason you've been following us to here ?"

"Following you ?" Responded the young man "No, you've been lured here" he said it with a terrifying smile

"Think about it, who in Their right minds city would compete with the only fire attribute clan in Brightsteel City for a fire elemental Natural treasure"

"It was basically an open secret competition between the Kinsman younger generation smart enough to figure out the blooming location of the Scarlet Flame Rose" continued the young man "I hope you didn't think you were the only person amongst the Kinsman Clan that came to get the Scarlet Flame Rose? " questioned the young man in a mocking tone

"What I thought doesn't matter, Has the Slater Clan gone Mad !" Responded Dante

"Targeting the younger generation of the Kinsman family like this , do you want to start a war!!" Asked Dante in fury

"Hahaha" responded the young man "you wouldn't understand, a new era is upon us, an era where the slater will dominate Brightsteel City Ascending to completely new heights !" Said the young man with a passionate fervour

"So it was a premeditated trap all along, Huh" responded Dante in anger.

Dante was pissed, looking towards Flame Wolf in his hand " You were in on it all this time ? And to think I even thought of sparing you !"

Seeing the situation turning sour Flame Wolf exclaimed " Young Master Reynard, save me !!"

"No one can save you today" Dante spoke

"ROAR ! "

With those words a sky-shaking Dragon roar erupted from his body as it exploded in a geyser of flames

Scales started growing out of his arms and legs as they turned into draconic claws . His body expanded, becoming packed with bulging muscles while a pair of curved obsidian horns grew out of his head

"Bang !"

With his increased strength Dante directly crushed Flame Wolf's head causing it to explode, entering his draconian state Dante didn't feel anything but an inextinguishable rage and humiliation

Humiliation of falling into such an obvious trap and rage that people dared to plot against him

Unknowingly Both Klent and Anne appeared right beside Him in his moment of rage

Taking a moment to collect himself Dante focused his attention back on The young man from the Slater Clan, Reynard.

But his anger hadn't reduced in even the slightest after all , Red Dragons were known for their short temper and everlasting anger.

"Interesting ability you have there" said Reynard, turning to the people beside him he said " You deal with the people around him,the interesting one is mine "

With his words the guards around him flickered dashing towards Anne and Klent


A screeching buzz rang in the ears of everyone

"Blade storm !"

Blinding blade lights erupted zooming towards the crowd of guards dashing towards him

"Bang! Bang! "

As the blade lights made contact mini explosions rang out sending people flying

Anne wasn't only watching she let out an iconic skill of the Kinsman clan

"Flame snake bite!"

A burst flames covered her arms, then she punched out sending out a swarm of fiery serpents fling towards her enemies !


"Argh !"

As the fiery snakes made contact with the body they left terrible burns even Charing skin.

Approaching Reynard Dante sneered "Your friends don't seem to be doing so well, you sure you don't want to help them out ?"

Snorting in response Reynard said "You really don't have time to be worrying about others right now "

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