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"Trust me, the technique I'm about to teach you is at least 1000 times better than any Diamond Rank Martial Skill you could ever find!"

With such a bold claim, even Dante found it hard to believe Winton's words.

Perhaps sensing Dante's disbelief, Winton didn't waste anymore time bragging

"The technique I'll be teaching you today is movement technique known as Emperor's descent!"

"The principles behind it are quite simple really"

"An Emperor is the supreme ruler of his kingdom and the highest level a monarch could possibly reach. In this movement technique you comprehend the true aura Emperor and imbue all your movements with such majesty, granting you some special abilities in return." continued Winton

Even though Winton had explained the technique, he had used such abstract definitions Dante found it hard to comprehend the movement technique from just description. Winton seemed to recognise this problem and said

"Here, let me let me lower my cultivation and demonstrate, it might make it easier for you to comprehend!"

"The first stage of Emperor's Descent isn't much different from other movement techniques, by directing Spirit Energy towards your legs you strengthen them, allowing for faster and more explosive movements thus increasing your movement speed."

As Winton spoke his figure flashed, appearing several metres away before quickly appearing in front of Dante again.

Then Winton continued

"The next stage of Emperor's Descent is where things start getting a little interesting."

"This time as you move you release the aura of an emperor around you creating a field that adds pressure to others causing them to move slower inside of it."

Winton figure flashed once again but this time Dante felt like he was in a pool of mud. his movements were slowed considerably yet his thoughts still happened at regular speed. due to his speed reduction, he could only watch as Winton flashed around him while he tried to keep up, yet his slow effect made him always be a few steps behind him.

Seeing that Dante was still struggling in his aura, Winton removed it allowing Dante to regain his normal movements again.

"The third stage of Emperors Descent has a slightly stronger move. This time while moving you release a stronger version of the 'Emperor aura' causing your opponents to be briefly stunned."

As Dante saw Winton move, he seemed to be hit by a fierce black light causing him to freeze in place for several seconds.

After a few seconds had passed, Dante finally recovered his movement again but he was still shocked at the ridiculousness of this technique. during the previous attack, although he was slowed, his thoughts were still functioning fine. This meant that although he couldn't move his body he could manipulate some of his energy and abilities with his thoughts and possibly defend himself.

But at this new stage, he was left completely stunned. It was as if his mind had gone blank, leaving him completely helpless and in w world where a split second can determine your life or death, it was something Dante never hoped to experience again.

seeing Dantes shocked state Winton approached and asked

"Hey Dante, are you alright?"

"it's alright dad, I was just a little shocked but I'm fine now" responded Dante

"we've already come so far that you may as well finish demonstrating the technique," said Dante

After making sure that Dante had fully recovered, Winton carried on with his demonstration

"well, you're lucky because the next stage is the last and most powerful stage of Emperor's Descent!"

"After going through the three previous stages, by the time you reach this stage you should have fully comprehended the essence of A true Emperor, imbuing it in every movement you make ."

"The last move of Emperor's Descent follows a simple principle. and this principle is,"

"Before the Emperor,"

"All Must Kneel!"

"Using your mastered Emperor aura, you force everyone caught in your vicinity to kneel before you and only by your permission will they be allowed to stand"

Despite all Winton's explaining, Dante was still puzzled and Winton could clearly see that

"I'll just show you, maybe then it'll be easier for you to understand."

As Winton spoke the aura around changed becoming more regal, as his gaze became more and more emotionless. It was as if he was mighty a king looking at a lowly slave and this callous gaze cause Shivers to run down Dante's spine.

"Emperor's Descent!"


As soon as Winton spoke, the ground beneath him began to shake as if it had been hit by a magnitude 7 earthquake. In panic, Dante turned to look towards Winton but instead of finding his father, he found that he had been transported into a black void. But what shocked Dante the most was that in Winton's place sat a giant phantom a top of a golden throne. The phantom was ordained in a golden ceremonial robe while a crown made of stars sat on his head. The phantom was so in so large it seemed to cover Dante's entire view but to Dante's shock and horror, the humongous phantom slowly began to rise from his throne.

As he the phantom stood up Dante felt it's gaze lock on to him and stare into his very soul


A deafening command rang out in the space around Dante as he felt a enormous pressure slowly force him to his knees.


Dante exploded with all his might, even entering his dragonified form, as he tried to resist the command of the overbearing phantom. But in the ned, all his efforts were useless!

The strength of the Emperor's aura around him just couldn't be resisted as he was slowly forced to submit. As his knees got closer and closer to the ground, Dante still kept up his futile struggle. But just before his knees touched the ground Dante heard a familiar voice

"That's enough!"

Instantly Dante found himself outside of the endless void and back in the training ground.

But that didn't mean that what Dante experienced never happened, Dante's back was still covered in sweat and his muscles were still sore from resisting that enormous pressure forced on him. looking around, Dante saw that neither Rebecca nor Patriarch Gavin were in a much better situation they were both still visibly shaken by the horrifying phantom that appeared in front of them.

But the after-effects of Winton's move didn't end there, even the training ground was affected by it. Except for the area surrounding Winton the floor of the training ground had sunk by a almost 2ft due to the overwhelming pressure brought by Winton's movement, in addition to this, all the trees in the training ground had all been snapped in half facing in Winton's direction as if they had been forced to kneel before him! not even the plant life was spared from the phantom's decree!

Looking at the destruction caused by just one move, Dante knew he just had to have this technique.

I mean who could blame him, who could resist the urge to own such a mighty movement technique.

One thing was for sure, and that was Dante wasn't such a person!

"Dad, that was amazing!" complimented Dante

"Now that you have shown me a demonstration and explained the principles, is possible for me to learn the movement technique now?"

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