I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 47 - Stepping Up To The Challenge

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It seemed like Dante had once again managed to cultivate into the next day!

' shit I have a fight in front of the whole clan today, I can't afford to be late to it!'

Quickly Dante freshened up and donned his favourite pair of black and gold robes that he usually wore.

After admiring his good looks for a few seconds, Dante left the house and headed towards the clan training grounds where the fights were being held.

The Clan training ground was packed with people. From the stewards to the Elders most people free from the Kinsman Clan could be found at the training ground at this time it was even comparable to the crowds at the Martial Spirit awakening ceremony.

This is all because They heard the news that, Dante The first person in the history of The Kinsman Clan two awaken 2 Martial Spirits, would be fighting the rest of the younger generation of the clan today

"To think that there would be a day when a person with two Martial spirits appears within our Kinsman Clan. This is the first time such a legendary talent has appeared inside the Kinsman Clan, with Dante it can only mean the rise of our Kinsman family!" Said one spectator in amazement

"So what if Dante could awaken 2 Martial Spirits, he's just too arrogant. To think he challenged 9th layer Martial Novice cultivators Whilst only being inside of the 4th layer himself. He's just too arrogant, doesn't he know that just being a dual martial spirit holder doesn't mean success, there have been many instances of dual Martial spirit awakened becoming nothing." Commented another spectator.

" not to mention the fact in this challenge he has to fight against the strongest people in his generation. Take one of the Ninth layer cultivators Gawain for example, not only has Gawain been cultivating for much longer than Dante he also has much more combat experience than him. And coupled with fact that Dante has to face many people like Gawain back to back, I just don't think Dante can pull this off."

"I still believe in Dante, I think you're forgetting the greatest warrior in the Vaenam Kingdom right now, the legendary Sword Saint, was a dual spirit awakener. If Dante only has a fraction of his talent as dual Spirit awakener then Dante would grow to be a top genius" interrupted another onlooker.

Both of the spectators just couldn't see eye to eye on this matter but before their argument could continue any fear a boisterous cheer erupted from within the training ground.

Dante had arrived!

As Dante approached the training ground only then did he manage to understand the scale of the spectators at this challenge.

It seemed like all the Kinsman Clan members with time had come here to watch this match.

But not only were the spectators a lot but there were also many challengers. It seemed like the temptation of becoming the focus of all the clan's resources was too much for anyone to resist hence the ridiculous number of challengers appearing.

Dante could roughly count anywhere up to 30 challengers and the crazy thing was that they were all in the 6th layer of the Martial Novice realm and above.

To make matters worse Dante recognised four Ninth Layer Martial Novice realm cultivators inside of the crowd.

Dante was pretty anti-social before he awakened his past life's memories and not much has changed since then. But even with his antisocial personality he still had to recognise arguably the strongest members of the generation.

These were the four, ninth layer cultivators present here.

Looking at the crowd it was easy to spot them as even the group of challengers made space around them to avoid them showing respect.

The most conspicuous of the four, were two brothers, Algar and Albert. Just like Brian, the two brothers were said to be born with divine strength and so their physical strength always trumped people in the same level as them.

This must have been reflected in their physique as both stood at a massive height of 6ft7 towering over the crowd. In addition to this, it was clear to see the scary amount of muscle these guys had despite both of them still wearing loose robes.

But don't be deceived by the looks of these brothers they were not even the strongest of the four.

There were still 2 people stronger than them amongst the younger generation and one of them was the only woman amongst the top 4, Savanna.

She had a beautiful face and jet black hair coupled with piercing eyes that seemed to look into your very soul.

But don't let her beautiful looks deceive you, she still was a true cultivator that had gone through numerous battles and fights to get where she was and wouldn't hesitate to kill to get her goals. She even has the reputation of the most vicious of the four with numerous stories of her shattering the spine of her enemies during battle giving her the reputation of the scariest of the four.

Last but not least was the strongest of the four, Gawain. He was a handsome young man with a charismatic smile. He seemed to command the respect of all the people, even the 3 other ninth layer cultivators showing the command and respect he received as the strongest of the younger generation of the Kinsman clan.

Of course, this was not taking Rebecca into account.

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