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And for that to happen Dante had a special plan prepared.

Placing the extracted Spirit Silver into his space pouch he reached back inside again and this time he brought out a small red orb.

While it may look ordinary, don't let it looks deceive you this small orb was an explosive weapon with power comparable to modern grenades.

The only downside to these magical weapons was that they were extremely costly to make. The creation of just 1 required the use of 3 fire element Spirit stones.

Spirit Stones, we're manifestations of pure spirit energy so you can just imagine how expensive these are to make if they require 3 of those.

If it wasn't for his position as the son of the first elder allowing him to pull some strings, he would have never been able to get thee see. Weapons in such a short time.

The plan was for him to explode these orbs in certain places of the mine causing parts of the mine to collapse.

And Due to the panic of mine collapse, the miners would naturally choose to escape. And during this time Dante would blend in with the panicked crowd of miners allowing for Dante's easy escape.

The plan seemed simple was also very effective and could easily work if nothing goes wrong.

But first, before Dante could start his plan he needed to get out of this cavern. So what happened next was a long gruelling process of digging his way back out into the mines.

After around 20 minutes or so, Dante managed to finally dig his way back out into the mine paths.

Dante briefly looked around to ensure no one had seen him just crawl out of the wall. After confirming his cover wasn't blown Dante got back to the plan.

With that Dante finally started acting out his plan and began to rush through the mine pathways.

Although Dante wanted to collapse the mine, his intention was only to collapse a small portion of it as just the scare and vibrations of a small collapse would be enough to start a panic amongst the miner. A total collapse of the mine would not only make things harder for him to escape but it was completely unnecessary as after the complete extraction of Spirit Silver ore it was only a matter of time before this mine became completely useless.

Quickly Dante dashed through the surrounding mines looking for the correct weak points highlighted on the map he obtained from the Slater clan elder.

Eventually, he arrived at one of the multiple intersections within the mines that had multiple tunnels leading to it that seemed to branch into all areas of the mine.

The intersection was dimly lit with torches burning in a pale yellow, giving the place an eerie look

Dante didn't want to spend any more time in slater clan territory than necessary and quickly retrieved the explosive balls from his space bag.

The bright red spheres seemed to brighten up the place more as they twinkled in a mystical light but Dante wasn't here to appreciate the beauty of these timed explosives.

After locating a few pillars that held much importance to the structural integrity of the mine. Dante quickly began to start burying explosives everywhere, in the ground, in the walls and even the pillars themselves weren't spared as explosives began to pile up inside.

After completing his task, Dante took a step back to admire his work, the previously bland tunnel pathway had now been magnificently decorated with vibrant glowing rubies making it seem more like a royal hallway than a dirty mine shaft. But that would be where the similarities ended as unlike a royal hallway these jewels weren't just for decoration but we're instead extremely lethal magical explosives!

And with a last look at his beautiful craft, Dante started the timer for his explosives.

Not wasting a second more Dante started sprinting for the mine exit and this time he didn't even bother to be stealthy causing heads to turn in wonder as they wondered what type of ghost just passed them.

Only when he came nearer to the entrance and mine patrols started becoming common did Dante start. Walking but it seemed like he would need to walk for much longer.




Only a few seconds later did tens of deafening explosions ring throughout the mines stunning everybody present. There was a brief moment of silence as everyone was left stunned but suddenly there was a horrifying scream

"Run!! The mines have started collapsing!"

Those words seemed to start a chain reaction as people began to scream and panic while they all scrambled for the exit

"Argh!! Get out of my way!"

"Hey, don't push me !"

"Damn, just let me through !"

Shouts of panic and agitation sounded as each person began to push and brush past each other in an effort to escape the shaking mine as soon as possible.

As each person pushed past each other eventually after much grabbing and pulling, people managed to exit the mine.

It was only after they managed to escape that they realised that the shaking didn't seem to be as serious as imagined and only seemed to be a partial collapse of a part of the mine, not a complete and total collapse.

But the damage was done already, panic and doubt started to spread in the breaths of all the onlookers present.

Due to the utter panic and fear caused it would be impossible to get the miners to go back in the mine without at least several days of checking to make the mine secure. After all, money was good but it's not enough to risk the chance of dying in a collapse

As the miners were talking about the situation amongst themselves a robed figure appeared floating in the air grabbing everyone's attention.

"Hello everyone, I am the guarding elder of the Slater Clan. It seems there has been some faults in the internal structure of the mines and until we have found and solved this problem the mines will be closed for inspection"

Sighs of relief sounded through the crowd as their biggest fear was that the slater clan would force them to continue working in the unsafe mines. And now that had been resolved it seemed that they would be able to relax for next few days.

After hearing the official statement from the slater clan miners began to disperse giving Dante enough space to go himself out their.

Dante practically sprinted the whole journey home as he was just too eager to unlock his new dragon soul and see all the mystical abilities that could come with it!

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