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The next morning Dante woke up to glistening sunlight rays shining down on his face.

As he got up and got ready he took all his personal belongings like his Moonlight Sword and the healing pills he might need and stored them in his recently gained space pouch

As he went to the dining hall for breakfast he noticed his father was absent once again and the only person left to greet him was Trusty maid Maria

" Good morning young master Dante" greeted Maria.

"Good morning" Dante greeted back

"unfortunately your father won't be able to join us for breakfast this morning as he has urgent clan matters to attend to"

"It doesn't bother me replied" Dante "I'm used to eating on my own"

"Oh yeah Maria, I won't be able to come home tonight I'm going training in the Howling beast forest for around 2 days so I probably won't be able to come back home" stated Dante

Hearing this Maria was worried and asked " are you sure it is safe to go back into the Howling Beast Forest after all this animosity and tension between the Kinsman Clan and the Slater Clan ?"

"You don't have to worry " replied Dante "didn't the Slater Clan reach a truce with us after the whole ordeal. I can guarantee that their would be no more attacks on the kinsman Clan until the inter clan competition at the earliest"

"Even still I'm still worried about what could happen to you in the Howling Beast Forest all by yourself" replied Maria

"Don't be there's no need, your forgetting I'm not that helpless little kid I used to be anymore. I'm a fully-fledged cultivator now, I'm different from before! "

And with that Dante ended this discussion on this topic and started eating his breakfast.

After he finished his breakfast Dante decided to head to the surroundings of the Slater clan's spirit steel mine and scope it out as he won't be entering until late at night where it would be harder for him to be spotted

After quite a long journey from the Kinsman clan, Dante arrived at the spirit steel mine.

From what he could see it was still decently guarded nothing crazy but he still wouldn't be able to just walk right in.

Occasionally young Slater Clan disciples in blue robes could be seen entering and exiting the mines carrying some newly mined spirit steel with them seemingly for some type of clan task.

From the look of things Dante's only method of entry would be the one mentioned by Mark in his journal.

If marks journal could be believed then the elder that takes over guarding duties at midnight usually shows up late. Nothing too extreme just two or three minutes late but that provided Dante with a short period of time to easily enter the mine. And if he could enter the mine he could easily dig his way out of the mine or collapse a portion of it to draw attention away to allow himself time to escape. In short it would be hard to enter but easy to exit he just needed to time it right and it would be an easy mission with him swiftly going in and out with no problems.

As many hours passed by it slowly approached the time of the plan

Looking closely he managed to spot an elder at the entrance of the

At the entrance, the middle-aged man looked around left and right before saying

"seems like my replacement is gonna be late again! I'm done waiting for this guy I just did a 13-hour shift and ill be damned if I spend another second here!"

And with those words, the elder shot into the sky before dashing off towards Brightsteel City.

Seeing the opportunity Dante didn't hesitate and dashed madly towards the entrance flickering like a ghost.

As he entered the mine he was greeted with the sight of carts and carts filled with various ores and metals

In front of Dante were two tunnels that seemed to lead deeper into the mine.

After looking carefully at the map provided by the Slater Clan Elder he confirmed that the correct path would be the left tunnel, and without wasting any more time, entered.

On his way exploring the tunnel Dante ran into many miners on the way but due to his great strength and speed, he managed to slip by them unnoticed As most of the miners were just regular people who were hired by the Slater Clan. It would just be a plain waste of resources to hire cultivators to start mining tunnels as it was just using unneeded manpower. But this simple fact allowed Dante to traverse the tunnels unimpeded.

Passing by numerous miners and taking various turns Dante's managed to reach his destination.

It was an unused dead-end tunnel branching off from one of the main ones. Although it looked like there was only a dirt wall informing of him, that was only because Elder Mark had previously collapsed the tunnel after discovering the forming spirit silver ore to make sure nobody else could find it.

After making sure nobody was around Dante brought out a miners uniform and mining pickaxe from his space bag

These would be essential parts in getting to the Spirit silver ore and his eventual escape from the mine.. Without wasting any more time Dante got changed into his miner uniform.

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