I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 41 - Awakening Of The Silver Dragon 2

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But the panic of the Red Dragon didn't last long as a devastating red bolt of lightning was ejected from the blood-red clouds hurtling towards Dante at terrifying speeds.

Unfazed by this shocking scene Dante inhaled and as he did, fire elemental energy poured towards Dante but not just Dante, the phantom of a Red Dragon behind Dante seemed to breathe in as its chest expanded to a ridiculous size.

"Breath of the Red Dragon!"


Just as the bolt of lightning was overhead both Dante and the Red Dragon released a ferocious breath towards the sky

"Boom! "

A deafening explosion shocked the eardrums of all inhabitants of Brightsteel City while a blinding wave of Red covered the sky over Brightseel City whilst its inhabitants were wondering what apocalyptic fight was taking place.


From the mocking aftermath shot out a ferocious Red dragon releasing a victorious roar as the clouds of heavenly judgment slowly dispersed.

Now that Dante had passed the heavenly tribulation he could finally unlock his second Dragon soul.

As if to signify the starting of the process the blinding pillar of silver light seemed to fade away but instead 6 gigantic gates covered in thick golden chains appeared in the sky next to the flying red dragon.




Sounds of fierce collision sounded as one of the gates seemed to shake vigorously as whatever was trapped behind it tried to break free.


Eventually, chains on one of the gates completely fell off as a dazzling silver figure shot outside

As the silver creature escaped the rest of the gates seemed to fade out of existence.

Taking a look at the silver figure next to the Red Dragon it was clear that it was a silver dragon.

It was covered in smooth glowing silver scale, its figure wasn't as large as the Hulking monster of Red Dragon. But instead of being Mass Monster like the Red Dragon, the Silver Dragon had more of a streamlined figure with its muscles perfectly coordinated shape.

The Two Dragons Both let out Two devastating Dragon Roars that seemed to shake the whole of Brightsteel City announcing that Dante had managed to defy all odds with the birth of his Second Martial spirit!

Meanwhile deep within the hidden areas of the Kinsman clan, there was a perfectly still old man sitting in a lotus position. the old man seemed to be meditating intensely but his concentration was broken by the deafening roars of the two dragons in the sky.

Opening his eyes the old man looked around before a ridiculous smile appeared on his face.

"Those kids. I leave them alone for a few years and look how much trouble they cause."


"With such a big commotion, it seems like trouble will be arriving sooner rather than later"

"I guess I'll need to recover faster than expected, luckily Winton Managed to bring back such a mystical treasure or else might have really kicked the bucket this time!"

And like that the old man closed his eyes again and went back to meditating.

Back at the courtyard, Dante looked at the complete and utter destruction around him and almost cried.

He made the efforts coming outside in the hope that he wouldn't have to clean a big mess, but from the looks of things, making a mess would be unavoidable.

While Dante was thinking of an easy way to clean up his mess Winton floated down from the sky landing right beside him.

While Dante was going through his whole tribulation Winton was quietly watching, prepared to quickly intervene and stop the tribulation not caring if doing so would expose him to his enemies in a weakened state but fortunately for both Winton and Dante, Dante managed to pull through his tribulations by himself without no external assistance despite taking ridiculous difficulty.

"Dante," called Winton

"Huh ?" Hearing his father's voice shocked Dante out of his thoughts. Turning his head towards the sound, he saw that his father had managed to sneakily appear behind him.

"You must have used up most of your energy reserves during the tribulation, here take this," said Winton handing Dante a bottle.

"The bottle contains some energy recovering pills you can use them to quickly recover your energy as don't worry about the mess you made ill get someone to clean it up just go get some rest "

"Thanks Dad " replied Dante as he headed towards his room

"But Dante," called Winton as Dante was walking away

"I won't ask any questions on what just happened or how you did it, after all, your growing up and everyone has their own secrets, just remember if you need any help you can always come to me."

Caught off guard Dante responded

"Thanks Dad, I'll be sure to go to you if I need help with anything ."

And with that Dante slowly but surely returned to his room


Watching the confident figure Winton could help but sigh as he though

' Watching him first awaken his martial spirit and causing such a heavenly phenomenon, I thought he was a child of heaven, blessed by heavens laws. But from what I've seen today that boy, my child, he's not just blessed by heavens laws, but instead he stands above them! '

'With such a heaven-defying destiny it's only a matter of time before he runs into trouble and as his father, it's my role to protect him. '

' I need to prepare to return back to the sect, I've been gone for too long if I stay away any longer everything I've built so far will just collapse! '

And with that thought, Winton's figure flickered as he disappeared into the night.

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