I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 57 - Emperor's Descent 2

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"Now that you've shown me a demonstration and explained the principles, is possible for me to learn the movement technique now?" Asked Dante

"Of course you can" responded Winton

"Here take this."

As Winton spoke he handed out a black book covered in gold edgings to Dante.

After Dante received the book on the movement technique, Emperor's Descent. He began to study the book with extreme concentration, carefully looking over each illustration, trying to grasp the mystery of each movement described inside of it.

While Dante was pouring all his focus into grasping his new mystical technique Rebecca was still recovering from what she had just witnessed

she was completely gobsmacked!

Never in her life had she seen such a mystical movement technique. She hadn't even seen anything like it while she was at the Hidden Dragon Academy, one of the strongest organisations on the continent!

When she heard her dad say that they may have better techniques than the hidden Dragon Academy, she thought it was just her dad's usual bragging, but now that she had seen it up close she found it hard to even believe her eyes.

Despite all this, Rebecca was just as excited as she was shocked.

You had to remember, Rebecca was also a cultivator and powerful techniques were as important to her as any other cultivator.

The super-strong Diamond rank techniques were still hard for her to get at the Hidden Dragon Academy as they were strictly reserved for the disciples of elders or cost a ridiculous amount of contribution points to redeem. But now things were different, now she had a way to get a technique stronger than any diamond rank technique she had ever seen in her life she couldn't let this chance slip past her

"Uncle Winton!" Cried Rebecca as she ran towards him

"Hmm?" Said Winton surprised at her sudden cry

"Uncle Winton, is it possible to teach me the same technique you taught to Dante?" asked Rebecca

"It's possible...but I won't teach you."

Hearing this, Rebecca was extremely disappointed but before she could even complain Winton continued speaking

"I won't teach you that technique as I have one much better suited for you," said Winton

Hearing this Rebecca was overjoyed. Of course it was impossible for Winton to not teach her a powerful technique, after all, Winton was her uncle who had watched her grow up. He was family, as close as you could get and he would only want what's best for her.

"The movement technique I have chosen for you is called the Dance of Abyssal Flames!" Exclaimed Winton

"Abyssal fire was one of the most deadly flames to ever come in contact with the mortal world! It was an all-consuming fire that was of both shadow and fire elements that burned its victims with excruciating pain."

"The aim of the Dance of Abyssal Flames movement technique is to mimic the nature and illusiveness of abyssal flames eventually allowing the user to become abyssal fire itself! "

As Winton spoke he handed a dusty old leather book towards Rebecca

"Here, this is the book on the Dance of Abyssal Flames , read through it and if you have any questions on it you can always find me to answer any questions you have."

Receiving such a mystical movement technique, Rebecca was overjoyed

"Thanks a lot, Uncle Winton!"

Hearing the happiness in Rebecca's voice, a rare smile appeared on Winton's face for once

"Don't mention it, your my niece after all" replied Winton

Rebecca didn't waste any more time, quickly joining Dante in studying the new movement technique she had just received.

Seeing that both Dante and Rebecca were deeply absorbed in their new movement techniques, Winton felt like now was a good time to leave, after all comprehension was a personal thing. They could be taught the initial steps but they couldn't be babysat in the whole process. In high level techniques as external guidance can only take you so far, eventually you will have to rely on your own personal comprehension to advance these techniques any further.

Seeing that Winton had started to leave the training ground, Patriarch Gavin quickly joined him but before he left patriarch Gavin kept looking back at Dante and Rebecca training. Eventually Patriarch Gavin sighed and asked

"Are you sure it's alright to teach these kids such high-level techniques? Weren't you meant to be keeping a low profile, you don't want to be discovered right?"

Hearing Gavin's question Winton eyebrows involuntarily twitched

"Why are you so worried, weren't you the one who said I could teach them some strong techniques?"

"I said you should teach them some strong techniques, not some world-ending secret moves! What are you gonna do if this blows your cover!" Said Gavin in exasperation

"It'll be fine, don't worry. Besides, by the time they've progressed far enough in the techniques to draw major attention towards themselves, I would have recovered and there would be no more reason to hide"

"I guess you would know the most about your situation and the best thing to do, I'm just asking that you think about more than just yourself when deciding these things. I just ask that you think about the clan as well, I'm not just asking as your brother Winton, but also as the Patriarch of this Clan." As Gavin said this, the usual jovial aura around him seemed to fade, being replaced by a more stoic and serious temperament, just showing how important this was to Gavin

Perhaps sensing the change in Gavin's aura, Winton stopped and looked Gavin straight in the eyes as he replied

"Trust me Gavin, I would never do anything to harm the clan, not after seeing how much effort you and Father put into this." Said Winton

"Well, that's great. I was just feeling a bit nervous with all the pressure with the Blood Moon Palace and let my emotions get a hold of me, my bad" apologised Gavin

"Don't worry I can understand" replied Winton

"How about we hit up Grandpa Bill's bakery, for old times sake?" asked Patriarch Gavin throwing his arm over Winton's shoulder as his jovial aura returned

"Extra large vanilla cream puffs?" Asked Winton smiling

"I wouldn't have it any other way!" Replied Gavin with a boisterous laugh.

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