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The next day Dante woke up feeling refreshed.

After he got to his room all he could remember was touching his bed, after that he instantly fell asleep probably due to the extreme exhaustion he felt using up his energy

The only problem was that in doing so he didn't have time to check his newly unlocked abilities. So after waking up Dante decided to do just that.

"System !"

" Ding !"

"Welcome to Dragon Dawn!"

After hearing that sound a holographic screen appeared in front of Dante.

On the screen there were two icons one of a roaring Red Dragon while the other was a majestic Silver Dragon standing under the moon.

Dante clicked on a new icon with the silver Dragon then a new panel appeared in front of Dante

Looking at the panel in front of him Dante assessed the new Information t in front of him

Race : Silver Dragon

Age: Whelpling (Baby Dragon)

Affinity: Mana

Innate abilities:

Dragon Fear - As True Dragon, you are at a higher level of life when compared to mortal creatures. When angered you release a terrifying aura to your surroundings causing all creatures to undergo a will check if they fail the will check the target will become frightened and immobile and in some extreme cases unconscious

Silver Dragon Breath -As a True Dragon, Dragons breath is your birthright and the first skill a growing Dragon develops and stays with the Dragon for the rest of it's life. The user first inhales gathering pure Mana towards them. The user then roars letting before releasing a wave of pure elementless energy in cone-like fashion causing purely magical damage to the target

Passive skills ( locked )

Energy points: 1

Looking at the panel Dante realised that innate abilities weren't that much different from that of the Red Dragon with the element changing from the fire towards pure elemental energy and with his Dragon soul only at the level of a whelpling Dragon he wouldn't have much energy points to work with.

Dante decided to see the unlockable passive skills at his level and added his single Energy point to the only passive ability available.

Mana touched 1/3

As a Silver Dragon, you are the most in touch with all sorts of natural mana and spells when compared to other true dragons. Due to your close contact with mana you have developed a resistance towards mana and all the various attributes associated with it granting you :

20% immunity to all magic damage at any level.

Looking at the new passive skill he unlocked Dante was left speechless. This new ability wasn't a damage reduction ability like his passive on the Red Dragon Soul, instead, it was a complete immunity meaning that the damage he received was completely nullified so from 100 points of damage he received he would only be taking 80 points of damage with the remaining 20 points of damage having no effect on him.

And the scariest part of all this was that this was only a partly unlocked passive he could still and two more energy points into the passive making the immunity much stronger.

The only downside he could think of was that due to the low level of his Silver Dragon he only got 1 energy point and hadn't even got the dragonification innate ability yet. Dante would have to wait until he levelled up his Dragon before he could see more innate abilities and passives.

Then the thought hit Dante.

Why doesn't he just ask the clan?

His dad even said to him yesterday that he would be willing to help him out and with the fact that he awakened a second martial spirit and the support of his uncle and father he should be able to persuade the clan to invest a lot of precious resources into him.

With that thought, Dante decided to put his plan into action.

As he went outside he realised that the sun was high up in the sky he had slept well into the afternoon and lots of disciples of the kinsman clan had started going around and doing their tasks.

Dante decided to go and see the patriarch to go ask him some questions about resources but as he started walking he seemed to feel numerous gazes on him.

" Isn't that Dante"

" I heared he managed to awaken a second martial spirit, the first person to do so in our Vaenam Kingdom in one hundred years !"

"If he can only have a fraction of the talent of the sword saint our Kinsman Clan will surely rise !"

Hearing all the mutterings about him Dante realised that he seemed to have underestimated the importance of a dual martial spirit.

Although Dual martial spirits seem Relatively common, it had to be remembered That was only relatively speaking, every 50 years you may have anywhere between 3 to 6 double spirit awakenings within a kingdom.

But just because they may appear within the kingdom doesn't mean that dual awakenings were happening everywhere, most Dual spirit awakenings happen between major clans in the capital city or the royal family.

It's extremely rare that a dual spirit awakening happens outside of the royal capital city.

So to the people of the Kinsman Clan, this was still an unprecedented occurrence. Something of legend that had never happened in the history of the clan, making Dante an heaven-defying genius with even more potential than the founder of the clan.

But it had to be remembered that not all dual spirit awakenings were equal if you awakened two trash martial spirits you may still be much weaker than somebody who had only awakened one single good martial spirit.

But that wouldn't be a problem when looking at Dante just based on the Chaos and heavenly phenomena caused by both of Dante's awakenings, It was clear for anybody to see that both of Dante's Martial Spirits were anything but ordinary.

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