I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 38 - Getting Some Spirit Silver

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Without wasting any more time Dante got changed into his miner uniform.

After fully changing into the required outfit Dante both looked and felt the part for his what he was about to do.

Confirming that this was once again the right area from the map provided by Elder Mark, Dante started the slow but steady process of digging his way through the collapsed tunnel.

As it was collapsed tunnel the dirt wasn't solid rock, the only challenging thing about the whole ordeal was that the pathway Dante had to dig through was extremely long and in addition to this to cover his tracks Dante had to seal up the path behind him meaning that on his way out Dante would once again have to repeat this entire tiring process all over again.

After around 20 minutes of boring continuous digging Dante managed to break through a wall into a spacious cavern that had a glaring silver glow.

Spirit silver!

It seemed like the information in Marks journal wasn't false as Dante had finally managed to dig through the collapsed tunnel and find a piece of Spirit silver.

Overjoyed that he hadn't been played his whole time Dante took a second to test and access his surroundings.

He was in a large open cavern that held a blinding silver glow in the centre which we could assume was the spirit silver ore. But what was most intriguing was that leading away from the glowing silver ball were hundreds of white lines that occasionally seemed to pulse in a strong white light and Dante could feel a strong wave of spirit energy radiating from these lines.

If Dante's assumption was correct then these lines were all channels of pure spirit energy that was being drained from the surrounding environment and mineral resources forming a natural type of formation

Luckily due to its stable formation, this wouldn't have a lasting effect on the environment and if handled properly could easily be dealt with.. on the other hand, if somebody was to even slightly mess with the arrangement of the formation it could lead to devastating damage to the surrounding environment. But this didn't faze Dante as one of his goals besides claiming the Spirit Silver was to cause as much lasting damage to the Slater Clan mine as possible.

Slowly approaching the Spirit Steel ore Dante felt the air get thicker, this was likely due to the excess of Spirit Energy in the environment leading him to the illusion that the air got thicker. This sensation only increased as he got closer and closer towards the Spirit Silver ore, eventually, Dante had to squint to avoid being completely blinded by glaring light radiating off the Spirit Steel ore

Dante stretched out his hand gently placing it on top of the chunk of Spirit Silver in front of him causing his body to feel an extremely cool sensation.

After bracing himself for a few seconds Dante ruthlessly yanked at the chunk of Spirit Steel causing it to be completely removed, even taking some of the ground with it.

But before he could celebrate gathering a Piece of Spirit Silver the channels of spirit energy Flashed a dazzling white light as without the core of the formation, the piece of Spirit Steel, to regulate it the energy started rushing out of the formation madly.

Sensing such an abundance of Pure spirit energy gushing towards him, Dante wouldn't let it go to waste.

Instantly Dante began to circulate his cultivation technique "The Moon King Sutra" and instantly felt one progress.

If cultivation before was like a slow yet steady walk then using the Spirit Energy channel, Dante felt like he was driving a Formula One Racecar. It was just an incomparable speed. Quickly he felt his realm increasing first breaking through into the 3rd layer then into the 4th layer But just before Dante could break through to the 5th layer the gushing current of Spirit Energy came to an abrupt halt. It seemed that the initial draining of Spirit Energy came to an abrupt stop. Dante's only regret was that he couldn't absorb more of the energy released from the energy currents. Dante only managed to absorb 1% of the energy released from the currents due to the ridiculous pace at which the energy was being released but even with that abysmal absorption rate Dante still managed to break through to minor layers within minutes so you could just imagine how much his cultivation could have jumped if he had managed to absorb even as little as 10% of the energy released.

But Dante was in no position to complain he had just progressed a ridiculous level in such a small time frame and he was, even so, close to the next level that Dante felt with only a few days m mmm worth of training he would be able to break through into the next level with ease.

Now that Dante had managed to retrieve the piece of Spirit Silver and permanently Damaged the mine of Slater Clan, Now the only thing left to do was escape the confines of the Slater clan.

And for that to happen Dante had a special plan prepared.

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