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Before Dante's thoughts on world domination could take hold of him

He was interrupted by Winton

"Dante it seemed like your done absorbing Spirit Steel seeing how your just staring into space"

Winton couldn't help but look at Dante and couldn't help but sigh.

It seemed like every time he saw his son there would be something new changed about him.

That's not to say he hasn't seen Dante's dragonification form before. It's just that the previous form he saw was attributed towards the Red Dragon and carried a wrathful and berserk aura around it which even caused Winton to start to worry about Dante's new power because it was clear that the form was starting to affect his decision making, sometimes making him berserk and vicious.

But unlike his old form, this new form seemed to carry a more of a more regal aura almost like an extremely ancient knowledgeable being and less of a violent beast.

Breaking out of his wandering thoughts Winton continued

"Seeing as you've gained some type of new form you must have managed to somehow increase your strength but don't forget, no matter home many abilities you have Cultivation will always be the foundation of your strength. Don't let all the magical abilities you have distract you from the basics.

Because no matter all the abilities you have someone 3 cultivation levels above you has to just look at you to crush you like a bug, so don't get too arrogant."

"Hey cut the kid a break, " interrupted Patriarch Gavin ." I know he's your kid and all and of course, you don't want him to be arrogant. But you have to give credit where credits due. The kid managed to reach the fourth Layer within just barely under 2 weeks."

Hearing Gavin, Winton could only give him a mean glare for ruining his sagely image.

"Of course I knew the kid was talented I just didn't want it getting to his head, if the kid becomes Bigheaded it's all your fault, you can't say I didn't try" sighed Winton

"Don't worry dad, I won't get ahead of myself and build a steady foundation." Said Dante

"Well as long as you know," responded Winton

"Well, I and patriarch Gavin better get going there's been some suspicious activity around one of the Slater Clan mines and we've found some Slater Clan spies started to lurk around one of our clan mines, so we have to be on guard for anything they have planned" after saying that they both headed out the treasure room leaving Dante behind.

But what Patriarch Gavin and Winton didn't know was that Dante had broken out into a cold sweat as they left.

' Damn, it looks like the stunt I pulled may have had bigger consequences than I thought. The Slater Clan may even start a clan war if they don't find a solution soon.'

'I'll need to find some time to talk to the Patriarch about what's going on but for now let's just focus on the challenge at hand.'

As he thought this Dante walked his way out the shining treasure room with the guards closing the doors behind him after he left

Minutes later Dante was back inside his room as the Sun in the sky had started to set over the horizon.

Feeling that the low level of his cultivation was limiting his Abilities, Dante finally set aside time to focus on cultivation.

It felt like a with all the crazy heists and fights he'd been through In a short period of time it felt like it had been ages before he set aside time to properly cultivate.

But before he started cultivating he brought out his moonlight sword


The moonlight sword let out a delighted humm as it was brought out of Dante's storage bag.

It had been a while since Dante last used his Moonlight Sword and it clearly affected these it's as Dante could clearly feel a strong aura of sadness from the little use the sword had in recent times.

All Dante could do was comfort the sword and reassure it would be used much more often Causing it to calm down.

As the Moonlight Sword naturally attracted energy towards itself it could greatly speed up Dante's cultivation and was must have during any of his cultivation sessions.

Slowly Dante sat down on a lotus poster and started to circulate the moon king sutra cultivation technique as silvery particles of energy flowed towards Dante.

Eventually after some time Dante could felt something snap inside him then more moonlight energy poured towards him.

Dante had successfully broken through the bottle neck finally entering the 5th Layer of the Martial novice Realm !

But Dante didn't spend too much time enjoying his breakthrough as he knew his cultivation was just too low and needed to be quickly increased to play a major part in the upcoming inter-clan competition.

So after a brief moment of celebration Dante went back to the slow yet steady process of cultivation as the Moonlight Sword continued to let out a soft hum as more and more energy particles towards it speeding up Dante's Cultivation.

Slowly Dante's cultivation continued well into the next morning .

Taking a break from what felt like only a few hours of cultivation Dante looked up to find that the night had turned into Day.

It seemed like Dante had once again managed to cultivate into the next day!

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