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Regardless of its looks Dante slowly opened up the space pouch and emptied out its contents and poured them out on the table.

What he found was nothing special , only some gold coins and some martial skill books for the tidal wave attack, so nothing uniquely special, at least it was that way until he found a old dusty book.

From the book cover, it seemed clear that it wasn't any type of martial skill but more like something else

As Dante opened up the book and read through it he discovered that the book was used by the slater clan elder to make some important notes and plans and was used almost like a diary by the elder

As Dante read the book he found out more and more information about the Slater Clan elders normal life. The Elder's name was Mark and his normal job was to guard one of the spirit steel mines owned by the slater Clan right outside of the city.

If Marks words could be trusted then during his guarding duties in the mines he managed to accidentally collapse part of the mine creating a new pathway in the mine. And from this pathway, Mark discovered some abnormal activity and spirit energy reactions. Too scared to tell the Clan about this discovery in case it was a serious problem and he was punished Mark decided to research the abnormal signs and activity to see what they meant and after researching through old clan documents and books he discovered what was going on.

A piece of spirit silver was forming deep in the mine pathway that Mark had discovered a forming pocket of spirit silver.

You see spirit silver pockets were rare as the material itself could be described as so dense metal just one fist-sized ball of it could weigh up to 2000 pounds.

But the weight of spirit silver was never its main selling point. That had always been its extremely magical nature. The best way to describe would be you say that if Elder Harlan, the smith of the Kinsman Clan got a hold of a ball-sized piece of Spirit silver it would he would easily be able to craft three platinum rank Spirit weapons, something he has been struggling so hard to achieve his whole life. If his luck was really good he would even be able to craft a diamond rank weapon something that was rare for even people In Big clans and Sects to even own.

But despite all its positives Spirit Silver still had its negatives. Due to its extreme magical nature, just the formation of a small piece of spirit silver drains a ridiculous amount of spirit energy from its surroundings and if not properly removed could cripple any magical energy of all minerals and metals left in the area as buy using up such high amounts of spirit energy in its formation if it is improperly removed it can drain the spirit energy of all metals left in the vicinity turning products like spirit steel into a regular metal with no magical properties greatly reducing its value and effectively crippling the metal vein.

But Elder Mark didn't seem to care about the possible side effects of crippling the mineral vein. He knew that if he informed the Slater clan he would only be slightly rewarded whilst the upper echelons of the clan kept most of the rewards for themselves, so he came up with a plan. his plan was to secretly extract the spirit Silver metal and flee the Slater clan and secretly sell it to a big sect as a gift to see if they could allow him entry into the sect and allow him to trade the metal for some elemental treasures that could be used to revive his already stagnant cultivation path that had been stuck at the same level for many years.

But unfortunately for Mark before he could act out his plan he was called to the Howling Beast Forest to assist in the attack against the Kinsman clan and was eventually killed by Rebecca causing this all to fall into Dante's hands.

Reading this Dante was ecstatic, he didn't need the spirit silver for any trades and wasn't in a rush to gain a platinum rank spirit weapon or trade it in to a Sect. Instead, he was going to use the spirit silver to unlock another Dragon soul, the spirit of The Silver Dragon.

Unlocking another dragon soul would grant him access to a wave of new abilities that would allow his strength to jump to extreme levels, which would do him much more than any few days of cultivation before the inter-clan competition ever could.

And with that Dante made up his mind. Tomorrow he would use the map of the mine tunnels left by Mark to sneak into the slater Clan mines and secretly steal the newly formed piece of spirit silver. In doing so he would not only cripple the Slater clans Spirit steel mines but also allow him to unlock his next dragon soul hitting two birds with one stone! It really couldn't get any better than that!

And with that thought Dante got prepared for the next day by gathering his essentials like recovery pills and the sort whilst also switching out his old robe for a plain black one that was less eyes catching to draw less attention when sneaking into the mines.

Happy with his preparations Dante went to sleep to be property rested for his the his Heist he would be having tomorrow. He would need to be in his best shape to make sure nothing went wrong whilst he was in their as it would basically be game over for him if he was ever caught

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